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Thread: Injectable winny

  1. #1

    Injectable winny

    Whats the average dosage to be taken? Is it taken everyday if Im doing ED shots of prop/tren?? Can winny be mixed with prop and tren same syringe? I hear injectable winny is alot better than oral, since passes 1st liver passage and so on. Who has done injectable winny? I know some are water based and some are oil based. If my prop/tren is oil based, can you mix with waterbased winny?? What about drinking it if its waterbased? Can you drink it if its oil based?
    Last edited by seriouslifter; 08-29-2006 at 08:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    winny realy should be taken twice a day to get its full benifit since it's half life is only around 8 hours......

    50 mg a day split into two doses 25mg in the am and 25 mg in the pm is a good dose to start with.....

    Yes you can mix it with prop and tren......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Damnit you edited your post before I was done typing......Yes you can take oil base winny oraly also......It does not matter if it is oil or water based it can still be mixed with the tren and prop...

  4. #4
    That means I would have to inject twice a day, I rather just have it mixed with the shot already for the prop and tren. I dont think I would notice for the full effects with the 8 hour half life. I took oral before at 50mg caps. Also so this has to be taken 50mg ed?? This stuff is expensive then, dont people do EOD for the winny injectable. Is the only difference between drinking it and injecting is the 1st liver bypass?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    It's ok to take an winstrol inject daily. Better twice daily, but once is fine. You can mix it.

    Personally I'd just drink it. It looses around 18% effectiveness if I remember correct when taken orally.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    winny realy should be taken twice a day to get its full benifit since it's half life is only around 8 hours......

    50 mg a day split into two doses 25mg in the am and 25 mg in the pm is a good dose to start with.....

    Yes you can mix it with prop and tren......
    Incorrect. The stanozolol will be dispersed in the muscle over a longer time period.

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