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  1. #1
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Need HELP!!

    Okay I am 6'3 235 19% body fat. I am wanting to get cut up. I ask my buddy to get me some roids and he suggested i take Tren acetate 6 weeks 20 ccs total, clenbuterol and cytomel T3. He said i need to take a lil test with the tren as well.(how much test?) I am wondering if this will be alright for a first cycle and if there is anything else i need to take with this cycle(clomid,nolvadex , hcg ??)Also my doseage for each things. Side effects? Which test to take with the tren? What should i expect as far as gains?

    Like i said i am totally new to this. I just want to get great results as safe and quick as possible. ANY SUGGESTIONS or comments will help!! I am more concerned with getting cut than getting bigger.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    How old are you dude ?

  3. #3
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    No you don't need "roids". Seriously bro, in all honesty because everyone here looks out for everyone, I would say that first try diet and cardio first thing in the morning before you wake up. After a few months and really hard work, and only then, maybe a light clen cycle will help. But seriously dude, no disrespect to your friend, it's not a good idea.

    Good luck bro,

    Be safe,


  4. #4
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    im 19 i want to be extremely ripped up! Y shouldnt i do it. I here and see people do them all the time with no real serious side effects. Is there another cycle i could do to achieve a real ripped look in a little amt of time. Can i expect to be real ripped with this cycle im considering???
    Thanks for replys

  5. #5
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    Well first of all bro. Tren is no joke, it had tons of sides. insomnia, acne etc. It does get you cut up. But stacking so much into one cycle if it is your first time is not advisable because you are inexperienced with all of the drugs. If you are set on taking something. Be safe and do a clen cycle or an ECA stack.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    your to young for gear, diet and cardio will achieve your goals at your age.

  7. #7
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    So if i just did the Clen and t3 would that be all right??

  8. #8
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    I think i could live with the acne and insomnia.(I already stay up all the time and i have pro active to help with acne) I just really want to be ripped up and in good shape. Lets say i do decide to do this cycle how is it gonna affect me both good and bad. I think the good might outway the bad but im not sure!

  9. #9
    Agrajaz's Avatar
    Agrajaz is offline New Member
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    Man you are only 19!! You dont need drugs to cut up, Growingpains is 100% right, diet and cardio are all you need.

  10. #10
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    I think im gonna take the cycle. Could yall plz help me with the doses and timeframe for doses. Is there anything else i should takeHCG clomid??.I want to make it as safe as possible.

  11. #11
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    What kind of results could i expect from just clen ? Or maybe clen and T3?

  12. #12
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro you're not listening!!!!...take some timeout and look at your diet and nutrition intake and see where you have to make changes.Then you add some cardio and you will lose body fat.Taking AAS as crutch is just not productive....Oh has it been mentioned to you and you might be too young????...Of course it has!!!

  13. #13
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    man u aint got to be a prick about it. Im just trying to figure out everything i can.Why did u take steroids ure first time. Because it is an easier way to achieve your goals. How old should i be then 21 25. I thought at 18 it would be alright for your first cycle. Just trying to learn anything i can. I beginning to believe more and more that tren is not good for my first cycle(according to everything im reading) but i would still like to take something in addition to my cardio which im already doing to help me get the gains i want quicker! No one necessarily has to take steroids RIGHT. THEN Y DO SO MANY PEOPLE DO IT. Cause u get the results u want fast and easy and that is what i want to do!!

  14. #14
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    First no way did I disrespect you so watch your language...At 19 you're naturally still growing!! dont need the AAS yet.You can build a good base with good nutrition and training.waht is said here is basically for your good....and yes a good age to try AAS would be about23 to 25(my opinion,but there are stas and data that back this up)...but after you have built a good base.

  15. #15
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    I mean no disrespect to any of you. You all know more than i do thats why i am asking these questions. For those of you that say i shouldnt do this cycle. What are the reasons other than aggression, insomnia and acne. These are things i think i can handle. Could you all suggest some alternatives for me other than just cardio and diet. My friends have done several cycles and they suggested this but only for 6 weeks to be safe. Like i said i am overweight and out of shape. I want to be ripped up so i can take my shirt off and be confident in my self rather than embarrassed. I originally was going to do primo depot win depot and clen and t3. I found it online for a super cutting cycle but my friend said i would get better results from the tren acetate alone than the primo and win plus i would save money. Srry for bothering yall! Just really confused! I am going to try something whether its just test or just clen. I just would like to be steered in the right way for my first time. Im not concern with gaining size just in getting ripped.

  16. #16
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    Learn how to diet & train correctly.

    These things take time. You on steroids right now as uneducated as you are on nutrition and training practices is only going to set you up for disaster. Problems as in side effects blown $ and short lived gains. Thats why having a natural base and knowledge is so important. If you know how to make good gains off aas you will make better and KEEP your gains after the cycle is done. There is not short cuts. Its a process, once you know how to gain naturally AAS only helps.

  17. #17
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    srry Big max I just feel like im getting no where. I realize the best way and the smartest way for me to get what i want doesnt involve steroids . Like i said though i want it as fast and as easy as possible and i could be wrong but i feel like some kind of steroid or fat burner is the easiest way to do it. I realize there are risks! So which way can i go that will be the least riskful but best results other than just cardio and diet. Thx and again srry big max. I am listening to yall but i feel like yall arent hearing me. Of course there are risks i take risks everday but at least im on hear trying to find those risks out instead of just taking my buddys advice and doing the cycle not knowing anything about it.

  18. #18
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    I already know how to gain naturally and have been in and out of shape b4. It just takes so much time and i see all my friends doing this like its nothing so i thought i could try it out.

  19. #19
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Thats fine bro....I can feel your fustartion..but no its not the aggression or insomniaetc...your growth plates ahve not fully develpoed yet...when you use AAS you HPTA system will shut other words your balls will shut down and may shrink...thats pretty traumatc for a 19 year see what i'm saying???I'll also tell you bro...yes ive done AAS and contnue on a timed on and off base doing them...but its still dosent get any easier still have to bust your A$$ training and eating and doing cardio to acheive results.

  20. #20
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    people are only trying to help you here mate,you are in many and correct eyes far too young to be using gear,on this site we are here to help people and try to keep them as safe as we possibly can..............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  21. #21
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    Thanks alot for all the replys. I think ive decided to just take the clen and maybe some t3 as well cause i really want to lose this fat. Are these considered steroids .???? Will they affect my growth plates.

  22. #22
    Daemonn is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by dmojo420
    Thanks alot for all the replys. I think ive decided to just take the clen and maybe some t3 as well cause i really want to lose this fat. Are these considered steroids.???? Will they affect my growth plates.
    I think you are just a lazy spoiled kid who wants everything the easy way. You received excellent advice on why you shouldnt take gear for a million reasons and you still decided to do it. If you have made up your mind already why come here and start this thread and waste everyone's time?
    Not to mention you haven't done ANY reserach whatsoever and you expect everything handed to you in a silver plate. Had you researched just a little you wouldnt have even started this thread, cuz you woulda known better.
    I hope you do the right thing...

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Dude, Just take the clen . Don't be hardheaded. The T3 is very catabolic, it WILL TAKE EVERYTHING, MUSCLE AND FAT!!!!!!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemonn
    I think you are just a lazy spoiled kid who wants everything the easy way. You received excellent advice on why you shouldnt take gear for a million reasons and you still decided to do it. If you have made up your mind already why come here and start this thread and waste everyone's time?
    Not to mention you haven't done ANY reserach whatsoever and you expect everything handed to you in a silver plate. Had you researched just a little you wouldnt have even started this thread, cuz you woulda known better.
    I hope you do the right thing...

    In a nice way.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmojo420
    I think i could live with the acne and insomnia.(I already stay up all the time and i have pro active to help with acne) I just really want to be ripped up and in good shape. Lets say i do decide to do this cycle how is it gonna affect me both good and bad. I think the good might outway the bad but im not sure!

    I just read this and it mad me laugh pretty hard.

  26. #26
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    Clen is very dangerous...Far worse then steroids in my opinion.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Clen is very dangerous...Far worse then steroids in my opinion.

    TRUTH! It expands the heart!

  28. #28
    bestweld is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    cardio first thing in the morning before you wake up.

    G.P., tell me how you do it. This would save me a shitload of time in the morning.

  29. #29
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    I did do a lot of research but everything i found still left me with a tough choice on whether to do them or not. I justed wanted you all to help me make the right decision. SRRY FOR WASTING your times. Appreciate the few of you who werent a prick about leading me away from roids.

  30. #30
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    Not one of them was rude. You continue to say no ones listening to you, but yet your not listening to them. Its not just something you take like asprin. Its serouis. You claim you have been in and out of shape before. So you'll do these drugs, get lean for a bit then go out of shape again and have what to show? Besides the age factor. Drives me crazy when all these new people come in and jump on a test cycle (which isn't a cutter)or whatever they hear the joe blow is takeing to look like him. With no thought to how long he's been training. They think they can sit at home watching tv and get big. Your right, no one has to take steroids and your wrong, it's not done to speed things up. Do what you can naturally first, then step it up if need be. Not because I eat McDonalds everyday and all of a sudden want to get lean overnight. Doesn't work like that. Eatting healthy alone will get you lean, throw some cardio in an you can get ripped.

  31. #31
    dmojo420 is offline New Member
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    you guys were a lot of help!!!!

  32. #32
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Thats fine bro....I can feel your fustartion..but no its not the aggression or insomniaetc...your growth plates ahve not fully develpoed yet...when you use AAS you HPTA system will shut other words your balls will shut down and may shrink...thats pretty traumatc for a 19 year see what i'm saying???I'll also tell you bro...yes ive done AAS and contnue on a timed on and off base doing them...but its still dosent get any easier still have to bust your A$$ training and eating and doing cardio to acheive results.

    This man said it all.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bestweld
    G.P., tell me how you do it. This would save me a shitload of time in the morning.

    Its really easy actually! You just dream about running and BOOM! Your shredded!

  34. #34
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    this kid is way to hard headed to listen and it sounds like hes already made up his mind...these are the kind of ppl that get steroids put in the news with a bad reputation....but hey its his life, if he wants to screw it up let him.

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