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Thread: Bulk with weight loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Smile Bulk with weight loss

    Hello everyone new to the board tonight.5,10 200pounds live in canada near detroit.Lifting naturally for 1 year,not bad results but need to tone more.I,m caught in this bulk stage but would really like to lose more body fat without losing muscle.Need a good beginner stack.A HEAD TURNER STACK THANKS HULK

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Don't be in such a hurry to start a sack just yet. Try increasing your cardio, whats your present diet? If you have not ever had any heart diesease, high blood pressure or any history of a seziure disorder look into a dieurtic or some type of Thermogene type product. I personally take a product called Thermogene. It's cheap and it will really raise your basal metabolism. Don't take any of these after 12 noon as they may make going to sleep very difficult. I know this is probably not what you want to here but it is cheaper and it's worth a try before trying a stack.Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Man, I would use 500 mg/w of Sustanon 250 w/ equipoise at 300 mg/w for week 1-12. then switch to Winny V week 12-20. week 12-20 use only Winny-V, and Equipoise. bring in Clen at week 15. work up to 120mcg/d for 10 weeks. consume low carbs and high protien, aminos, etc. during stack. this will work great for a beginner......Peace Man
    Last edited by THICK; 08-21-2001 at 09:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    One more thing

    You really need to eat more if you are going to try a dieurtic. Appietite surpression is one of the side effects and that can do more harm than good. You need to eat about 6 small meals a day. It really takes alot of energy for your body to burn bodyfat which it will more likely try to hang onto and burn muscle instead. Your body naturally will try to hang onto B/F for times of famine. It's one of those dam gentic traits that dates back to our prehistoric ancestors. Find out your Body fat percentage. With this and yur weight you can determine your caloric intake that will aid you in your fat loses. Diet is the key to bodybuilding, never forget that. The more lean muscle mass that you can obtain the higher your basal will be which meeans easier fat losses in the future. Good luck and keep us posted.

  5. #5
    yes bulk

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