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  1. #1
    marsab73 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006

    Your 2 Cents Appreciated, New Cycle

    Well Guys Just To Give You A Quick Background. Im 32 Years Old And Have Been Training On And Off For About 12 Years. I Have Cycled Every Aas With The Exception Of Anadrol . In My Early Years Of Experimenting I Didnt Have The Luxury Of Having A Site Like This One With All The Wealth Of Knowledgeable Members To Assist With Cycle And Pct Etc Etc Etc, So You Youngsters Appreciate This Info And Do All The Research You Can And Dont Forget Pct.

    Now As For Me Im 510 And Weigh 215lbs, Im About 18%bf. My Diet Is Pretty Clean Consuming About 400gms Of Protein And Im Guessing 3000-4000 Calories A Day. Drinking About 2 Gallons Of Water A Day, And Absolutely No Fast Food.

    My Cycle Will Be 12 Weeks

    Trenbolone Acetate 75mg 300 Mg A Week
    Equipoise 200mg 600 Mg A Week
    Testosterone Cypionate 750 Mg A Week

    I Have Nolvadex , Arimedex, Clomid, Clenbuterol , and Hcg On Hand For Pct And If Needed During. I also have winstrol , test prop, sust250, and deca with enough for 8weeks.

    I Have Thought Of Tweaking My Cycle By Removing The Eq And Adding Another Hundred Mg Of Tren A Week. I Have Taken Tren In The Past And The Sides Are Tolerable To Me.

    Any Suggestions Additions Or Substractions Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

    Thanks To You All In Advance. I Will Post Photos And The Completion Of My Cycle With A Before And After Photo. So If All Goes Well The Picture Should Be Posted Somewhere Around Dec 4, 06.
    Last edited by marsab73; 09-06-2006 at 09:42 PM.

  2. #2
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    i would only run the tren for 8-9 weeks and would run the eq for 14 weeks and the test for 16 weeks.... you could throw the winny in for the last four weeks to really harden you up and after your last cyp injection you could run prop up untill 2 days before you start your that would be bad ass for someone w/ experiouce...or at least i think so

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    The cycle looks ok...I would kick start the cycle with 100mgs of a prop ED for 4 weeks,while the cyp kicks in...also I like tren ED as well 50-75mgs.The EQ is ok I guess(not a big fan of it)But f you're going to run 12 to 14 weeks will be the way to go.Looks like you're stacked for the pct.But hey you'll 100 different opinions on how to run it so do what you think is best for you.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome, at first glances the cycle doesnt look to bad, i would kickstart it with some prop and finish the cycle on some winny up to pct time

  5. #5
    marsab73 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Thanks for the advice on the prop at 110 mg ED for 4 weeks. Also another thing was that its been years since i used equip and i dont quite remember how well the results were, so i will keep it and see how it works out, i know alot of people arent too crazy about it..

    thanks again all.....

  6. #6
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by marsab73
    Well Guys Just To Give You A Quick Background. Im 32 Years Old And Have Been Training On And Off For About 12 Years. I Have Cycled Every Aas With The Exception Of Anadrol . In My Early Years Of Experimenting I Didnt Have The Luxury Of Having A Site Like This One With All The Wealth Of Knowledgeable Members To Assist With Cycle And Pct Etc Etc Etc, So You Youngsters Appreciate This Info And Do All The Research You Can And Dont Forget Pct.

    Now As For Me Im 510 And Weigh 215lbs, Im About 18%bf. My Diet Is Pretty Clean Consuming About 400gms Of Protein And Im Guessing 3000-4000 Calories A Day. Drinking About 2 Gallons Of Water A Day, And Absolutely No Fast Food.

    My Cycle Will Be 12 Weeks

    Trenbolone Acetate 75mg 300 Mg A Week
    Equipoise 200mg 600 Mg A Week
    Testosterone Cypionate 750 Mg A Week

    I Have Nolvadex , Arimedex, Clomid, Clenbuterol , and Hcg On Hand For Pct And If Needed During. I also have winstrol , test prop, sust250, and deca with enough for 8weeks.

    I Have Thought Of Tweaking My Cycle By Removing The Eq And Adding Another Hundred Mg Of Tren A Week. I Have Taken Tren In The Past And The Sides Are Tolerable To Me.

    Any Suggestions Additions Or Substractions Would Be Greatly Appreciated.

    Thanks To You All In Advance. I Will Post Photos And The Completion Of My Cycle With A Before And After Photo. So If All Goes Well The Picture Should Be Posted Somewhere Around Dec 4, 06.
    "I Have Thought Of Tweaking My Cycle By Removing The Eq And Adding Another Hundred Mg Of Tren A Week. I Have Taken Tren In The Past And The Sides Are Tolerable To Me."
    this would have been my suggestion. how much tren have you run in the past. I like to go up by 50mg on each run. like trulbfan3 said 12 weeks of tren is a little long. I like to run for 6 weeks.

  7. #7
    marsab73 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    on my previous tren cycle i ran 500 mg a week and i think it was 1000mg of cyp, and ran for 8 weeks, the sides of tren werent so bad, but figuered im adding an additional aas and another 4 weeks i would drop down the tren and have very little sides......

    what does everyone else think, should i zap out the equip completely...and throw in prop for weeks 1-4 100 mg a day......

    i think that if i had the 12 week supply of tren the previous time , i would have used it for 12 weeks, but money and supply werent doing good so it was 8 weeks....

    thanks alot for all your input...

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