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  1. #1
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    Heart AFIB from Juice

    now im just here for some feedback... i dont wanna hear that im an idiot and that i did this to my self and all that.. i realized this... but i just want to hear peoples thoughts and conclusions on the situation medically.

    i was about 11 weeks in on a cycle.

    2 weeks abombs
    1-14 test enanthate
    1-14 eq
    4-12 masteron
    2-12 Tren

    I made my own blend.

    1cc consisted of:

    125mg enanthate
    125mg eq
    75 tren
    75 master

    now i missed a week of shots.. stupid me i didnt have pins and was traveling around and time was a problem with getting pins...

    so my next week i said let me catch up on shots..

    stupid ass me not thinking i did 3 to 3 1/4 cc each day for 3 days... which not thinking but realized after that was basicly equivelent to 12 cc's practically of normal shots... a day.. .36 in 3 days.... no bueno... anyways the friday i was going to take my last tripple shot... i felt a flutter in my chest..... ended up in the hospital at 204 bpm with a bp of 160/100. in atrial fibruilation.. and then the top 2 chambers (atrials) shut down......
    so 14 hours in the hospital getting pumped up with drugs my heart returned to normal working and has been fine since.... i never took that shot that day... and i have been off since onily taking my pct.. my question is this.. you think my central nervous system was just in shock from the ABNORMAL and STUPID amounts of juice that entered my system?? its been almost a month since going AFIB and i havent had an eppisode.. BP is at like 140 / 90 and coming down..

    Any feed back, would be great.

  2. #2
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    from what I know even large amounts of AAS arent toxic in that way... but who knows what the exact mechanism behind all of this is... I would also like to know.

  3. #3
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    stay away from aas for awhile give ur body a a year atleast.dont minimize the issue in ur head it is very rest rest...........

  4. #4
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah bro, finish up with PCT and get regular checkups from the doc. That's nothing to screw with.

  5. #5
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    i've had plenty of check ups.. i mean.. i took stupid amounts of steroids , i have taken cycles for 3 years now of fairly substantial cycles... like tren /prop/var, tren/enan/eq/master, GH, IGF etc... never had a problem, except high blood pressure... doctors relate AFIB stimulated from high blood pressure also thyroid issues can trigger it..... which i know i touched T5 for a bit... which could have did it... but they really cant pin point shit except.... that was a variable to my normal body and that could have caused it and if i do it again i could die... not sure if they were trying to scare me cause they said people live in afib sometimes there whole life.. but ill tell u what.. it was very uncomfortable.

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yup... as for someone who has never done steroids to suddenly take a massive dose klike u I would find it unlikely that they would have a reaction like u did.. In ur case the prolonged/ heavy use could have caused all kinds of shit.. Increase in the size of the cardiac muscle is associated with steroid use and it does mess up with the electrical conductance of the heart prolly making it more susceptible to arrythmias.

  7. #7
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    well i know my echo showed and enlarged heart... border line big they said... and the wall thickness borderline thick.. they said that should shrink as my blood pressure goes down...

    so i have an echo again in 2 months.. they didnt put me on medicine... so hopefully everything regulates down. i am starting strict dieting again as well as cardio... they wanted me to take it easy the first couple weeks.. but im back in my normal workout routine.... without juice of course

    i normally do a cycle.. about 4 months may - august.... pct and thats it... im off for 8 months.. etc..

  8. #8
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    good luck with that... as ur physicians probably explained the good news is that there is no direct damage from the AFIB. learn a lesson from it though... If sumin new comes up keep us posted..

  9. #9
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. keep us informed about your progress.

  10. #10
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    it sux cause in my head its like i dont wanna do any hormones and stuff anymore, maybe just gh, igf and mgf...... stay away from test and tren and all.. but then i also think... i really just exposed my body to an extrodinary amount of crap and i think it just was in shock.. but its like impossible to determine

  11. #11
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    i would take my recovery time very slowly if i was you...good lluck and dont take any rest

  12. #12
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    if I was u Id watch the GH also. atleast be careful with the dosages..

  13. #13
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    if I was u Id watch the GH also. atleast be careful with the dosages..

    i would usually run 4iu / day on the growth.

  14. #14
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    not an expert on GH and the dosages but with u having an enlarged heart already I would research a little on what is a safe dose... Also when ur BP gets under control its probable the heart will restore to normal size, depending on the case..

  15. #15
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    not an expert on GH and the dosages but with u having an enlarged heart already I would research a little on what is a safe dose... Also when ur BP gets under control its probable the heart will restore to normal size, depending on the case..

    thats pretty much what the doctors said.. they said its enlarged do to the juice helping it grow and the high blood pressure giving it more resistance.... like i said ill wait till my next check up before doing anything..

  16. #16
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    good smart move IMO

  17. #17
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    another question??

    How long does it take usually for your blood pressure to come back down to a sort of safe # .... My BP a month after coming off is still like 150/90

  18. #18
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    depends.. some say real fast others say it takes a month or two.. mine was some weeks.

  19. #19
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    2 months in and sitting @ 140/90 area.. i think they are going to put me on some med's to bring it down.

    anyone know the effect of IGF/Growth on blood pressure??

  20. #20
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont know about the dosages used in BB... ppl with excesss production do usually have hypertension.. .what are ur stats? height, weight and bodyfat? when was ur BP normal before? did it used to be normal before all of this?

  21. #21
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    i never really monitored my blood pressure much before starting a cycle.. thats when i started visiting the doctor.. i didnt visit the doctor till mid cycle last year and it was very high and they put me on medicine... then this year i went on a cycle, got a little crazy and got checked mid and it was high but in the range i was last year but i didnt go on any blood pressure medicine this time and thats whne problems rised, cause i played and got stupid on my dosages.... but i learned...

    i am 6'2, hold 235 right now.. was up to almost 242 while on... this just over 2 months after cycle. strength is still pretty good and i missed like 3 weeks due to just being miserable coming off my cycle.... i am sitting around 14% bodyfat probably... my abs are gone so i know i fell off but what cha gonna do... im starting hard back at the gym the past couple weeks and diet i will clean back up slowly... and i wanted to do the IGF / GH for the next 6 to 9 months... stay away from all the test and what not... see what happens to me from that


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