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  1. #1
    Ally1's Avatar
    Ally1 is offline Female Member
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    Clen and T3 dosage

    Could somebody please give me some guides as to what sort of dosage and time i should do with t3 and clen . I have 40mcg clen tabs and 50mcg t3 tabs. I have used them both before but not together so am unsure of the period (eg 2 weeks on then 2 weks off?) and the strength eg should i pyramid up and down with both?

    Thanks! Stats are - female, 5'4", 126lbs, 20-22%bf

  2. #2
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    The clen can be run for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, or 6 weeks straight with benadryl taken everything third week. The T3 should be run straight for 6 weeks. The T3 needs to be pyramid in dosage. Start at 20mcgs and work your way to your max dose, increasing 20mcgs eod-e3rd day, and taper back down.

    The clen should start at 20mcgs, and increase 20mcgs daily untill your max dose is reached. Then run that dose for the rest of the cycle, it does not need to be taper like T3.

    The max dose of both is determined by the person. When the shakes and cramps get too harsh, then the clen max dose is reached. T3 has different sides. I would not go past 60mcgs daily. I ran T3 at 80mcgs and it was MORE than enough for me.

  3. #3
    Ally1's Avatar
    Ally1 is offline Female Member
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    Thanks for the info!!

  4. #4
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    You dont need to taper off of t3 and depending on your dose/goals you can run it for the duration of your cycle. 70mcg wasnt cutting it for me. Im currently on 125mcg ED. But since your a chick im sure 75 will suffice.

  5. #5
    Ally1's Avatar
    Ally1 is offline Female Member
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    I have used t3 before and got good results from tapering up and down for 6 weeks, my max being 100mcg. So based on your feedback, a 6 week cycle should look something like this:

    Wks 1 - 6
    T3 - start at 20mcg for 3 days, then 40mcg for 3 days and so on up to 100mcg and repeat tapering up and down for 6 weeks, making sure i'm finishing on 20mcg

    Wks 1 - 2
    Clen , starting at 20mcg, getting up to 60mcg (?) and stay there until end of week 2

    Wks 4 - 6
    Clen - do i taper up again or just start at the previous max? Finish at same time as T3 (end of week 6)



  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ally1
    I have used t3 before and got good results from tapering up and down for 6 weeks, my max being 100mcg. So based on your feedback, a 6 week cycle should look something like this:

    Wks 1 - 6
    T3 - start at 20mcg for 3 days, then 40mcg for 3 days and so on up to 100mcg and repeat tapering up and down for 6 weeks, making sure i'm finishing on 20mcg 100mcgs is ALOT of T3. I'm 6'3" and 220lbs, and 80mcgs was borderline for me. I would shoot for 60mcgs, but if you have used T3 before, and know your tollerence, then it's fine. Definately taper off T3. I've used T3 before too, and I would not want to drop off T3 at a high dosage!

    Wks 1 - 2
    Clen , starting at 20mcg, getting up to 60mcg (?) and stay there until end of week 2Start at 20mcgs, and increase 20mcgs everyday, untill the side effects get to be too harsh. (Shaking, insomnia, ect) My max was 120mcgs.

    Wks 4 - 6
    Clen - do i taper up again or just start at the previous max? Finish at same time as T3 (end of week 6)Start at whatever doseage you were doing at the end of week 2. IE: for me it would be 120mcgs. Then continue that dose untill the end of week 6.

    You could also do two more weeks of clen from weeks 8-10. Keep the dosge you finished on week 6, and run it constant untill the end of week 10.

    Hope that helps.

  7. #7
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Hope that helps.
    I never felt the t3 until 150mcg and I was using clen at 150mcg. Im sure I could raise the clen to 175-200mcg but that isnt a very safe dose.

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