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  1. #1
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    Experiences injecting into veins?

    I am 23, days away from my birthday and about 3 months away from my third cycle and I have a question on my mind. It seems that a couple people have recently injected into their veins accidently, even after aspirating. I aspirate meticulously, and I am worried that this may still happen to me.

    My question is basically for guys with 3 or 4 cycles and more. Is this a common thing to happen once every five cycles, or something like that? Or is it a freak thing.

    As it is now, my wife does my butt shots, half of my delts shots (depending on whther she has time, and I do my quad shots. Am I better off getting her to do all of the shots, considering her hand is a bit steadier than my own?

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro that can happen at anytime...the main thing is you're aware of it and taking proper precautions...if you inject in a vein when you aspirate you'll see blood going into the syringe(you know this i hope)...just pull it out and start all over again.In the butt its not as prevalent but when you go to shoulders,legs and arms its most likely to happen.

  3. #3
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    It happens. You can usually catch it by aspirating. But sometime you'll "nick" a veign and not know it. Then it's possible for some of the compound to get into the blood. Although, it is a small ammount. You'll notice if it's tren though.

    I accidently injected some humalin-R into a vein last week. Talk about "fun".....

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
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    Their not injecting into a vein, if they did they would probably have a stroke , also blood would come in during aspiration. They probably nicked a vein, or went through one on the way in IMO. Ive done it a few times I get a unstoppable cough for a few minutes, sweats and dizzy.

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    It happens. You can usually catch it by aspirating. But sometime you'll "nick" a veign and not know it. Then it's possible for some of the compound to get into the blood. Although, it is a small ammount. You'll notice if it's tren though.

    I accidently injected some humalin-R into a vein last week. Talk about "fun".....
    Beat me to the punch.

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Beat me to the punch.
    Gotta be quick BG. Especially now that you're a vet.

    And yeah, if anyone ever DIRECTLY injected a couple cc's of tren straight into a vein, they never survived to tell us about it. lol

  7. #7
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    Thanks guys. I seldom see blood after I've done my shot and never during aspiration. At least I know symptoms of leakage into a vein though. Thanks

  8. #8
    NYGIANTS21's Avatar
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    Some Fort out there...
    You will cough a lot if you even nick one. I had the cough last

  9. #9
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    I am assuming that when I have bled in the past that I have nicked a vein. I haven't coughed.

  10. #10
    mkv213's Avatar
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    Tren is always fun when you nick a vein. I just lay down for a few mins until the cough goes away. You should feel the cough coming on if you inject slowly. Just pull out and poke again.

  11. #11
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    what a coincidence there is a thread about this - I JUST injected .75mL of Tren and aspirated like 3 times before and during the injection. when I was almost done my muscle started spasming and I aspirated again... BAM! blood in my syringe. I have no idea how much oil actually went into my vein but I'v been feeling like coughing and I feel real light-headed. - feels like I just smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, WTF? is the injection wasted or am I still getting the tren?

    btw everybody I think I have the worst luck with injecting. I think I hit a vein about 50% of the time!

  12. #12
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    I dont think it will be wasted..It happened to me a couple times, had some blood, funny thing I never got the tren cough though....

  13. #13
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    I dont think it will be wasted..It happened to me a couple times, had some blood, funny thing I never got the tren cough though....
    i haven't been coughing, but I have that feeling in my chest like I need to cough... you know like when you drink something and it's really cold outside and you take a deep breath of cold air and your chest tightens up and u feel like u need to cough? that's how i feel! I need to go to the gym but i'm afraid to drive right now

  14. #14
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
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    oh yeah i know that feeling, haha i thought i was going to die, you'll be alright it will go away in a couple hours or so but yeah you def. just knicked a vein, and yes that tightness in the chest is a very weird and alarming feeling

  15. #15
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Never injected into one but i did go through them . Happened to me just the other day. When i pulled out all this blood came rushing out, oh well it happens.

  16. #16
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Never injected into one but i did go through them . Happened to me just the other day. When i pulled out all this blood came rushing out, oh well it happens.
    "rushing out"???

  17. #17
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minihulkwestcoast
    "rushing out"???
    When you pull out.

  18. #18
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    I am not sure if you wrote “when you pull out”, the blood rushed after you pulled the needle out, however, I am assuming it did. Are you taking antibiotics, ( which could inhibit vitamin K production from your intestinal bacteria and thus suppressing blood clot). Did you have any alcohol or any drugs, prescribed or not, that may disturb the normal blood viscosity, (such as alcohol). No alcohol.? Most RN’s would say it would be more noticeable if you hit a vain. When you say “rushing out”, and you do not admit to any other symptoms, for sure, I assume there were not. It is unlikely that you hit a vein. You may have injected, pierced through, or “nicked”, in a spot, that had a venules or two, (small branch of a vein), or have blood viscosity or clot issues, in which case it would be involving extremely small venules that shouldn’t be an issue in normal situations.. This, in most situations, should not be big a problem Unless you have withheld numerous specific symptoms, you did not inject directly into a vein, assuming your stuff is real. Also to note, above symptoms can happen, to an extent, but smaller, if you “nick” a vein or larger venule and the substance in in injected in a quantity that could, by back pressure, come backwards and slightly enter the bloodstream, through a vein, which be would be more obvious or venule. In the vein is more obvious.

    PM or ask Dr. Sust, with my quote and read his comments.
    Nobody is perfect and it is not right for some one to look at one source.

    FWI, proven physicians under a documented apt., are the only people you should give diagnostic responsibility.

    I still a curious though.

    Thanks for reading.

  19. #19
    minihulkwestcoast is offline Associate Member
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    I am not the best english student. Excuse me for typos.

  20. #20
    Warrior's Avatar
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    It happens. Usually it's just nicking one - 'cause it would take some serious perscion to actually thread a vein and inject right into it.

    My favorite was hitting a blood vessel in my ass as my wife walked into the bathroom to see me squirting blood like a sprinkler - I was like, "can you please hand me another gauze pad sweet heart."

    You can usually tell if you are headed for trouble by checking the pin right before you pull it out... if it shows signs of redness (in the plastic part attached to the actual needle), then you may have some blood trying to escape.

    If you get a lot into the vein itself - you can get a little light headed or nautious... get some water and food and the feeling passes...

    Best thing to do is always aspirate ; in addition to that: push the pin in so it stays flush with the skin and try not to move it up and down while administering. Using the skin slide method helps to minimize bleeding from the site as well.

  21. #21
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior

    My favorite was hitting a blood vessel in my ass as my wife walked into the bathroom to see me squirting blood like a sprinkler - I was like, "can you please hand me another gauze pad sweet heart." .
    hahaha.. i remember doing that too... She was all like. AHHHH!! But calmed down after she saw I was laughing. Youd think my leg was cut off the way she re-acted...

  22. #22
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    hahaha.. i remember doing that too... She was all like. AHHHH!! But calmed down after she saw I was laughing. Youd think my leg was cut off the way she re-acted...
    I made my girl watch me inject one time and I nicked a vein. I coughed for 10 min straight, sweating like a kid at fat camp.All she was "your an asshole", I agreed and kept on coughing.

  23. #23
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I made my girl watch me inject one time and I nicked a vein. I coughed for 10 min straight, sweating like a kid at fat camp.All she was "your an asshole", I agreed and kept on coughing.

  24. #24
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Using the skin slide method helps to minimize bleeding from the site as well.
    what is the skin slide method?

  25. #25
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    what is the skin slide method?
    You pull the skin to the side, push the pin in, administer the gear, remove the pin and then release the skin. The skin will slide over the site and block blood (or gear) from escaping. It can be difficult to do with some sites - like biceps or triceps since you one have one free hand, if you do your own injections.

  26. #26
    a lifeless plague's Avatar
    a lifeless plague is offline Junior Member
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    passing through/nicking veins should happen... last week i pulled out and it just started running out. of course, i aspirated, and injected into muscle and not a vein. but when you pass through you should expect blood. todays shot on the other hand was smooth and just the usual tiny drop afterwards...though, some blood at the tip of the syringe...which is usually from passing through or nicking as well.. blood is long as you aspirated and didnt shoot in a vein...

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