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  1. #1
    firemanpete32's Avatar
    firemanpete32 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005

    Prop/T-bol cycle


    Is this the best way to run what ive got or should i start the t-bol later and finish 2 weeks afer the test p as ive seen this mentioned but didnt understand the reasons?

    this is what im planning on doing at the moment:

    1 - 60 Days Test P @ 100mg/day
    13 - 63 Days Turinabol @ 80mg day
    64 - 86 Days Clomid/Nolva 300/200/100 etc

    Nolva 10mg day throughout



  2. #2
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    Just wondering about the dosage of the turinabol . I was looking at running it this coming spring in a cutter but was going to run it at 40mg ED since I was going by the profile on this site. Do you know something I don't? thanks-Erwin

  3. #3
    firemanpete32's Avatar
    firemanpete32 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005
    well im planning on starting at 60mg day but will bump it up to 80 if i have no sides. Ive seen many threads on peoples experiences on t-bol saying that in their opinion 40mgs would be a waste of time and people should run it at-least 50mgs. With my own personal experiences of orals, winny, d-bol, proviron , var ive always had to increase the "profile dosages" to see anything, so i doubt t-bol will be any different, besides i have enough for 80mg a day!!

  4. #4
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    May 2005
    Corner of Iowa
    Sounds like you have done your research and I need to do more. Good thing I wasn't going to run it until april or may. Thanks for getting me to think fireman.-Erwin

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