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Thread: oral winny

  1. #1

    Lightbulb oral winny

    im gunna do a small cutting cycle of oral winny, if i dont stack it with a test or anything, or clomid, will it decrease my sex drive? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    slightly, shouldn't be too bad, pick up some cialis or viagra, or simeply throw in some test and get beter results, :-) good luck


  3. #3
    DJ -

    please don't give advice if you don't know what you're talking about, it's not safe, I would hate to see that kind of response on a DNP thera etc

    Chest -

    nothe winny wont be a problem for your sex drive and you definitely do not need viagra - how much ya taking?

  4. #4


    im getting 100, 10mg pills, we im gunna take 3 pills a day, then move it up to 4, then back down to three. what do u think? were gunna make it like 7-8 weeks.

  5. #5
    Hey bud - the math doesnt add up - if you take only 3 a day and never bump that to 4 that's still about 150 pills for seven wks - I would really get more but if not then run at 4/day for 3.5wks and be done with it - up to you

  6. #6

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