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Thread: Too much for a first cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym

    Too much for a first cycle?

    Per week-------------------Per EOD
    Week 1 500 test cyp--------Fina 75
    Week 2 '' ----------------''
    Week 3 " ----------------''
    Week 4 " ----------------"
    Week 5 " ----------------"
    Week 6 " ----------------"
    Week 7 "
    Week 8 500 test prop
    Week 9 prop
    week 10 prop

    Clomid Post Cycle with novadex on hand in case *crosses fingers hoping not to need*

    Now for the questions part. I also have access to dbol and was thinking about throwing that in for the begining and moving fina to the end, any comments on that? I hope this isn't too much for a first cycle. I'm done a fair amount of research, and it seems with this cycle i can start clomid as soon as my last shot of prop (day after?) I read somewhere about 300mg the first day, 200 for 10 days, and 100 for 10 days? Does that sound right, i may have misunderstood? What Size pins would i use for the test/fina?

    I'm 6' about 205 ~13% bf. 20 y.o. tired of throwing around girly weights.
    Last edited by Bigk; 07-01-2002 at 08:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I am not to sure if it would be good. I mean you do have the weight etc.. but someone else would have to answer that question. But i do know this Test Prop you should inject at least 2-3 day's apart because it is a short acting test. Meaning it would be ideal to inject it Monday and Thursday's. Doesn anyone agree with me? good luck man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym
    i was planning on injecting the prop EOD i forgot to put that in there. Just a total of 500mg/ week.

    I'm really worried about gyno, should the average person be concered on this cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym
    Thinking about switching the test to EQ at 400 or 600/week, what yall think?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    run test and EQ togther just run the cyp all 10 wks at 500mgs and the EQ 10 weeks at 400mgs. I would run the fina at 75mgs ED. i have heard though that fina is not good for a newbie so you might want to do some research on that. Maybe drop it and use some Dbol to start the cycle or if you already have prop you could use that also. JMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    good post irish.

    I would just run a straight eq/test cycle...and switch over to prop at week that thru 13 so you can start clomid 3 days out.

    Prop should be shot eod at the minimum...preferabbly ed to keep test levels consistent. No need for dbol or tren on a first cycle...some will say ya definately dbol, but it's not necessary...shit, 500mg test on a first cycle will get you at least 20. Add eq like you did and it's just gravy after that. Good luck.

    Btw...clomid starts at 300mg day 1, 100mg 10 days, 50mg 10 days.

    and if you're really scared about gyno, run 10-20mg of nolva, or .5mg arimidex/liquidex ed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym
    Thanks papa and irish!

    Really the only reason i'm running fina is b/c a friend got it for me free, and i've heard only good thigns about it so far. Anyways, i'l get test/eq and throw in the fina. It sounds good to me, should be huge for a first cycle. Thanks for the help bro's

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