I'm thinking of adding anavar to my next cycle and am wondering whether it would be ok to run it for the entire 12 weeks since it is not especially liver toxic (compared to other orals). I was planning on using about 60-80mgs daily. The other option would be to run the var for only the final six weeks (7-12).
Basically, my two options are as follows:
Option 1
Sust 500mg weekly - weeks 1-12
Equipose 400mg weekly - weeks 1-12
Deca 300mg weekly - weeks 1-10
Anavar 60mg daily - weeks 1-12
Option 2
Sust 500mg weekly - weeks 1-12
Equipose 400mg weekly - weeks 1-12
Deca 300mg weekly - weeks 1-10
Anavar 80mg daily - weeks 7-12
26 years old
Lifting 6 years
6'1 213lbs and 11% bf
Approximate lifts, Deadlift 425, Squat 450, Bench 310.
Last cycle finished mid july (300mgs deca weekly) and pct just finished. I started the last cycle before finding this board and I have hopefully gained some knowledge over the past few months. I did an earlier deca only cycle about 3 years ago but diet was bad and I'm uncertain if the gear was even legit. My avatar is a fairly recent pic to get an idea of my size and bf although I have lost a little bf since it was taken.
I am debating entering my first comp next summer and my next cycle will be used to add some mass without putting on too much fat. I would also like to see how my body responds to the compounds so that it will help in determining my pre-comp cycle. This will not be used as my pre-competition cycle.
EDIT: I posted previously asking about this cycle minus the var. I'm really requesting comments on the Var questions.