Some good ALA info. Take time to read.
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a natural anti-oxidant which has been used for years in Europe because of it's ability to help MAINTAIN AND RESTORE LIVER HEALTH.It's anti-oxidant capabilities are so ideal it has been called “a universal antioxidant” and has been used in the treatment of radiation and mushroom poisoning, alcoholic hepatitis, diabetes-related neuropathy and (most importantly) ELEVATED LIVER ENZYMES. ALA satisfies all the criteria of an ideal antioxidant as well as has the ability to recycle vitamin E via its ability to elevate the level of glutathione (GSH) and reactive oxidants.
There are numerous molecules, known as free radicals, which cause us to age rapidly and may contribute to serious health problems. Most of these free radicals, whether they come from pollution, smoke or chemicals, can be controlled by a group of nutrients called antioxidants. One excellent example of an antioxidant is Alpha-Lipoic Acid, a substance found in food and manufactured in small quantities by the body.
In 1988, it was discovered that Alpha-Lipoic Acid was a powerful metabolic antioxidant. When taken within a comprehensive antioxidant regime, Alpha-Lipoic Acid replenishes Vitamin C and glutathione and helps to recycle Vitamin E. As an added benefit, Alpha-Lipoic Acid promotes cellular and muscular energy and functions as a co-enzyme in the metabolism of sugars.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid supplementation is necessary whenever increased energy is required; periods of strenuous physical activity and a desire for optimum vitality are excellent examples of situations with this need. It is a POWERFUL LIVER DETOXIFIER and protects against the effects of toxic metals in the liver. IN ADDITION to its effect on the REPAIR AND PROTECTION OF THE LIVER, Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps to supply energy to the brain and boosts the effectiveness of the immune system.
As an antioxidant, Alpha-Lipoic Acid is unique because it is both fat- and water-soluble. Because of this property, it can enter all areas of the cell affected by free radicals. Alpha-Lipoic Acid also helps to convert pyruvate into acetyl co-enzyme A, one of the main fuels driving the Krebs Cycle, which provides the body with its energy. As a result, one can improve the body's rate of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates while increasing athletic strength and endurance.
When combined with other antioxidants, Alpha-Lipoic Acid has the ability to lengthen cell life, fight infection, increase energy and DETOXIFY the body.
By Dr. Elvis A. Ali, ND
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