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Thread: Is this a good cycle?

  1. #1

    Is this a good cycle?

    So I'm 23, 6'2" 180lbs, 6% body fat, kickbox way too much so I can't hold shit for weight, no matter what I eat. I'm gonna do a cycle with Deca, Primo, and test E

    Wk 1-5
    twice/wk test e 250 (500mg/wk)
    twice/wk deca 250 (500mg/wk)
    wk 6-10
    twice/wk test e 250 (500mg/wk)
    EOD primo 100 (350mg/wk)

    PCT clomid after a quick shot of HCG

    Any recommendations? suggestions? good? bad?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Deca for only 5 weeks, isn't going to do anything. Primo for four weeks isn't the best either. Your PCT plan sucks too. What's your previous cycle history? That would help us plan a better cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Need to read a lot more bro that whole thing doesnt sound very good at all.. test at 500 is good.. deca at 500 is good but i would suggest 400 IMO...just what i prefer...but for your wks its awful.. run the test for 12 wks at your dsg. and deca for 10wks.. ditch the primo... and for pct use clomid/ nolva

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Do the test E 500mg split 250mg Mon/Thurs for 12wks and the Deca 400mg/wk 12 wks. Get some hcg and run it 500mg 3 times ew thruout and aromasin 12.5mg ed thruout. Wait 2wks and start pct. Doing the primo like that is a waste imo.

  5. #5
    oh yah i'm gonna run arimidex the whole time, 0.5mg EOD, and I have nolva on hand in case I start to get problems.

    OK lets put it this way: I have 2 10ml vials of test e 250 (250mg/ml), 2 vials of primobol 100 10ml (100mg/ml), and 1 Decabol 10ml 250 (250/ml), 30 nolvadex, 30 arimidex, 4000mg clomid, 5000iu of HCG.

    I can get more of whatever, but I'm not intent on wasting anything

    Let's work with that. As far as previous cycles - I took sustanon a couple years ago for like 8 weeks, alongside nolvadex and clomid PCT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    lose the primo. keep test at 500 mg wk for 12 wks. deca at 400 mg wk for 10 wks. test must be ran longer than deca to prevent deca d*ck. that should help bulk you up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    lotta gear for a second cycle.....IMO

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