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Thread: t3 question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Question t3 question

    actually I'm taking cytomel 50 mg ed since 4 weeks with winny 50 mg ed,just burnt fat,no muscles.
    I'm in a cutting cycle and I want to increase the cytomel doses to 100 mg ed for 3 weeks but I was afraid that with 100mg ed of cytomel,50 mg ed of winny wouldn't be enough to avoid burning muscles ?? should I bump up the winny doses to 100mg ed ?

  2. #2
    I think youll be just fine bro, just make sure to keep your protein itake high and take it easy on the cardio. I am curretly on T3 and actually gaining big time, I am stacking it with test. I got great gains by running winny at 60-70mg/day before try bumping it just a bit for better results. At 100mcg youll be just fine around 200-250mcg you should be concerned about muscle breakdown.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bumping this one back to the top for more opinions...

    I've been running T3 myself at 50mcg for the last week while bulking and want to bump it to 100mcg starting next week... Stacking it with clen and will continue running Test at 750mg week deca 400mg week and adding winny at 50mg... while lowing my carb intake to start burning off some BF...

    Fisrt time running T3 so I'd like to hear more from you guys that have ran it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I run t-3 and clen with all my cutting cycles. I run it like Cycleon says in this thread. I've peeked as high as 150mcg but 100mcg works.

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