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Thread: Anadrol50...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002


    I'm taking a 5 week cycle of anadrol50. Each day I'm taking 25mg(half a pill). This is my first week, I started last Sunday the 23rd and I haven't really felt anything different, what can I do??? Also on another note will this mess with my heart because I need to run for football???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    You need to add an injectable, anadrol is a waste on it's own...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    you may see good gains, but beware when using drol alone its gonna be 90% water most of your gains are gonna go when u get off=\

  4. #4
    You can add an injectable and up the abombs to 50mg/day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    hey bro, is this your 1st cycle?
    if so then you should read a little more on how to go about things. im not flaming you, just some advice from one bro to another. ironfist is right, you should add an injectable, otherwise all the gains you make from the drol will be lost. 25mg ed is ok to start but you need to taper up and then down again if its your 1st time.(this is jmo)
    like this:
    week1 50mg ed
    week2 100mg ed
    week3 100mg ed
    week4 50mg ed.
    then get off. i dont recommend more than 4-5 weeks on anadrol. ironfist will disagree with me on this one though..........hehe.

    peace bb79

  6. #6
    alevok Guest
    Anadrol kicks in usually in second or third week, dont panic just be patient.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I just got off hemos (another name for anadrol-50). I started to get a pain in my right side. I found out it's my liver. I was on my 3rd week of hemos and 4th week of dbols. I was doing 2 tabs a day (100mg) of the hemos and 3 tabs a day (30mg) of the dbol. I am also on my 2nd week of deca. I just stopped the hemos and dropped the dosage of dbol to 15mg a day. It has been 2 days and the pain is just about gone. I just hope to god my live ris ok. I will never use the hemos again. For the gains in strength and size where little, it was not worth the liver problem

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new haven CT
    lol you taking a50 and dbols at the same time? god your liver is taking a beating. get some liver detox or milk thistle. that should help your liver a little. and why would you take a-bombs and dbol atthe same time arent they similar oral steroids?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by havoc
    I just got off hemos (another name for anadrol-50). I started to get a pain in my right side. I found out it's my liver. I was on my 3rd week of hemos and 4th week of dbols. I was doing 2 tabs a day (100mg) of the hemos and 3 tabs a day (30mg) of the dbol. I am also on my 2nd week of deca. I just stopped the hemos and dropped the dosage of dbol to 15mg a day. It has been 2 days and the pain is just about gone. I just hope to god my live ris ok. I will never use the hemos again. For the gains in strength and size where little, it was not worth the liver problem

    no wonder your liver is hurting bro, i'd be in pain too if i was doing what youre doing. you can start or finish with one or the other, but dont do both at the same time. you need some distance time wise between two heavy duty orals like that. i'd suggest doing a little research into both of these orals before you use them again. im not flamin you, but i want to.
    please use your head on your next go brother, or you may not get another cycle in.

    peace bb79

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    ya your right. it was dumb. where do i get the liver detox. thanks guys

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    do you think that i'll experience an liver problems from takng 50mg a day for 2 weeks ???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new haven CT
    you can get liver detox at any health store alpha lipoic acid works well too. any way abombs for 2 weeks wont do anything or so as i have read it takes 2-3 weeks to kick in plus youll lose everything if you do it alone becase it makes you hold a lot of water ( quantative gains not qualitative keep that in mind).... ive never taken it so i dont know from personal exprience just from what i read and what ive seen from poeple i know whove taken it..
    as for dbols those are more suitable for rookies and ive taken them and are pretty good what kind of dbol you got? i heard pink thai's are the best and ive taken white naps which were good too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Will, can I just get any kind of liver detox from say, GNC? I have stopped the hemos and continued with the dbols. I'm now doing 15 mgs of dbols and 1 cc of deca.

  14. #14
    bro, let me save you the problem of wasting your money on your first cycle like i did, A-bombs will make you stronger than a son-of-a-bitch, but you will have little to show for it after you are done. Use anapolan to kick start a cycle, that or d-bol, but don't make it your sole juice, it is not meant for that, all water bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by havoc
    ya your right. it was dumb. where do i get the liver detox. thanks guys
    Maybe you should go to mexico and shop for a new liver!.... Just ask some street kids... I am sure one will give it up.

    Ona more serious note... I know everyone has said it... but Abombs and Dbol....

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