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Thread: Add anything last two weeks of cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Add anything last two weeks of cycle?

    Starting week 5 of a 10 week cycle:

    500mgs Sust per week

    600 mgs EQ per week

    Would like to look my best for my vacation which starts right at the end of my cycle. You think I should add some Clen the last two weeks? Anything else?

    Also, taking 1mg of Armidex a day.

    Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    You could add winny, as that will harden the hell out of you for your vacation, combined with eq...veins will be roadmapped all over, provided bodyfat is 10%ish or less. Definately, use the 2 week on/ 2 week ECA cycle...good lookin are the results?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    bump what papa said you could add the winny weeks 7-12 at 50mgs ED. I have a friend who is ending his cycle right now on some winny and his muscle are like steel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Results have been pretty good. I am not really looking for huge mass here. I have been eating super clean and hitting the cardio hard. I would venture to say if not on this cycle I would have lost 8-10 pounds doing what I have been doing. However, on this cycle I have gained 8 pounds so far. Very pleased so far.

    I think I will add the Winny. What do you think about dropping the sust down to 250 mgs a week for the last few weeks and adding the winny. How much Winny and for how many weeks? No orals for me, my liver gets enough abuse.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dude, the winny I'm on has made me hard as a rock, every muscle in my body is like steal. I'd go for winny at 50-75mg's ED. I've also been hitting the Clen and ECA, Clen seems to be worthless these days, I took 12 today and didn't even get the slightest shakes. I've been off it for a month as well and this is the 3rd day back on. It could be the T3 I'm tapering off of as well, who knows I'm a walking chemistry experiment these days....


  6. #6
    Winny is a good choice. You can also run Test Susp ed for 10 days out, and if you keep the carbs down at night and eat right you'll harding up great. I know a lot of people who use Susp in the week or so before shows. Also, you cac take some clen with you, or some d-bol (10mgs in morning) to help prevent catabolism. This is if you want to help keep what you have after the cycle.

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