Hey all, new poster here.
I am 31 and have been on propecia for 3 years and rogain for 6 and it has worked great at keeping my hair. 3 months ago my sex drive disappeared and last week my doc checked my blood and said that my test was way low (210) especially for someone my age and in my shape (31yeas old, 160lbs, 15.25" bicepst, 42" chest, 30" waist, 7.5%bf on a 9pt). He prescribed 1cc test thearpy a week.
I was wondering if the propecia might be the reason my test is so low. I did a lot of research propecia and think i learned that propecia hinders the conversion of test to dht and that dht causes hairloss (and prostate problems) by binding to the hair folicles and killing them.
I have had 3 shots so far and I swear the I am shedding a lot of hair, I have not stopped taking propecia or using the rogain, does anyone know if test replacment thearpy at such a low dose could cause this?