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  1. #1
    StuntinLikeMyDaddy is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    First Cycle: Sust, Deca, Dbol

    Hello I am 5'8 165lbs Ive worked out now for probably 5 years. I am about to start my first cycle and I have a Few Questions... I already have purchased all of my gear I am going to do as followed...
    Week 1-4 Dbol 30mgs ED
    Week 1-8 Sustanon 250... 250mg Mon. and 250mg Thurs.
    Week 1-8 Deca 200mg Mon. and 200mg Thurs.
    Week 1-8 Nolvadex 10 mg ED

    Does this cycle look good?
    Is it okay to mix my Sust and Deca for the Injection days?
    Would you inject in the same spot Thursday as I did Monday? (I believe I want to inject in the glute)
    Do you recommend taking the Nolvadex everyday or just wait and take it PCT.

    I also have Clomid for PCT.

    Thank You all for everything... Ill be looking forward to your advice...

  2. #2
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    I think you are heading in the wrong direction. Maybe start off with less...less=more. Try test en and an oral to something kick start. Keeping Nolva is important during cycle and clomid should start two weeks after last test en injection. Deca is better on a second cycle prefferably with test. Maybe play with sust after your second cycle.

  3. #3
    Velkar182 is offline Banned
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    Take Nolvadex when you start getting itchy nipples or discomfort. I think you might want to to consider reading a little more. Do you know how to aspirate ? DO you know why you may need Nolvadex during the cycle? Just my thoughts. What is your age?

  4. #4
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    1. i dont think u have a solid base to work with...
    2. cycle is to short.
    3. sust isnt the best test to start with...u should see how u react to single esther before playin with 4 dif. kinds..
    4. to many compounds..u can get plenty of gains with just test for first cycle...if u have neg. sides u wont know were its comin from...
    5. rotate spots to shoot as much as possible...very simple ones are legs, ass, shoulders, and pecs...thats 8 dif spots...

  5. #5
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    well its your first cycle all you need to do is just run the sust at 500mgs a week eod shots to keep blood levels stable and sides low. my first cycle was sust at 500mgs aweek for14 weeks gained 25 lbs and kept 20 of it.and if you do decide to run the deca run the test 2 weeks longer since deca stays in your body longer then you can run your pct at the proper timing. and you can mix both together no problem. i like to swith off from delt to glute every time.keep the nolva on hand its for gyno if you experince any itchy or puffy nipps then you want to take should really just run the test and save the rest you next cycle.also you should really do your research and learn as much as you can so you can have a safe and productive cycle.

  6. #6
    2deizel's Avatar
    2deizel is offline Associate Member
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    running a single ester would be better but he said he every thing on hand. i prefer test c or e less shots

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