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Thread: methandrostenolon with or without omna?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sofia, Bulgaria

    methandrostenolon with or without omna?

    Hi guys, long time no write.

    I'm a little frustrated atm, so I'll get straight to the point. I'm at the very begining of my first cycle, but I'm having some second thoughts as to what I am doing.

    After doing some good amount of research (I swear to god I busted my ass to get this very basic infromation), I bought my gear, ran heart, liver, blood and prostate tests and started the cycle.

    The results went fine and the gear I bought is 20 blisters of methandrostenolon (the real deal, 5mg, 10 in a blister, blue akrihin signs, date is stamped on the back rather than written (took me couple of days to find it, some f**k tried to sell me bottled 10mg akrihin tabs)). I also bought 8 250mg omnas, some essential forte, liv52, karsil, nolva, artrostop and shark cardriges. Also b1, b2, b12, magnesium, zinc, iron and vit. e.

    My first intention, after I read numerous text about this being a good combination was to make an 8 week cycle starting from 10mg of methane, no liver portection and no omna, going to 1 omna on 20mg of methane and liver protection and reaching a peak of 1 omna per week, 30mg of methane. Then shut the omna off at the 6th week, degrade the methane and start taking nolvadex. Then after the cycle, I was going to take pregnil to start pumpin my own test back into the system.

    Then, everything changed. A guy who I have a great respect for told me to not be stupid and not take the omnas the first time around, also to take the liver portection ASAP, because they are needed even before the cycle. He also told me not to take the nolva on the down, because I dont need it if I'm going to only take methane. I listened to him, and now I'm on my third day of methane.

    I was curious to learn how much gains I can get from methane only (I am not in a hurry to get (more) massive than I am, just curious as to how much I can expect). The guy I mentioned before told me a figure of about 200grams per day with a good diet (which I have for a couple of years now), which was a big WOW to me, cause I was expecting to keep about 6 kilos of pure muscle all in all after the cycle. Bu later on, I read an article which explained why its bad to take only methane/d-bol and how you should take a test ether (like I was inially going to do), because you will loose about 80% of what you made.

    Sorry for me to take this long to ask two simple questions, but I had to write my whole ordeal in order for you to understand I dont come with a qustion like 'plz F1, I bin takin 2 much roids and now my liver fell off', I made my homework and I contacted a doctor and a man who has had more than 20 yers of experience with roids (and is healthy as a bull still) and the more I read and listen, the more confused I get about stuff I had taken for granted that I know already. I have great respect for you guys (I remember a bald-swedish guy making a dramatic impression on me, among other which I sadly no longer remember because of my time of absence).

    So, here it goes.
    1) Do you think I will be able to keep what I gained with a methane only cycle (10 20 30 30 30 30 20 10 (I'll be taking hte liver protection the whole time, regardless of the cycle)), with takling clenbuterol, creatine and keeping my protein intake high after the cycle or should I go for the omnas (its my first time and I'm not even expecting much (by much, 10 kilos of pure muscle is a HIGE improvement in my book)).
    2) Should I take the nolva when the methane goes down or jsut keep it at hand if I feel the lumps behind my man-tits?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Your cycle layout is very very confusing - can you present it more like

    (for example )

    1-12 omna 500mg EW
    1-5 dbol 50mg ED

    then someone may be able to help you
    From what I can work out your cycle doesn't look very good at all, but it's hard to tell from your description
    Can you also post your stats, diet & training history

    I'm not even expecting much (by much, 10 kilos of pure muscle is a HIGE improvement in my book)
    10 kilos of muscle is a Huge gain for anyone !! ( thats like 25lbs if you throw in a couple of lbs of fat )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    My training experience is about 5 years now (with interuptions) , about 3 years of good training (no interuptions, not counting the intentional rests) and about 2 years of good supplementing.

    I'm 21, 183cm, 90-92 kilos, 43 (point something) arms, 118-120cm chest, 90(ish)cm waist, 65cm leg and no idea about the body fat (prolly around 15). Bench press is about 110 kilos, deadlift is about 150-160, squats about the same as deadlift (maybe a little more).

    My diet atm consists of 250grams (almost precisely) of proteins with 200grams of complex carbs and 200grams (mostly) simple carbs. The fat I tend to avoid, but not too much as to take sufficient amounts in.

    My metabolism used to be pretty fast as a kid (started off as a 60 something kilo, 184cm high kid 4-5 years back), but now it's a pain to get off all the fat after the winter.

    Now, the cycle i wanted to do initialy is 8 weeks long and as follows:
    1 omna (250mg) EW
    6 methanes (30mg) ED

    The methanes were going to go from 10mg ED to 30mg ED and down to 10mg ED at the end of the cycle. The omnas, I was going to take at weeks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - no omnas at week 1, 7 and 8.

    The questions are:
    1) Can I go with the methane only and expect to keep any significant gains, or I must take the omnas even in this first cycle?
    2) Should I wait to feel the lumps behind my niples to take the nolva, or take it when I begin decreasing the methane?

    P.S. Sorry if I sound confusing, english is (obviosly) not my first language and talking about stuff like that in it is pretty hard for me.
    Last edited by NoDude!; 08-24-2006 at 12:22 PM.

  4. #4
    To; Duke of Earl

    I NEVER get tired of seeing your avatar (picture) WOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    **** it, the (this) whole forum is full of friggin info on how you should take TEST along with those kinds of orals (methane/dianabol) in order to keep the gains. Finding this info using google is one thing, but seeing this posted here over and over again makes me sure i have to take the omna (and makes me feel kinda stupid). The cycle will be as follows:

    week 1: 10mg methane ED; 0 omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 2: 20mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 3: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 4: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 5: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 6: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 7: 20mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 8: 10mg methane ED; 0 omna EW; 1 nolva ED;

    week 9: 3000UI pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 10: 3000UI pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 11: 1500UI pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 12: 1500UI pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 13: 0 pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 14: 0 pregnyl EW; 1 nolva ED;

    The whole cycle will be acompanied by liv52, carsil and 'essential forte' (also a liver protection), these I'll continue till the 18th week.

    After that it's creatine and clenbuterol time for a slight cutting routine.

    Now, how does this sound?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    West Coast
    Ok.....if you do a d-bol only cycle, most of your gains will be water gains. You'll lose all that water after your cycle. So it would be a waste of time and money. It is a wise idea to stack some omna with your d-bols. Glad you modified your cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    week 1: 10mg methane ED; 0 omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 2: 20mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 3: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 4: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 5: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 0 nolva ED;
    week 6: 30mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 7: 20mg methane ED; 250mg omna EW; 1 nolva ED;
    week 8: 10mg methane ED; 0 omna EW; 1 nolva ED;

    IMO you're a bit young for AAS & it looks like you need to do some more research before you start, but to get you started on your research.....

    -you should be 100% sure of your cycle before you start
    -running test with dbol is a good idea ( pretty much essential IMO)
    -you need to run every thing at a constant dose (ie. dont taper up or down)
    -you should really shoot omnas ED/EOD ( say 100mg EOD ) to keep levels stable
    -your pct looks a bit messed up to me - do some more research - if it's just HCG & Nolva then you should have an AI in there & I'd shoot the HCG EOD ( say 500iu EOD )

    Last edited by Duke of Earl; 08-24-2006 at 09:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    Darn, I've already begun the cycle (4th day now) and I been up all night reading (have major headache, but I think I'm getting much closer to the truth).

    New cycle (bare in mind that I'm already on 10mg of methane ED):

    week 1: 10mg methane ED;
    week 2: 30mg methane ED; 100mg omna EOD;
    week 3: 30mg methane ED; 100mg omna EOD;
    week 4: 30mg methane ED; 100mg omna EOD;
    week 5: 100mg omna EOD;
    week 6: 100mg omna EOD;
    week 7: 100mg omna EOD;
    week 8: 1 nolva ED;

    week 9: 0.5mg arimidex ED; 1000UI pregnyl EOD; 1 nolva ED;
    week 10: 0.5mg arimidex ED; 1000UI pregnyl EOD; 1 nolva ED;
    week 11: 0.5mg arimidex ED; 500UI pregnyl EOD; 1 nolva ED;
    week 12: 0.5mg arimidex ED; 500UI pregnyl EOD; 1 nolva ED;
    week 13: 0.06mg clenbuterol ED; 1 nolva ED;
    week 14: 0.12mg clenbuterol ED; 1 nolva ED;
    week 13: 0.06mg clenbuterol ED;

    That's better eh?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    looks a LOT better mate. I think you now need to work on your diet. Diet is THE most important part of this cycle. If your not getting enough quality cals you will just be throwing your money down the drain.

    "250grams (almost precisely) of proteins with 200grams of complex carbs and 200grams (mostly) simple carbs. The fat I tend to avoid, but not too much as to take sufficient amounts in"

    You are not taking in enough of anything IMO. And why would you take in 200g of simple carbs, that is a recipe for fat gain. Don't avoid fats just use the good fats, even saturated fat is a must in the right quantity. Read the diet forum stickies. I have a diet posted in "beasts clean bulk" that has all macros and cals printed. you may find it useful. You should not have started your gear before this was all sorted. Its too late now so you have a lot of reading to get done quickly!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    Can't believe all the info on the site... It's like an internet for steroids

    I read and memorized some diets I became fond of and made some changes to them, I also read some more info (as much as I could find) on omna/meth and about PCTs.

    As the more important factor, the diet would be somewhere in the lines of:

    1) 80-100gr (the kind with the fruid, but not the ludacrisly high amounts of sugar)+100grams of cottage cheese (no salt)+one banana. All in the blender
    # 80-100gr carbs/ 25-30gr proteins/ 5-10gr fat - 500kkal total


    2) 50gr of whey proteins in fat free milk, 80gr of dextrose+water+one sqeezed lemmon
    # 85gr carbs/ 50gr proteins/ 0 fat - 500kkal total

    3) 80-100gr of brown rice+80-100gr of mixed corn/peas/carrots, 200-250gr of lean chicken
    # 80-100gr carbs/ 40-50gr proteins/ 5-10gr fat - 620kkal

    4) 100gr of peanuts
    # 15gr carbs/ 15gr proteins/ 70gr fat - 600kkal

    5) Tomato/peppers salad with 30-40gr of mixed olive/sunflower oil and 100gr of cottage cheese+vinigar+ground up olives.
    25-30gr carbs/ 30gr protein/ 40gr fat - 600kkal

    6) 40gr of whe proteins in fatty milk
    # 5gr carbs/ 40gr protein/ 4gr fat - 220kkal

    7) 8 egg whites+3egg yolkes+50gr of white cheese+some tomatoes
    # 15gr carbs/ 45gr protein/ 40gr fat - 600kkal

    The figures come out to be 350 grams of carbs (mostly complex), 300 grams of proteins, 200 grams of fat, totaling 3640kkal. I need about 3400-3500 considering my stats and workouts, I'll try to eat some more lean meat and bump up that figure to 4000kkal and 400gram of protein.

    Now, about the cycle. I think I've got the length right, the kickstart oral right, the test is right and I'm pretty confident with doing the:
    1-4, 30mg methane ED
    2-7, 100mg omna EOD

    I also know I should start the PCT 18 days after the last omna injection and it should go as follows:
    1-2, 1000UI pregnyl EOD
    3-4, 500UI pregnyl EOD
    1-4, 0.5mg arimidex ED
    5, 0.06mg clenbuterol ED
    6, 0.12mg clenbuterol ED
    7, 0.06mg clenbuterol ED

    Only thing that bugs me is when to start the damn nolva. I got the amount of 20mg ED right (I think), but I cant find one solid place where it says how I should start it after an omna cycle (maybe I aint lookin right no more, its been a hell of a couple of days of reading (stupid, stupid, stupid, never start AAS _BEFORE_ you know your shit)).

    Edit: Scrap the TCP I posted, I'm going over the stickys one more time and now I'm confused as hell, as to should I take arimidex, nolva and pregnyl DURING the cycle, continuing with the nolva, pregnyl and clenbuterol after the cycle (for 4 weeks), or should I go with the Stocky121 kind of doing it :-(
    Last edited by NoDude!; 08-25-2006 at 01:24 PM.

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