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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Mail Boxes Etc - Your Take?

    I plan on getting a box really soon and was just curious what everyone's opinion was. I don't like the Post Office Box idea, it's a Federal 'Parcel Holder' and a federal crime.. not a good combo IMO.

    So I'm prolly gonna go grab a MBE box tomorrow, but I had a few questions:

    How many forms of ID do you need? I was @ the post office earlier this week and didn't have my 2nd form of ID (at the cottage) and the people there were staring me down like I was a ****ing terrorist. Sad sad shit..

    Also, can you pick up the package without having to sign? I trust both my sources 200% and have NO issues with them whatsoever, but I don't want to get it shipped and end up having to sign for something I don't need to in the first place.

    Any advice is appreciated. By the way.. they're domestic packs, so not a big deal in the first place. Just don't like the idea of getting illegal shit sent to my already *UP-TIGHT* apartment ****ing owner...

  2. #2
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    You need 2 forms of ID. I used my drivers license and voter registration card. You should not ever need to sign for anything at the box. The people at the store sign for it if need be. Ive had that several times.

  3. #3
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    You need 2 forms of ID. I used my drivers license and voter registration card. You should not ever need to sign for anything at the box. The people at the store sign for it if need be. Ive had that several times.
    Well **** me then.. all my docs are halfway across the country at my parents house. Can I go into Sec. of State's office and get a passport or voter's registration that same day?

    Anyone know??

  4. #4
    breacherup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Well **** me then.. all my docs are halfway across the country at my parents house. Can I go into Sec. of State's office and get a passport or voter's registration that same day?

    Anyone know??
    you can use your car registration...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Dont ever sign for a pack of illegal sh-t! if they ask for a sig., chalk it up as a loss. I get mine sent to po box and never had any problems. as long as there is nothing suspicious there will be no problems. I also have mine sent to an Arts and craft name with my po box #.
    By the way, shipping gear across any state line is a federal offense anyway. usps or not.

  6. #6
    ebomb6789's Avatar
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    It does not matter if its shipped to you house, business, or a PO Box. Its still a risk no matter how you look at it!

  7. #7
    Snrf's Avatar
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    you only need a passport, at least thats all i needed as a foreigner to open them in NYC

  8. #8
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    All are good idea, ESPECIALLY the car registration. Good call bro.

    One question remains though... if I go to the Sec. of States tomorrow and say I need a passport because I'm going out of the country in the next couple of days, wouldn't they be able to hook me up right then and there? Makes sense to me..

    Anyone know?

  9. #9
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    you will play hell trying to get a passport in one day. it usually takes weeks to months, or at least it does where i live...get a library card

  10. #10
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trulbfan3
    you will play hell trying to get a passport in one day. it usually takes weeks to months, or at least it does where i live...get a library card
    Will a library card even work as ID anywhere? lmao

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Will a library card even work as ID anywhere? lmao
    highly doubt it

  12. #12
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    highly doubt it
    oh i know bro... just a joke

  13. #13
    kolaking's Avatar
    kolaking is offline Associate Member
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    You can get a passport in one day, but it has to be at a regional office I think. My wife and I went to Amsterdam in 95, we live in a pretty big city but for reasons I don't remember they made us go 110 miles to New Orleans. WE got it the day we were leaving and I think it took an hour or so,almost missed our flight, drove into our airport here and got right on the plane. Talk about close! KK.

  14. #14
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kolaking
    You can get a passport in one day, but it has to be at a regional office I think. My wife and I went to Amsterdam in 95, we live in a pretty big city but for reasons I don't remember they made us go 110 miles to New Orleans. WE got it the day we were leaving and I think it took an hour or so,almost missed our flight, drove into our airport here and got right on the plane. Talk about close! KK.
    Yeah, that's what I was talking about. I meant to say it's a regional office or whatever they call it, CITY LIMIT type thing. It's if you live where your DL is, then you can get it there, otherwise it has to be the regional one...

    Any other thoughts on this?

  15. #15
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kolaking
    You can get a passport in one day, but it has to be at a regional office I think. My wife and I went to Amsterdam in 95, we live in a pretty big city but for reasons I don't remember they made us go 110 miles to New Orleans. WE got it the day we were leaving and I think it took an hour or so,almost missed our flight, drove into our airport here and got right on the plane. Talk about close! KK.
    Its changed after 9/11.
    It takes longer now.

    My brother tried to get it done quickly for his daughter and it took over a week and they knew they needed it for a funeral.

  16. #16
    Snrf's Avatar
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    I had one passport stolen by an aboriginal in Australia, the next one was attacked and eaten by the dog in my wouldn't believe how much crap I get off the passport office...

    "so your first passport was stolen by an aboriginal"
    "yes thats right"
    "and the second uhm, eaten by a dog?"
    me: uh huh, I know it sounds far out but I'm leaving the country in 3 days and I really need a new one.

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