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Thread: cloudy EQ

  1. #1
    weightlifter0589 is offline New Member
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    cloudy EQ

    Last edited by weightlifter0589; 04-14-2007 at 10:48 AM.

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    It sounds like a crash, where the hormones fall out of suspension. Test should not be "cloudy". You could try and bring it back into suspension by heating it.

  3. #3
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    my mind
    dont take it. i would find the dude that sold it to u and beat the shit outta him

  4. #4
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    It sounds like a crash, where the hormones fall out of suspension. Test should not be "cloudy". You could try and bring it back into suspension by heating it.
    I exracted my shots into different syringes. One of them looks cloudy. It should be noted that the cloudy shot came from the bottom of the vial. I remember that it was that one because their was an extra 1/2 cc in it. Is that safe to take? Is it just concentrated?

  5. #5
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Your injectables should never be cloudy (winny will seperate though). If it is cloudy, it was not properly brewed and needs to be heated up in hopes that it would come back into suspension. Not only do you risk improper dosages when you inject "fallen" gear, it's also going to hurt like hell, as the hormone will immediately crystalize in the muscle.

  6. #6
    RoidGut's Avatar
    RoidGut is offline Member
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    I second that. I made a batch of EQ not too long ago and it should be crystal clear. Almost all injectible AAS should be clear, with the exception of winny of course. and some others I have not had experience with. I think whoever made that batch you have may have ruptured the micron filter, or worse yet...not filtered at all. I can't think of any reason why it would be cloudy in the first place. Even if it was to crash, which mine did at first cuz I was trying to experiment with BA amounts, it was still clear but I could see a denser substance (almost like clear spagetti strings) floating in the oil.

    I would def not use that crap.

  7. #7
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    BTW its a UGL sustanon I have. Also the BA content says on the bottle 2%. Is that low?

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