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  1. #1
    jamesg is offline New Member
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    Question Need a pct suggestion for big maybe to big a cycle

    1-16 750mg test E per week
    1-14 600mg Deca per week
    1-50 days 50mg Dbol per day
    7-14 525mg Tren per week 75mg per day
    11-18 100mg Winny per day
    .25 mg liquidex per day
    I have done a few cycles before but never really considered a pct. I have gained around 25 lbs of solid weight. In the process of starting the winny and just want some insight on bringing the boys back. Maybe it was too much maybe not just wanted to try it out and any help on pct would be great. i have clomid and nolva on hand if needed. thanks.

  2. #2
    Da_Mayor is offline Junior Member
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    Dude you got your shit messed up you will crash bad and suppress your natural testosterone levels , you might even shut it down completely and then have to get gear to get it back up. The tren should be run in the first few weeks otherwise you will crash bad if you use it at the end. Also you could break what you got into two different cycles maybe the deca and test in the first one and tren and winny in the second one- do some more research on here before you go with that cycle plan

  3. #3
    Da_Mayor is offline Junior Member
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    to bring the boys back try using 250 ius eod of hcg while on cycle or some people say to start it at a higher dose two weeks after your last injection. I tried both and think that during cycle at small doses is best

  4. #4
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Da_Mayor
    Dude you got your shit messed up you will crash bad and suppress your natural testosterone levels, you might even shut it down completely and then have to get gear to get it back up. The tren should be run in the first few weeks otherwise you will crash bad if you use it at the end. Also you could break what you got into two different cycles maybe the deca and test in the first one and tren and winny in the second one- do some more research on here before you go with that cycle plan
    Sort of.
    Thats not really true about the tren . He's got 2 more weeks of a long estered test, plus 4 more weeks of winny. There won't be any tren in his system. Once you are shut down, youre shut down...Doing less juice doesn't aleviate that. The problem arises when there are those nasty tren metabolites hanging around going into PCT...which there wont be.

  5. #5
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    I see your logic behind your cycle. LIke Mayor said though, it is a little on the long side. My last was 16+ weeks and it was a bulk/cut. Honestly I began to feel a little burned out after 12 weeks.

    However, if you keep it, this is what I would do:
    If you don't run HCG throughout, then I would start it in your last two weeks of Winny. I would also run the winny out maybe another week...I like to know that there aren't any leftovers in our system and you certaintly won't be going catabolic becuase of the Winny.

    If you are going to use both Nolva and Clomid, then a standard PCt should be fine...maybe a little longer though.
    1-14 100mg Clomid
    1-14 20mg Nolva
    15-28 50 mg Clomid
    15-28 20mg Nolva
    29-35 20mg Nolva

    ...or something like that...

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    A little late, but welcome to the board. By the way, what are your stats?

  7. #7
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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