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Thread: test levels

  1. #1
    gghitz is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Question test levels

    its been just about a year since i did 4 weeks worth of superdrol i used the pct recommended online which basically did absolutely nothing for me and i wish i had been a part of this site then...i havent used anything since except creatine glutamine and protein.....about 2 weeks after i experienced very low libido and it lasted a good amount of time and after a while it seemed to get back to almost normal but i wouldnt say 100 percent....recently my friend who took superdrol the exact time as i did went and got blood work done and they found his test levels to be extremely low for a 21 year old...

    so now ive decided i think im gonna go in and get my blood work done as well but i wanted to ask a few questions first...

    Should i tell the doctor straight up the reason i want to have it done or since i had used a steroid it could somehow effect my insurance and it wont cover it..?

    and also how long does it normally take for the results to get back bc i head back to school in about a week and thats not something i want my girlfriend to intercept bc that is where im staying....

    thanks a lot guys i appreciate your time

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2006
    Don't tell him about your SD, just tell him you feel lethargic and you have a low libido and wanna get your levels checked.. Tell your girl the same thing if you don't wanna level with her.

    What was your pct?

  3. #3
    gghitz is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    i just took rebound xt the stuff they reccomended when i bought it and used milk thistle and tribulous through out it...i swear that stuff is poison i dont know any1 thats taken it without getting sides....also if i take the test and it comes up my levels are low what will they do make me take a shot once a week or something..?...thanks man

  4. #4
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2006
    I would try a real pct.. none of that store bought shit. buy some clomid and nolva and give it a whirl. If your nuts are still small get some hcg also. Try that, then get blood work done.

  5. #5
    gghitz is offline New Member
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    Oct 2005
    my nuts are fine and i used nolva about 5 months ago to get ride of some gyno that developed about 6 months after the superdrol and it went away but came back after a short period of time and hasnt grown at all since but remains the same size but its not noticible so it really doesnt bother me that much and i dont have 4 grand for sugery so theres nothing i can do about that right now....

  6. #6
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2006
    There's plenty you can do, read Cbino's gyno thread.

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