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  1. #1
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    FSH/Serum Protein Question?

    Is it possible to stop T from binding to serum protein and can one stop the fsh from either being produced or squashed after production?


  2. #2
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoComplaint
    Is it possible to stop T from binding to serum protein and can one stop the fsh from either being produced or squashed after production?

    Are you talking concurrent use of Proviron to free bound test?

    fsh being squashed after production?

    I like what you have brought up... just would like for you to clarify your question.

  3. #3
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Are you talking concurrent use of Proviron to free bound test?
    Just curious as to the possibilty of there being a legal product that would do the same.

    fsh being squashed after production?
    Fsh enters the sertoli cells and promotes the production of Sperm. So for sperm cells to reach maturity they need to "frolic" in T. As u probably already know, the body is preprogramed to think that sperm production is more important than muscle growth. So then, if we could somehow get rid of the fsh or rather stop them from utilizing the T there would be more T for muscle building.

    I like what you have brought up... just would like for you to clarify your question.
    I hope I did so bro. Let me know if more clarification is needed.


  4. #4
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoComplaint
    Just curious as to the possibilty of there being a legal product that would do the same.
    I think proviron would be the way to go... and why legal? Is that how you are getting your test?

    Fsh enters the sertoli cells and promotes the production of Sperm. So for sperm cells to reach maturity they need to "frolic" in T. As u probably already know, the body is preprogramed to think that sperm production is more important than muscle growth.Not so when using testosterone injections... sperm production may even halt. So then, if we could somehow get rid of the fsh or rather stop them from utilizing the T there would be more T for muscle building.
    I think the very small T that is lost is miniscule if any as T will shut the HPTA that would effect the fsh and leutinizing hormone... hcg could remedy that by taking small doses throughout a cycle... 250-500iu for two consecutive days per week.

    I hope I did so bro. Let me know if more clarification is needed.
    Can you clarify what makes you think the loss of test occures by way of fsh?

    All mine are bold.

  5. #5
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    I also am pretty sure u wont lose any significant amount of test to sperm production.. so FSH "squashing" is most likely useless

  6. #6
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl

    I think proviron would be the way to go... and why legal? Is that how you are getting your test?

    Well I wasn't sure if the proviron would be supressive of the HPTA as well as, finding a product that would be legal while off. No, I'm not on anything at the moment. I do take DHEA along with my other supps. (flax,olive,fish oil and a few other antioxidants to mention a few).

    Not so when using testosterone injections... sperm production may even halt.I think the very small T that is lost is miniscule if any as T will shut the HPTA that would effect the fsh and leutinizing hormone... hcg could remedy that by taking small doses throughout a cycle... 250-500iu for two consecutive days per week.

    True that, however, I'm refering to when we are utlizing our own production of T. Off cycle that is.

    Can you clarify what makes you think the loss of test occures by way of fsh?

    Sure bro, from what I understand the male body likes to put emphasis on the production of sperm over the production of muscle. Now the fsh enters the sertoli cells and promotes the production of Sperm. For sperm cells to mature they need to "frolic" in T. This of course burns valuable T from what I uderstand. Of course what is not used by the fsh will then be released into the blood stream, whereby another problem exist.


  7. #7
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    the way that I understand how hormones and their receptro sites work the amount lost doesnt have any significant effect on total test levels. And I find it very unlikely that the body would somehow "switch gears" towards sperm production at the expense of muscle building.

  8. #8
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    I also am pretty sure u wont lose any significant amount of test to sperm production..

    This would be nice, I hope your right. So, is there any product that would free bound T in the bloodstream, besides a substance that would inhibit the HPTA?


  9. #9
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    not that i know.

  10. #10
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    not that i know.



  11. #11
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Anyone else with any input?


  12. #12
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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  13. #13
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoComplaint
    This would be nice, I hope your right. So, is there any product that would free bound T in the bloodstream, besides a substance that would inhibit the HPTA?

    Proviron at 150mg or less for a daily dose.

  14. #14
    NoComplaint is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Proviron at 150mg or less for a daily dose.

    thanx bro!


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