current stats: 6' 25 Years old, 215 lbs, ~12%BF, this is going to be 4th cycle.
week 1-14 Test Cyp. 500 mg/week
week 1-12 Deca 400 mg/week
week 1-24 HGH start at 2IU/day (5 times/week), increasing by 0.5 unit every 4 weeks.
weel 20-24 Winstrol Oral at 75 mg/day ..Dose split into 2 doses morning and night 37.5 mg each.
week 1-24 T4 100 mcg/day
Insulin 3 weeks on 3 weeks off at 10 IU after work outs.
Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG start at week 16-19
any recommendations or adjusments will be appreciated.