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  1. #1
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Extreme Cycle... Could I die... seriously

    Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice. 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours.

    Here is my next cycle and i want to know could i die with all these chemicals

    Test Ent 750mg weeks1-13
    Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks1-7
    EQ 600mg weeks1-10
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Dbol 40mg/ED weeks1-4
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED weeks1-18
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .25 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 1-20
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Last Cycle included.... test cyp, prop, winstrol , deca and of coarse proper pct

    My question is very serious could i die? The only way i go to college is if i play football so no school no job no job no home no home and im on the streets so everything leads back to me having to complete these goals... I know that is an extreme amount for a kid my age. I have done one large cycle before that... do people feel im at least being smart with all the prop accicleries on hand and could this really hurt me in the long run.

    No flaming serious responses only... just want to know my chances of not having heart failure or liver malfunctions... please take this seriously

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    thats not a bad cycle at all ihave seen a lot lot worse just ask TAI lol.

    if your running letro through your cycle i see no need running the nolva all the way through just leave that for pct
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    You dont die from injecting AAS. There are plenty of guys who use a lot more than you. But anyways if you were to die it would be from the heart problems more than likely, high blood pressure and or clotting etc, causing a heart attack or even a stroke or something. But there is not set limit or cycle that we can look at and say "oh ya...hes a goner with that one." Just impossible to tell.

    The cycle isnt very good imo, but if you wanna run it just be sure to get bloodwork done and what not to make sure you are always within healthy ranges and not putting yourself at risk.

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Yes you could die, but more than likely you'll just fuk your hormone levels up and make for a very hard recovery, depending on how your diet/training is once you come off the cycle most gains will probably be lost.

    But all in all it's a nice cycle for someone who has everything down perfectly, which is sounds like you're not that guy.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
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  5. #5
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks stocky( i feel a little better)
    Cbino obviously i know AAS itself isnt going to kill you but in the gym i do alot of cleans and deadlifts and i just dont want my heart to explode so that's what i was asking but you pretty much answered that there is no set amount... and why is the cycle bad IYO

  6. #6
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice. 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours.

    Here is my next cycle and i want to know could i die with all these chemicals

    Test Ent 750mg weeks1-13
    Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks1-7
    EQ 600mg weeks1-10
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Dbol 40mg/ED weeks1-4
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED weeks1-18
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .25 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 1-20
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Last Cycle included.... test cyp, prop, winstrol , deca and of coarse proper pct

    My question is very serious could i die? The only way i go to college is if i play football so no school no job no job no home no home and im on the streets so everything leads back to me having to complete these goals... I know that is an extreme amount for a kid my age. I have done one large cycle before that... do people feel im at least being smart with all the prop accicleries on hand and could this really hurt me in the long run.

    No flaming serious responses only... just want to know my chances of not having heart failure or liver malfunctions... please take this seriously
    Are you kidding me, Die from this? this is not exactly what I'ld call a heavy cycle bro. bu tthere are a few things yo ucan omit, leave out, not necessary, like prop week 1 to 4 is good, not to 7 weeks. the EQ doesnt have to be in there either. dont see any reason for t-3 either, but to each his own, bro you dont have to worry about dying. accutane, is questionable, if yo uget bad acne then use it i fnot then dont accutane and d-bol at the same time is a strain on your liver, but it wont kill you. dont get in the mind frame that the more compounds you do the bigger you are going to get, not true. if you really want to get big you have to eat BIG. good luck.

  7. #7
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Why dont i have everything down perfectly... im an exercise science major univerisity... so training and dieting is in check

    had a major knee surgery on three ligaments so my stats have gone down and the program expects me to be up and running by next year...

    how could you say i don't have everything in check when i just did months on researching what chemicals to take and when to take them and put together a nice looking advanced cycle then you say i don't have everything in check when i list all my PCT and not to mention im an exersice science major

    ... i think people like to flame more than help when questions are asked on this particular board although stocky121 gave a reasonable comment

  8. #8
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    thank you Mrmention. i will keep that in mind when im in my apartment cooking on the grill instead of eating at the universitys dinning commons

    i dont nessecarily think more compounds... youll get bigger but again i only take the deca because it helps SO much on my knee other than that id drop it... EQ was in two cycles ago and my BF went down and an extreme vascularity was gained.... i got the test prop for free and i acctually do want to take 400mg more test than any other compound so therefore combining that with the ent. will do that and the dbol was free so i could always use dbol and t/3 is because theyre moving me to strong safety and all throughout highschool i played Linebacker but at this school theyre stacked with that position so he wants me to be 220 with 5-8 percent body fat and i felt with the increase in appetite you get with the EQ the only way to burn it off is with the cytomel plus by then ill prob be around 230-240 with the dbol and prop so that will lean me out

    but thank you very intelligent response... and there is mine

  9. #9
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Yes you could die, but more than likely you'll just fuk your hormone levels up and make for a very hard recovery, depending on how your diet/training is once you come off the cycle most gains will probably be lost.

    But all in all it's a nice cycle for someone who has everything down perfectly, which is sounds like you're not that guy.
    Yes, Why are you like that? the dude ask for no flaming, if you cant help or have anything positive to say, then dont say anything at all.

  10. #10
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    thank you Mrmention. i will keep that in mind when im in my apartment cooking on the grill instead of eating at the universitys dinning commons

    i dont nessecarily think more compounds... youll get bigger but again i only take the deca because it helps SO much on my knee other than that id drop it... EQ was in two cycles ago and my BF went down and an extreme vascularity was gained.... i got the test prop for free and i acctually do want to take 400mg more test than any other compound so therefore combining that with the ent. will do that and the dbol was free so i could always use dbol and t/3 is because theyre moving me to strong safety and all throughout highschool i played Linebacker but at this school theyre stacked with that position so he wants me to be 220 with 5-8 percent body fat and i felt with the increase in appetite you get with the EQ the only way to burn it off is with the cytomel plus by then ill prob be around 230-240 with the dbol and prop so that will lean me out

    but thank you very intelligent response... and there is mine
    Well it seems that you have everything down. not bad at all. now I understand why the prop for so long. and the EQ. I actually did the same eq + deca combo once before, used the deca for my joints and the EQ for appetite.

  11. #11
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you, honestly i need to look like you picture in the coach's vision or i aint playing and i need whatever positive advice i can get... im taking 5 count them 5 anti-estrogens or horomone recovery aids... how is that enough... what else do you suggest so i dont f them up dont just say youll f up all your horomones then say the cycle sucks... shyt took me 3 months to figure it out and ive gone on about 10 different boards just to figure this out... seems like this board you got half the people trying to help and the other half just put down

  12. #12
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Well it seems that you have everything down. not bad at all. now I understand why the prop for so long. and the EQ. I actually did the same eq + deca combo once before, used the deca for my joints and the EQ for appetite.
    How high of dosages did you use on the EQ and Deca ? Everyone I've known that's ran that combo ended up with bp through the roof.


  13. #13
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice. 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours.

    Here is my next cycle and i want to know could i die with all these chemicals

    Test Ent 750mg weeks1-13
    Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks1-7
    EQ 600mg weeks1-10
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Dbol 40mg/ED weeks1-4
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED weeks1-18
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .25 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 1-20
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Last Cycle included.... test cyp, prop, winstrol , deca and of coarse proper pct

    My question is very serious could i die? The only way i go to college is if i play football so no school no job no job no home no home and im on the streets so everything leads back to me having to complete these goals... I know that is an extreme amount for a kid my age. I have done one large cycle before that... do people feel im at least being smart with all the prop accicleries on hand and could this really hurt me in the long run.

    No flaming serious responses only... just want to know my chances of not having heart failure or liver malfunctions... please take this seriously

    There is a few things you can tweek.

    This is how i would run it.

    Test Ent 750mg weeks1-13
    Test Prop 100mg EOD weeks1-5 150mg eod or 75mg day.
    test prop 12-15 right up to pct
    EQ 600mg weeks1-11
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Dbol 40mg/ED weeks1-4
    Nolvadex 20mg/ED weeks1-18 I would drop this and just have it on hane and for pct
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .25 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 5-pct. your not going to brake out till later in the cycle and throw pct. Pct is were your going to get the most acne. So why not run it throw.
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 15-17 you need to start week 15
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily
    Last edited by G-1000; 08-28-2006 at 01:05 PM.

  14. #14
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    GsXXr... that sounds great... good idea with the prop and ya with the nolvadex thats kind of what i had in mind... i always have it on hand but by 18 if i feel good then ya im stoping it there... and thanks for the clomid advice im reading the pct and ya 2 weeks after i start is a better time... and i can do that with the eq also so those changes are being made

  15. #15
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Bloodwork needs to be done every 4 weeks IMO.


  16. #16
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    I am scared with my BP... these are the negative concerns on my part... ya i may have been extreme by flat out using the word dying... but high BP and a heart attack could be fatal... also a stroke among other things with the risks... id love to hear from someone who kept there BP in check using the two and how they did it?

  17. #17
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    If i get bloodwork done every four weeks... i can't see my doctor he lives in my original state... remember i am down here at school 1500 miles away... i have access to a BP machine obv the drug stores but what else would need to be checked on because the little health department on campus probably isn't going to do bloodwork on a steroid user who is by the way breaking ncca rules

  18. #18
    G-1000's Avatar
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    your young just keep sodium intake low.

  19. #19
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I would be watching for RBC problems too. If you start feeling weak and tired all the time get it checked.

  20. #20
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    If i get bloodwork done every four weeks... i can't see my doctor he lives in my original state... remember i am down here at school 1500 miles away... i have access to a BP machine obv the drug stores but what else would need to be checked on because the little health department on campus probably isn't going to do bloodwork on a steroid user who is by the way breaking ncca rules

    Just make friend with the people in the infirmary so you can go get checked 1 a week.

  21. #21
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I say we should kick this sysle up and make it a real Extreme one.

  22. #22
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    If i get bloodwork done every four weeks... i can't see my doctor he lives in my original state... remember i am down here at school 1500 miles away... i have access to a BP machine obv the drug stores but what else would need to be checked on because the little health department on campus probably isn't going to do bloodwork on a steroid user who is by the way breaking ncca rules
    Then dont cycle all those compounds. Keep it simple and safer. More compounds, often means more sides. And..Even if you do get sides, determining which compounds have caused these sides will be far more difficult.

    If you cant keep track of how your body is coping with all these additional chemicals, I wouldnt be cycling.

    I dont feel enough people get bloodwork done any way doing standard test only 250-500mg/wk cycles. Your doses, durations and number of compounds makes it a lot more important to get it done. And more often.

  23. #23
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Lol all the comments are really helpful... ive been to the infarimry once here and its old nurses... they didnt even have pennicylinn lol for strep throat they gave me robotussin...... HB.... robotussin...... heart attack....... robotussin that seems to be there answer there is a hospital very near by but not sure if insurance covers is but im going to give it a try... my diet is great and ill make sure it's that much better and keep sodium levels down... anyone know any natural vitamin maybe i should take??

  24. #24
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Just haveing some fun. This is some food for thought.

    Test Ent 1g weeks1-13
    Test Prop 125mg ED weeks1-4 and 12-15
    Npp 100 mg ED 1-5 10-14
    EQ 600mg weeks1-11
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Drol 1000mg/ED weeks1-4
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .5 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 5-25
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Nolv 40mg ed 13-pct
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Now we have a bad ass cycle.

  25. #25
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    ahah i don't know man im a college student living off a tight budget i just got a great connect plus a few friends went through me thats how i have that gear already... im not rich by any means and that cycle only cost 400 bucks out of my pocket

  26. #26
    2.minutes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Just haveing some fun. This is some food for thought.

    Test Ent 1g weeks1-13
    Test Prop 125mg ED weeks1-4 and 12-15
    Npp 100 mg ED 1-5 10-14
    EQ 600mg weeks1-11
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Drol 1000mg/ED weeks1-4
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .5 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 5-25
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Nolv 40mg ed 13-pct
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Now we have a bad ass cycle.
    I would run dat when am around 50 to make sure i had fun in life and have nothing to lose if i died

  27. #27
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Best of luck. If you need any thing you know how to find me.

  28. #28
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2.minutes
    I would run dat when am around 50 to make sure i had fun in life and have nothing to lose if i died
    That is not a bad cycle at all. All your doing is jump start the test and deca with short esters. Still all the same hormones.

  29. #29
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    im excited now that i got all this positive info... i live in a southern state so i was thinking this march im either going to be the biggest guy at the beach or have the biggest coffin made for me.... but everyone gave me positive insight.... now all i gotta wory about is keeping my skin clear... hoping the drop of accutane which has been reported to work well without the sides for people with low acne also the sun and tanning if the deca makes my back look like it did will clear that up...

  30. #30
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    haha one of my roomates just joked to me when am i gonna make it a real cycle and thro some hgh in there.... what do people think about that

  31. #31
    G-1000's Avatar
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    to young no need.

  32. #32
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Just haveing some fun. This is some food for thought.

    Test Ent 1g weeks1-13
    Test Prop 125mg ED weeks1-4 and 12-15
    Npp 100 mg ED 1-5 10-14
    EQ 600mg weeks1-11
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Drol 1000mg/ED weeks1-4
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .5 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 5-25
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Nolv 40mg ed 13-pct
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Now we have a bad ass cycle.
    1000mg ED must be a typo overall not a bad cycle, right now I'm just doing a mild cycle at Test E 1000mg/ week and deca 600mg/week. front loaded with prop and anadrol . this is only a 12 week cycle.
    Also I told you I did the EQ/Deca combo, I did 600mg/ 600mg/ weekly. honestly I didnt worry about HBP, but this was a few years ago.

  33. #33
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    yea the 1000mg of drol better b a typo lol

  34. #34
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    yea the 1000mg of drol better b a typo lol
    I can see it now... BP 2000/1000... lol

    Best of luck to you bro..Im definately not going to knock you for doing this cycle at a young age when you have basically described that your future and life depend on being back into shape. Just think, there are plenty of dudes in football with no knowledge of AAS running horrible cycles so I'd say you have one up on them...Good luck!

  35. #35
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    All the comments have been more than helpfull.... and trust me the gear wont go to waste... all this means is more cleans more deads and an even tighter diet

  36. #36
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Yes, Why are you like that? the dude ask for no flaming, if you cant help or have anything positive to say, then dont say anything at all.
    Yes sir.

    He just came out of an injury/surgery, so from what he said it doesn't seem he is at 100%. It was my opinion based on the information given, and this quote alone made me think he wasn't ready for anabolics:
    "Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. The coach is pushing him to juice, I don't agree with that. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. Many young atheletes think this, because they're not willing to work as hard as the guy beside them or the coaches or their friends convince them anabolics vastly improve your performance. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice and you think this cycle will make you attain the goals put infront of you? 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours." Seems you need to make practice/diet/training more of a priority instead of leaning on anabolics to make up for your lack of discipline..

    Btw, MrMent.. I didn't ask if you like my opinion on the matter nor do I care, so you give yours and I'll give mine, just lookin out for the guy.. Anyone who thinks they might die off a mickey mouse cycle like the one mentioned above obviously is a bit on the nieve side about anabolics and doesn't need to run such an advanced cycle. again JMO.. don't get so upset, just skim past this and move on.

    Also you guys are recommending a cycle to someone whom you don't even know his position on the team/previous cycle history/barely know his stats/goals from cycle/not to mention you'll are bodybuilders recommending a cycle for a football player.. gimme a break.. I would give very different recommendations depending on what his role on the team is and position be played. A linebacker would need different compounds IMO then say a Offensive lineman.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 08-28-2006 at 09:56 PM.

  37. #37
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Just haveing some fun. This is some food for thought.

    Test Ent 1g weeks1-13
    Test Prop 125mg ED weeks1-4 and 12-15
    Npp 100 mg ED 1-5 10-14
    EQ 600mg weeks1-11
    Deca 600mg weeks1-10
    Drol 1000mg/ED weeks1-4
    HCG 500IUs/EOD weeks 4-6, 9-11, and 12-15
    Letro .5 E/D weeks5-12
    Cytomel Tamper up 75mcg/ED weeks 7-11
    Accutane 10mgE/D weeks 5-25
    Clomid Tamper Down Routine Listed on the board weeks 14-17
    Nolv 40mg ed 13-pct
    Liv-52 2 pills daily weeks 1-20
    Vitamin B6 200mg E/D weeks 1-12
    Animal Pack once daily

    Now we have a bad ass cycle.

    My mom did this exact same cycle..gained 60lbs but now she want us to call her dad.

  38. #38
    rise2gr8ness's Avatar
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    Maybe I missed this, but how much muscle/lbs (stregnth) are you trying to gain?

  39. #39
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
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    Dude the only advice I have for you is that the bp machines in the stores are bullshit, have the team doctor check you bp every week theres no harm in that, as far as the cycle goes I'm doing my first, so I don't know shit. Good Luck! and uhh keep some heating pads on hand, pin cusion.

  40. #40
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    extreme cycle ...could I die...seriously

    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Yes sir.

    He just came out of an injury/surgery, so from what he said it doesn't seem he is at 100%. It was my opinion based on the information given, and this quote alone made me think he wasn't ready for anabolics:
    "Ok this is my third cycle and right now i am way behind where i need to be. I injured my knee 1 year ago today i got the surgery done and the football coach at my D1AA school will not accept anything less then the numbers he gave me. The coach is pushing him to juice, I don't agree with that. I am sooooo far behind this is the only way. Many young atheletes think this, because they're not willing to work as hard as the guy beside them or the coaches or their friends convince them anabolics vastly improve your performance. I would say train harder but these are unreachable goals without the juice and you think this cycle will make you attain the goals put infront of you? 23yrs old and 3rd cycle all because of football. Don't get me wrong i work hard do all major football lifts but i work 40 hours per week and school 17hours a week and gym two hours a day.... theres only so many hours." Seems you need to make practice/diet/training more of a priority instead of leaning on anabolics to make up for your lack of discipline..

    Btw, MrMent.. I didn't ask if you like my opinion on the matter nor do I care, so you give yours and I'll give mine, just lookin out for the guy.. Anyone who thinks they might die off a mickey mouse cycle like the one mentioned above obviously is a bit on the nieve side about anabolics and doesn't need to run such an advanced cycle. again JMO.. don't get so upset, just skim past this and move on.

    Btw, I'd love to see pics of the guy and see his so-called "numbers" that can't be improved upon unless he juices. Also you guys are recommending a cycle to someone whom you don't even know his position on the team.. I would give very different recommendations depending on what his role on the team is and position be played. A linebacker would need different compounds IMO then say a Offensive lineman.
    Well I have to say that I agree with what This man just said.I just read this guys cycle and the first thing i said to my self is.."why would he think he's going to die from this cycle?"Who even knows who this guy is???Think about it...everyone of the guys with experience said"No of course you're not going to die"...Thats cause you guys have had experience and know what AAS do...this guy obviously offense to you bro but if you even thought there was a chance your health might be at stake why would you risk it???I say this if you had to ask that question then you're not eady for that cycle!!!!

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