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Thread: Cycle help

  1. #1
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Cycle help

    Alright guys, my mate wants to start a cycle now (it really is for a mate, I plan on doing my first cycle around christmas when I got the wonga)

    he's 23, not sure what he weighs (around 200?) benches around 120kgs, not too sure about his other exercises. he knows what he's doing though and is in good shape (better than me)

    He wants to do d-bol as a kickstart for the first 4-6 weeks, which is better? I said from what I've heard the gains subside after 4 but he seems to think longer is better. How long can you get D-bol gains for?

    he wants to do a test for 12 weeks, we were looking at Sust online today but I'm not sure about it being cost effective, though those sachets certainly bring cost down. we were thinking test at around 500mg a week.

    so - Dbol 50mg/ed 4-6 weeks
    test 500mg/wk (appx)

    What we got stuck on when we were pricing things up was the kind of pct hed have to run on this though, what would you guys recommend? and what would you run during this as an ai or serm?

    sorry I know its been discussed before but its hard to figure out what applies specifically to a cycle like this. Plus I want him to get his cycle right so he can help me around xmas.

  2. #2
    RoidGut's Avatar
    RoidGut is offline Member
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    It's dark in here......
    why not try searching under the pct forum. the cycle you are planning is very common for a beginner cycle. there is even a sticky in this forum that says 'beginner cycles'. try to read up on there

  3. #3
    RoidGut's Avatar
    RoidGut is offline Member
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    It's dark in here......
    here...i even did the leg work for you:

    look under cycle# 3

  4. #4
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    The cycle looks fine. What's his cycle experience?

    I'd go:
    dbol 50mgs ed weeks 1-4
    test 500mgs weekly 1-12

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