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Thread: Turanabol - First Cycle

  1. #1

    Turanabol - First Cycle

    This will be my first cycle. Please critic and help me.

    wk1: 40 mg tbol ed
    wk2: 50 mg tbol ed
    wk3-6: 60 mg tbol ed

    I will have nolva on hand throughout the cycle in case of flare up.

    I need help on the PCT. If I run it for 6 weeks I will have 10 days for PCT till I fly on an airplane and cannot bring PCT with me on it. Will that be enough to cover it or should I cut the tbol cycle to 5 weeks and have 17 PCT. Either way can you help me on the PCT, could I just use nolva for PCT or should I use Clomid. Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    West Coast
    First off, what are your stats? Age, weight, bf percentage, lifting experience? Second, I personally wouldn't recommend a t-bol only cycle. You would really benefit from either a test only cycle since this is your first cycle, or a test plus t-bol cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Are you afraid of needles? Is that why your want to do a t-bol only cycle? Just curious.

  4. #4
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by strongman09
    This will be my first cycle. Please critic and help me.

    wk1: 40 mg tbol ed
    wk2: 50 mg tbol ed
    wk3-6: 60 mg tbol ed

    I will have nolva on hand throughout the cycle in case of flare up.
    I need help on the PCT. If I run it for 6 weeks I will have 10 days for PCT till I fly on an airplane and cannot bring PCT with me on it. Will that be enough to cover it or should I cut the tbol cycle to 5 weeks and have 17 PCT. Either way can you help me on the PCT, could I just use nolva for PCT or should I use Clomid. Thanks for your help.
    This alone suggestes you havent researched the compound enough. Its structure means it cannot aromotase.

    However, I have seen user report some signs of gyno when using this compound, though it may be that their slightly paranoid. Some also suggest the 4-chloro alteration only inhibits its ability to aromotase, not totally eliminates it.

    So...Did you know all this? Or did you think Tbol aromotases. I think the latter.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2004
    About your cycle. I think Tbol is a good start to using AS. It yields good, lean gains in strength and mass, though, diet dependant. I'd also start on 40mg/ED and work your way up comparing gains/sides.

    A full PCT is also warranted IMHO.

    The sides, for me, included a gaseous stomach, stomach aches, headaches and an increasing in sweating. If your running it for more than 8+ weeks bloodwork is needed IMO.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    First off, what are your stats? Age, weight, bf percentage, lifting experience? Second, I personally wouldn't recommend a t-bol only cycle. You would really benefit from either a test only cycle since this is your first cycle, or a test plus t-bol cycle.
    hahaha!!!! please stop.. your suggestions are wrong.. why should he do a test only cycle? bc boards push it? have u ever ran a tbol only cycle? I have combined with var and it was amazing... i beg u to tell me my cycle was ran wrong.. test only is best is a pure myth.. it may be for some ppl, but for some it is not

  7. #7
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    Down South
    strongman i like your cycle bro.. also after 14 days of pct I was fine.. it was proviron and a small amount of nolva..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    hahaha!!!! please stop.. your suggestions are wrong.. why should he do a test only cycle? bc boards push it? have u ever ran a tbol only cycle? I have combined with var and it was amazing... i beg u to tell me my cycle was ran wrong.. test only is best is a pure myth.. it may be for some ppl, but for some it is not
    Its not completely wrong as its a good base to start IMO. Its the base of many cycles people use. So why not start here? Its not a wrong answer, which is what your stated. There is no wrong/right answer here. I know of people that have done Tren A for a first run and got good gains. But, I dont suggest that as I dont feel its the right compound for a first run. For a first timer, the negatives outweigh the positives IMO.

    I think you have been a little harsh on the guy.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Its not completely wrong as its a good base to start IMO. Its the base of many cycles people use. So why not start here? Its not a wrong answer, which is what your stated. There is no wrong/right answer here. I know of people that have done Tren A for a first run and got good gains. But, I dont suggest that as I dont feel its the right compound for a first run. For a first timer, the negatives outweigh the positives IMO.

    I think you have been a little harsh on the guy.
    it just annoys me that everybody thinks there a steroid guru.. test does NOT need to be added into every cycle.. thats my point... i still think he is wrong for pushing test.. i didnt mean to be hard on him, just on the point of test is best is not always correct..

  10. #10
    Thanks for the quick replies. Let me answer your questions. I do know that tbol is not supposed to aromotase, but why take a chance. I have read several reviews of tbol only that said they had slight nipple soreness, although some of those reviews were combined with other drugs. I have taken superdrol and got a very slight case of delayed gyno. I was not planning on doing the nolva throughout the whole cycle, just to have it to be safe.

    No, I am not afraid of needles, I just want to run a shorter cycle and gain a more solid leaner amount of weight. I have read many reviews of TBOL only giving great results with minor sides. So why not try it.

    I have been lifting for many years, although I know that I have not maxed out my natural potential, I feel I am ready for a light cycle.

    And swifto, I'm talking about Turanabol, not tren. Anyways I appreciate everything guys. But can you help me some with the PCT.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    so liftnainez, Id like to hear exactly what would YOU recommend for newbs then?
    Last edited by goalseeker; 08-31-2006 at 01:35 PM.

  12. #12
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    it just annoys me that everybody thinks there a steroid guru.. test does NOT need to be added into every cycle.. thats my point... i still think he is wrong for pushing test.. i didnt mean to be hard on him, just on the point of test is best is not always correct..
    I know exactly what you mean bro. I do agree testosterone doesnt need to be in EVERY cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    so liftnainez, what exactly would YOU recommend for newbs then?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    so what exactly would YOU recommend for newbs then?
    me? whatever their goals are?
    If they want some lean, quality keepable gains.. either winny, tbol, var, eq, masteron... each of these compounds can be rean seperately depedning on goals.. you could also run test with these compounds if you dont mind taking a chance for some side effects..

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    And your theory behind it as well please...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I know exactly what you mean bro. I do agree testosterone doesnt need to be in EVERY cycle.
    thanks bro.. and like i said swifto i didnt mean to be a dick.. i just get annoyed about reading how test is the only thing that will make u big.. my boy is on a eq,winny, var cycle and its going FANTASTIC.. but to each his own..

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    well personally? I think theres less sides with test, as compared to, say, winny or something.... in my experience anyways.. But we are all different....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    And your theory behind it as well please...
    I have no theories.. i just say what I have PERSONALLY seen work for others.. including myself, and good friends who I was able to follow.. each and every compound I listed was tried by me or a good friend... I also used test and guess what? I loved it.. when i used var and tbol I loved that also.. it all depends on how i want to look and what type of gains I am going far.. I am not bashing test.. i used it and loved it.. I just feel that it has its place in SOME cycles.. not every..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    well personally? I think theres less sides with test, as compared to, say, winny or something.... in my experience anyways.. But we are all different....
    I am not saying your wrong bc obviously u tried both, but can you explain what side effects you had with winny?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    I know bro.. And I agree also that test isnt needed in every cycle.. I sometimes get tired of hearing it too....
    Winny robbed me a bit of what little hair I have left.. LOL

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    I know bro.. And I agree also that test isnt needed in every cycle.. I sometimes get tired of hearing it too....
    Winny robbed me a bit of what little hair I have left.. LOL
    ahhh lol.. shit bro.. yea it can do that.. good luck in the future

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Tren gave me bacne.. something ive never had before....
    Ive always had good luck with test though.. Never had any sides at all.. Right now running Masteron with prop and things are great. Mind you I always inject ED.....

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    ahhh lol.. shit bro.. yea it can do that.. good luck in the future
    YOU TOO BRO!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    Tren gave me bacne.. something ive never had before....
    Ive always had good luck with test though.. Never had any sides at all.. Right now running Masteron with prop and things are great. Mind you I always inject ED.....
    I think this can be a major factor on getting sides, like acne.

    I used Test Enan at 500mg/wk injecting 2x per week. And got sever acne on my back/shoulder and chest. Then swapped to Test Prop 75mg/ED for another 7 weeks and the acne began to dry out and reduce in overall size. I was also less oily on my face.

    I'll always stick to ED or EOD injections now when using Testosterone. No matter what the ester.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    I like your cycle. Drop the nolva during cycle and it should work out great for you.....Considering your diet/training/rest are all in line.

    Test gives me wayyyyy more sides then tbol.

    Bloodpressure goes up very high. Gyno & to stop this you have to take other unwanted chemicals in the body AI or Anti E, which get broken down by the ol liver. Bad Acne. Shuts me down... The list continues.....

    Tbol- Minor sides like the occasional stomach cramp , light on the liver and cholesteral levels. It could be doing some nasty stuff that I don't know about, but for what I know It is the safest compound for me.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    How have the results been from it?

  27. #27
    Can someone help me out with the PCT please.

  28. #28
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by strongman09
    Can someone help me out with the PCT please.
    Read this:

    Hooker's PCT.

    And this about Proviron during PCT, by....Ahem. ME!

  29. #29
    Please critic this cycle:

    wk1: 40 mg tbol ed
    wk2: 50 mg tbol ed
    wk3-6: 60 mg tbol ed

    wk7-8: 20mg nolva ED

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by strongman09
    Please critic this cycle:

    wk1: 40 mg tbol ed
    wk2: 50 mg tbol ed
    wk3-6: 60 mg tbol ed

    wk7-8: 20mg nolva ED
    wk 1-3 Tbol 40mg/ED
    wk 3-5 Tbol 50mg/ED
    wk 5-8 Tbol 60-80mg/ED
    Nolva on hand.


    wk 8-12 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 8-12 Aromsin 20mg/ED
    wk 1-13 Proviron 50mg/ED

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Read this:

    Hooker's PCT.

    And this about Proviron during PCT, by....Ahem. ME!
    hahaha.. swifto, no wonder I read all the posts that your in on!! lol

  32. #32
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  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by strongman09
    Can someone help me out with the PCT please.
    ooops.. sorry bro.. what was the question again? lol

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Just kidding.. follow Swiftos advice bro... He knows his sh!t....

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Wow. I never said that test is best. I also never said you have to stack test in every cycle. I just said that a t-bol only cycle would result in minimal gains and disappointment. Now if you stack the t-bol with something else like tren or deca, that would make the gains from the cycle that much better. I merely suggested that adding test would probably enhance his gains. Lift, you need to get off your high horse and read the thread carefully before you start making assumptions.

  36. #36
    Thanks Swifto, but I would like to run the tbol shorter. The thing is that I only have 8 weeks to run the cycle and PCT because I will be going on vacation in an airplane and do not want to bring gear or PCT on the plane with me. Can you help me shorten it?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    Wow. I never said that test is best. I also never said you have to stack test in every cycle. I just said that a t-bol only cycle would result in minimal gains and disappointment. Now if you stack the t-bol with something else like tren or deca, that would make the gains from the cycle that much better. I merely suggested that adding test would probably enhance his gains. Lift, you need to get off your high horse and read the thread carefully before you start making assumptions.
    This has been sorted IMO and wasnt intended as a personal attack on you. It was a mere anoyance that people advocate "Test Only" cycles and advocate testosterone NEEDS to be in every cycle.

    Leave it and dont make this more than it is.

  38. #38
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    wk 1-3 Tbol 40mg/ED
    wk 3-6 Tbol 60mg/ED.

    If your experience untolerable sides on 40mg/ED, dont obviously increase the dose.

  39. #39
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    He's done this to me on more than one occasion. Whatever though, I'm done with him anyways.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    He's done this to me on more than one occasion. Whatever though, I'm done with him anyways.
    then just let it go....

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