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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle

    Well Im just coming off of my first cycle, Deca 300mg/wk 7 weeks. I wanted a conservative cycle with few side effects, I was satisfied with the gains and only had minor side effects.

    Ive decided to get another vial of deca, but I have two questions.
    1. If I increase my doseage to 600mg/wk, will I see a significant rise in side effects?

    2. If I include about 200mg of test a week to offset deca dick and low testotserone, will I see the same side effects from the test as I would have taking the test by itself without the deca?


  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How long have you been training and did you do any research at all? stats?

    deca 300mg per wk for 7 wks first cycle,

    before you stated such cycle you should of posted it here for us to look over for you,

    personally to answer your question i would come off and go into pct and recover and next time do some research,

  3. #3
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    What was wrong with that as first cycle? I did my research and a close friend is very well informed and supported the cycle. I didnt want to throw in test with my first cycle, Im trying to stay away from side effects, im only looking for a slight edge.

  4. #4
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    deca alone isnt usually advised...and for 7 weeks that isnt that long of a cycle..if anything i woudl flip the dosages test 500/wk and deca 200/wk...

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your going to cycle do it properly, deca only is not recommend for a first cycle and if your goals are to have a slight edge you dont need to take anything, how do you know if you will get any sides with test? also there are compounds to coombatt test sides thats if you get any,

    also dont listen to your friend he is not well informed, look around this site there is a vast range of knowledge and plenty of threads regarding first cycles,

    I reinstate, if you goal is to have a slight edge dont do gear,

  6. #6
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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  7. #7
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Thats why Im on the board. I understated myself when I say slight edge, I want results. But I do plan on continuing Deca , I just havent decided whether I plan to stack it with the test and what dosage to take this time around.

    My main concern about the test, is hairloss and acne. At 200mg/wk is that anything to worry about?

  8. #8
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Well its only been a week since my last shot and I just planned on continuing it, but my supplier is out till tomorrow.

    I already purchased hcg and clomid to use after this next vial

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by detsaw
    Thats why Im on the board. I understated myself when I say slight edge, I want results. But I do plan on continuing Deca , I just havent decided whether I plan to stack it with the test and what dosage to take this time around.

    My main concern about the test, is hairloss and acne. At 200mg/wk is that anything to worry about?
    If your prone to hairloss there is not much you can do about it, there are certain products what you can take to delay the process but the end result will be hairloss if your prone,

    Oh by the way deca is one of the worst for hairloss,

  10. #10
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Well it has run in the family but I havent seen any sign of it as of yet, but it is still ealry for me.

    What would you suggest I take now, Im looking for another solid 10lb gain.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Deca is a progestin it stimulates the progesterone receptor this can cause many sides such as acne,

    Also Deca is suppressive to your natural testosterone levels , pct is needed when you use deca, i think you have been mis-informed,

    If your goal is to have a slight edge i wouldnt use any type of gear, just my opinion.

  12. #12
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    I know about the testosterone suppression from deca , i already have hcg and clomid for pct as I previously mentioned.

    All this and still no answers to any questions

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The answer to your question which ive stated a few times is "if your goal is to have a slight edge i wouldnt use AAS", especailly first cycle deca only like you was adviced to do and have done because you didnt want acne and hairloss (which is 2 of deca's side effects), i would research alot more and get your slight edge from your diet/training/supplements.

  14. #14
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    The answer to your question which ive stated a few times is "if your goal is to have a slight edge i wouldnt use AAS", especailly first cycle deca only like you was adviced to do and have done because you didnt want acne and hairloss (which is 2 of deca's side effects), i would research alot more and get your slight edge from your diet/training/supplements.
    I already said that I understated myself with the "slight edge" comment. Questions still unanswered...

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No dont use anymore deca come off and stay off

    The answer to your question which ive stated a few times is "if your goal is to have a slight edge i wouldnt use AAS",

  16. #16
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    No dont use anymore deca come off and stay off

    The answer to your question which ive stated a few times is "if your goal is to have a slight edge i wouldnt use AAS",
    That wasnt my question and I already said I want more than a slight wdge. Why stay off deca?

  17. #17
    got test?'s Avatar
    got test? is offline Member
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    Okay, this is a seesaw. Dude, if you do another deca only cycle, you will regret it. Like marcus said, if you dont want hairloss or acne, dont use gear, hairloss is genetic, if your gonna lose it, your gonna lose it, gear will just speed it up..
    let me tell you, you may have gotten lucky your first time but without test, you WILL get deca dick, I wouldnt worry about the sides. they sides are the same with or without the test. I would recommend HCG and Nolva over HCG and Clomid though. and try to go at least 8 weeks with deca.

  18. #18
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    I can only imagine how bad marcus just tore this kids butt up lol.. deca alone cycle hmmm.. i had a so called friend who did that ( and said he was WELL advised as you say) coudlnt get his dick up forever,, also grew female breast and have them surgically removed... even if it does aromatise at 20% still.. research desaw and plz dont get a attitude with another member trying to HELP YOU ( from hurting yourself)

  19. #19
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    I wasnt trying to get an attitude, I really appreciate any advice. Deca dick was a bit of a problem in the first few weeks but not so much afterwords. If i shouldnt go for deca, whats my next best option. Doesntr have to necessarily have to be as strong.

    Although I know primo isnt really recommended as bulking gear, would that be a good weaker alternative to avoid any further side effects?

  20. #20
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    I can only imagine how bad marcus just tore this kids butt up lol.. deca alone cycle hmmm.. i had a so called friend who did that ( and said he was WELL advised as you say) coudlnt get his dick up forever,, also grew female breast and have them surgically removed... even if it does aromatise at 20% still.. research desaw and plz dont get a attitude with another member trying to HELP YOU ( from hurting yourself)
    damn. how much was he usin? no anti-estro/prog?

  21. #21
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Check it out bro. You will benefit from this if you read it.....

    Cycles for the Newbie

    (Notice deca is not used in any cycles for newbies.....)

  22. #22
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Im not really a fan of test :/

  23. #23
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Should I consider dbol as a good alternative?

  24. #24
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by detsaw
    Im not really a fan of test :/
    how do you know this, your first cycle was deca and you havnt done a second one yet. so how do you know you dont like test if you never tried it.
    actually you have. everything that makes you a male is from test. increasing it will just amplify, imho

  25. #25
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Well lets just say I was to continue taking deca at 300mg/wk, any precautions I should take this time around?

  26. #26
    shadowman is offline New Member
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    i would say that you should run some test for another few and do proper pct before you stop to avoid a rough 6 monthes or so. imo

  27. #27
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowman
    i would say that you should run some test for another few and do proper pct before you stop to avoid a rough 6 monthes or so. imo
    What do you mean?

    So I should start the hcg and nolv now and wait to return to deca till a later cycle?

    I appreciate any help

  28. #28
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    basically what he's saying is dont do a cycle without test in it as a foundation.. its done but i wouldnt suggest it... many problems occur from it... but your choice
    Last edited by STEROIDZZ; 09-11-2006 at 06:50 PM.

  29. #29
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    basically what he's saying is dont do a cycle without test in it as a foundation.. its done but i would suggest it... many problems occur from it... but your choice
    Is the test suppression the main problem you are referring to?

  30. #30
    got test?'s Avatar
    got test? is offline Member
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    Bro, once again, doing this with no test will F your wang up for MONTHS!! Unless your a virgin or plan on not getting any sex for a while.. DONT DO IT!!! it's pretty much simple as that. Take it how you want man. I am not being a dick, just trying to help.

  31. #31
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    detsaw my only cycle was deca 200-400mg/wk for 9wk and winstrol from week 5 to 11 at 50mg/ed. i hear everyone saying its the dumbest thing to do but i gained 20lbs of muscle kept 15 and lost fat and never had any sexual, acne or other sides. Im a newby and dont know much about other aas's but this was my expierence.

  32. #32
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    What would be the minimum dosage of test you'd recommend? I really dont want to have to take test to fix one problem, while giving myself a whole set of new problems.

  33. #33
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    with proper research and gear test wont be that big of a problem.. such as having a anti e on hand.. proper PCT you w ill be fine... i have been told a simple dose of test 250 is fine if your main gear is deca ,, although i dont prefer that nor like that ... i suggest test higher then deca... as in test at 400mg and deca at 300mg... but its your choice... but plz listen to these people they know what there alking about.... dont do a deca alone cycle NOT SMART

  34. #34
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    You say you did research and came up with deca only for a first cycle ? I call Bull$hit. There are 10000 threads on here about deca only cycles and they are all negative. Like said before get the hell off that cycle and next time included a test /deca stack.

  35. #35
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Right down to the point DSM I LOVE IT hahaha

  36. #36
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    Well I didnt use this site as my main source before making such a decision. I have a lot of close friends who went about it the same way. Im very satisfied with the results but I wanted to do a little more research before continuing.

    My question about stacking test with deca is this, will the deca offset the severity of some of the side effects from the test because of the lack of test my body would be producing from the deca? Or will the side effects be just as strong as they would be with a test only cycle?

  37. #37
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by detsaw
    Well I didnt use this site as my main source before making such a decision. I have a lot of close friends who went about it the same way. Im very satisfied with the results but I wanted to do a little more research before continuing.

    My question about stacking test with deca is this, will the deca offset the severity of some of the side effects from the test because of the lack of test my body would be producing from the deca? Or will the side effects be just as strong as they would be with a test only cycle?
    Yes you need to test to offset the effects of deca itself. Use the search button and stop listening to your uneducated friends. You are going to be lucky if you are able to have sex within the next month. Deca only shuts you down hard.

  38. #38
    detsaw is offline New Member
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    No I dont think you understood what I was saying, I know the test offsets deca , but will stacking the two decrease the normal side effects of the test?

    Would I be able to switch off right now to primo or dbol before going into pct? And if I was to, can I use each individually or will I also have to stack?

  39. #39
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    You are crazy to run dbol and deca without test. your problem will be even worse. You should have run test only for the 1st cycle, even at a low doseage 400mg. and you would see how your body reacts. I just came off my 1st test c only cycle at 400mg for 10 weeks. no sides at all and 12 lbs gain. now into proper pct and have to say it was the best experience. Do more research on this site, you will thank yourself!

  40. #40
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    what are ur stats anyways?

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