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Thread: Test level during a training session

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Test level during a training session

    I have read that Test level while not on aas will drop after 45 minutes of training. At that point your bodies cortisone levels begin to increase. So by 60 minutes into the workout, and individual should have completeed their training, because at that point on continuing does more harm than good.

    My question is in three parts:

    How long do test levels stay up and cortisone suppressed with test/ or other aas?

    What are the determining factors in regard to how long test levels stay up?

    Does the ester of test make a difference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    How long do test levels stay up and cortisone suppressed with test/ or other aas?
    I think you are thinking cortisol, not cortisone. I dont think AAS suppress it so much, as it blunts the catabolic effects of cortisol.

    What are the determining factors in regard to how long test levels stay up?
    There are so many variable when it comes to this, that it would be very hard to say how long your test levels would stay elevated. The obvious would be: gender, age, training experience, intensity, ect. Im sure there is a base line level in a "well-trained" individual.

    Does the ester of test make a difference?
    Sure. If you have a "slow-realeasing" AAS the half life is a lot longer than a "fast-releasing".

    Ex. 100mgs of Test Enathate would take a lot longer to break down into its halflife as opposed to 100mgs Test Prop.

    Hope that helps Im sure everyone else can throw in there 10cents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    I know that different ester have different half lives.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    SO then it would make sense. If you were using prop you'd have a faster acting steroid. But if you were in the midst of a longer acting steroid the influx of the compound might just be the same. I know there is a calculator to calculate the levels of diff. esters, but I dont have the link. Maybe someone reading this could hook it up.

  6. #6
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    I was figuring that there was a base amount of time, or a minimum amount of time that the test levels stayed up, given a particular dosage of an ester/ or similar relationship to aas in general. When I am on, my workouts are about 40-55 minutes long and while on aas, they are closer to 75-90 minutes. I just wanted to make sure I am not doing more harm than good.

    I read in Powerlifting USA that either test or aas in general suppress cortisol. I have read in a medical journal doctors, in special cases, use steroids to suppress the adrenals' production of cortisol. I'm sure we could google it, unless someone else knows.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    Oh no it definitly supresses it.

    After 60 mins your GH, TEST levels slowly start to decline. If your on it doesnt matter cause your natural test level is pretty much shot. So at which point all that matters is your exogenous test levels, and as long your injection frequency and dose are up to par then you're good to go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    sounds good, thanks

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