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Thread: Test Flu And Night Sweats!!!

  1. #1

    Test Flu And Night Sweats!!!

    i'm takin 150mg prop eod.

    i'm into the second week. 8 or so hrs after my injection, i get pins and needles in my hands like i have the flu (test flu)... and at night, i sweat so much its unbearable... i have to change the sheets like a couple of times during the night.

    how long will this last? what can i do to prevent/minimize this from happening?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    It's dark in here......
    not really much you can is pretty common since gear is not 100% pure. I experienced test flu from QV products, but ever since I started homebrewing, never got that problem. Just try to get some rest, make sure you are getting your vitamins and it should pass in a few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Wow. Lil extreme. Im by no means a pro, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So with that said, yes im the man. Im 4 weeks into a prop, abomb cycle. I just took my last Anadrol this morning, and this is by far a great cycle. Ive never experienced the problems you are facing. I have nothing but praise for prop so far. It sucks injecting ED. Well, in some sick, twisted way, I love it. My last(and first) cycle was strictly test e, and i was sick with the flu, twice in my 12 week cycle, for a total of 4 weeks. Its just the nature of the beast. We all react differently. Its just how much are you willing to deal with the bad sides of it. This shit your going through is part of the game. Youll pull through and make it ok. Just keep drinkin your water.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    my mind
    hmm does it make you want to sleep?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Sounds like the excess androgens are rampin' up your metabolism and possibly giving you some flu-like symptoms. Do you keep the room cool when you sleep? Do you have a fan? Getting uninterupted sleep is important - even when on a cycle.

  6. #6
    i have the fan goin and room is quite cool. i dont get uninterrupted sleep...that is the problem. when i sweat, the sheets are i have no choice but to change em... last night, i did it on 3 seperate occasions. but it only happens on the day of injection. the other days i am sweating and no flu like feelings... wierd. on a good note... the prop pain is subsiding and my injection sites do not feel sore for as long as they first did.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Because it is happening on your injection days, it sounds to me like your gear may be a lil dirty.

    Tren always makes me sweat at night. It i know its going to be bad, i take a couple big beach towels with me to bed, and lay them out, and quickly toss the sweaty one off, and lay down the fresh one. I dont even wake up when I do it anymore, its pretty much automatic.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    HHHHHHHHMMMM.....That happens to me too, but only for a few days. I suggest you eat proper and get some sleepers until it is over (be very careful they are addictive).........and also do not buy from that supplier again.

  9. #9
    Some times it happens when you shot prop EOD instead of ED sometimes shoting ED can fix that side , other times not.

  10. #10
    i've bought from my supplier many times and have never had a problem.

    the beach towel idea sounds pretty good... the only problem is that my other half is right next to me... and she will defintately wonder what is goin on. she has recently hinted that the sweating and flu like symptoms could be from the "supplements" i am taking... but i told her creatine is not associated with these side effects. damn, i wish i could send her on holidat for a few weeks... even then she wouldnt go.... "i wanna do thing's together"... off track i know but pretty funny!

  11. #11
    2 monthes?

  12. #12
    ok guys... i thought this would pass but still the same. the night sweats are still there.

    i can handle the night sweats... thats not the problem... but only if the test is working. if i'm getting night sweats cuz of bum gear...then not good!

  13. #13

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