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  1. #1
    daveyboy330 is offline Junior Member
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    add d bol or not?

    just started my first cycle and it's like this.

    -Test E 400mg/wk 10 weeks
    -arimidex .5mg/day run throughout cycle
    -finish off with clomid and arimidex

    -5'11, 205 pounds, 26 years old
    -training for 4 years
    -want to put on some quality muscle and strength gains.(stuck at a plateau)
    -diet in check

    I was just planning on doin the straight test for my first cycle to see how my body would react to it. A friend of mine had about 55 pills of d bol (5mg) leftover from his last cycle. I can't stop staring at those pretty pink little pills, but i told myself that i was just gonna do test. I'm sure that there will be a great majority of u that will suggest against the d bol for my first cycle. I'm really anxious for some results and i know that the d bol will help gains kick in sooner.

    would it be foolish to start the d bol? If i do 10mg a day ( i know it's low) that'll last me almost 4 weeks. is 10mgs a day even worth it? also, I definetely don't want to put on any more water weight. I guess the a dex would help with that though. any input would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    my mind
    i would add it i just learned that it can take test e about can and may take up to 10weeks to work sucks don't it?? and i only got enough for 13weeks and i am using dbol atm and seems to be bad azz... and aother pisseroffer is that eq can take just as long if it even does kick in

    fvck long esters from now on i will only use short ones

  3. #3
    daveyboy330 is offline Junior Member
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    how many mg/day u takin. notice any ill sides?

  4. #4
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    my mind
    im doing 30-50mgs of dbol a day and i just get water ret and face is starting to get greasy not too bad though... i never had pimples (rare to get any very rare for me) sometimes i kinda get hot and sweat while doing nothing

  5. #5
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    you should run the test for 12 weeks minimum...
    And yes, good to see you've done some research cuz running one compound is the smart thing to do...If you dont wanna gain any water, forget the Dbol ..Stick with the original plan and only run the test. then next time throw in the Dbol to compare the difference.. A low dose like that isnt gonna do much anyways.. IMO

  6. #6
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    you should run the test for 12 weeks minimum...
    And yes, good to see you've done some research cuz running one compound is the smart thing to do...If you dont wanna gain any water, forget the Dbol..Stick with the original plan and only run the test. then next time throw in the Dbol to compare the difference.. A low dose like that isnt gonna do much anyways.. IMO
    care to explain.. I ran it for 9 weeks and had fantastic results

  7. #7
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    well....Again we are all different....I guess i should have put that a different way.. I should have stated that alot of bros I know have had good results running anywhere from 10-12 weeks. But this may not apply to EVERYONE, so best to try it and see what works BEST for you..........sorry.. lol
    Last edited by goalseeker; 09-09-2006 at 08:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Bullsh!t info bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beefyman
    i just learned that it can take test e about can and may take up to 10weeks to work

  9. #9
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    I would add it, my first cycle consisted of test e and dbol , absolutely loved it.

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