hahahahaOriginally Posted by roidattack
hahahahaOriginally Posted by roidattack
I do feel sorry for this guy, but couldn't agree more with the above - this kind of impatience & desire for quick/instant results is what results in problems, injuries & and bad pressYes sir.
He just came out of an injury/surgery, so from what he said it doesn't seem he is at 100%. It was my opinion based on the information given, and this quote alone made me think he wasn't ready for anabolics:
"Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. The coach is pushing him to juice, I don't agree with that. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. Many young atheletes think this, because they're not willing to work as hard as the guy beside them or the coaches or their friends convince them anabolics vastly improve your performance. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice and you think this cycle will make you attain the goals put infront of you? 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours." Seems you need to make practice/diet/training more of a priority instead of leaning on anabolics to make up for your lack of discipline..
Last edited by Duke of Earl; 08-29-2006 at 08:46 AM.
Im ready to cycle... i can do cleans, squats, deads and so on my knee is better by now its been a year but still a whole half year not being able to do legs meant everything got weaker. and no matter how hard i hit the weights cardio and diet im seeing little to no results where i have to be. Im ready ive done a pretty big cycle where i ran over a gram of test but i was nervous because of the eq/deca about having a heart attack or too high BP
im a linebacker playing safety and will have to make up for my speed
so im under the impression bench has to be around 455 cleans have to be around 275-315 for 3 and squat needs to be 495 for around 3-5 at 90-100 degrees.... bar that needs to be tapped is in that area.
right now every number but my clean is 100lbs off and no matter how hard i hit the weights my bench and squat will not go up
my last cycle was test cyp600mg - test prop100ED - deca 500mg/week - dbol to kick start and winny and masteron(this was free) to finish i dont see how people cant say im ready its not like i bench 185 or something im a (3rd year) sophmore in college not high school so i feel i am ready just very nervous... how can people come on here and just act like theyve never been nervous of steroids... every first time user i would say has some gitters but this time the onyl thing im scared of is the combo of eq and deca i think i have a legitimate reason to have been nervous... also ive talked around with a few kids on the team and no1s gone that extreme on a cycle so i came here to hear about people that might have... everyone's body is different so i didnt know what to expect i wanted to hear other people that have used this and came out fine because i feel like i treat my body with alot of respect on how i diet and train so i think it can handle a great deal... with that said im ready to use again and im just going to use the BP machines at the drug stores... i dunno how you cant say those aern't accurate thats like saying the pills for prescriptions they give you aernt accurate... thats about the dumbest thing ive ever heard... my intro to phys science teacher said every1 should go once a week to those machines... why would he guide us into a BP machine that doesnt work....... or let me guess u got the inside on a cvs BP machine and know theyre wrong
sorry didnt read the whole thread but i think the public in general is stupid when it comes to AAS.I mean youll die from ingesting a bottle of aspirin before youlll die from injecting AAS
I dont no it might just be me. But i dont think that is that crazy of a cycle. I mean yes it's hard core but not nuts. Let me show you nuts.
1-4 drol 100mg day
1-4 test susp 100mg day
1-8 test sust 250mg eod
1-8 npp 200mg eod.
8-16 tren- 150mg day
8-18 var 60mg day
1-4 8-12 16-pct IGF lr3 100mcg ed
1-pct gh 4iu 5 on 2 off.
4-8 12-16 slin 5iu pwo
WQelcome to gsxxr's next up comming cycle. And still not that crazy.
Hawthorne berry extract can be very beneficial to your blood pressure.
Brutesinme thank you for that... been look around a little bit and that seems to be the best supplement overall for heart and blood pressure... will def. put a daily serving in there
by the way i dont think people understood when i said will i die? meaning the liquid itself the moment it injects into me ill fataly collapse and die... no i mean with all those milligrams over time and working out hardcore at the gym could i die of a heart attack or hbp.... and i know theres always a chance everyones body is different but does that seem like a cocktail that is unsafe and most have said no... so thank you
I'm not saying you're not old enough or experienced / mature enough - you sound like you are - it's more that you're wanting to cycle out of desperation to get somewhere fast, whilst recovering from an injury - it just sounds like you're trying to push yourself too hard too fast & may cause more harm than good.Im ready to cycle...
That's not a bad ass cycle but a stupid cycle. Who are you trying to kid with by posting 1000 mgs of drol a day. You need a hammer to the head my friend.Originally Posted by gsxxr
Now for everyone else, Why Prop and D-Bol? If your going to use the D-bol, you don't need the Prop to kick start the cycle.
Originally Posted by Surrender
It was a typo obviously, which was already pointed out and covered.
I got all the info. I think most of the responses were helpfull. Im 23 and theres no turning back i dont see why i wouldnt. I mean i have at least a goal and reason i would say most AAS users are men over 40 just trying to look good... (i may be wrong) but if not football then what reason to use... i mean when a 50 yr old guy comes here saying he wants to use aas to feel young again or to be more energetic or just to look better no one knocks him on that but i think it's less appropraite for older men to do this... what about their kids, wife, and jobs i mean along with being toxic to your body it can also make people mad at their family members for what reason... just to look better.... im single i live by myself and this is the difference from free college to dropping out and gettin a job as a mailman and never being able to do the career i want not being able to afford college... so i think i might be rushing it... but to be honest a year off from AAS rehab when perfect..... What's holding me back???? So i figure one or two at the most cycles and that's it after college i don't care how big i am ill have my degree and that will be that with AAS... i think the real people you should say not to use are the people with reasons just wanting to stay young.... "anti-aging" shyt this is life thats what you do is age....... deal with it as best as you can and move on
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