First i have to commend the members, vets and Mods that run this board.

4 years ago i came purely looking for information, as a complete newbie. I read and read and read and read...until i finally had the courage to ask a question or two...where what parts a didnt understand were clarified for me in a quick and awesome manner.

I havent done a cycle in a little over 2 years. I stopped competing in my sport around the same time and the grind of fmaily life and work kinda took the place of my matenience of my fitness goals.

Now i have been proposed an oppurtunity to get back into my sport full time and am looking to run a 8-14 week cycle prior to.

Previously my cycles put on a lot of mass and water weight, also they drastically increased my strength. Conversly, the gains were tough to keep especially while in the grind of a season. Due to the nature of baseball, i played everyday and had little energy left to continue the heavy lifting needed during the cycle and my PCT.

That being said, Id like to try something much more mild, as i am no longer looking for the size gains, rather moderate strength gains with a muscular definition that is more keepable and natural looking.

Previously i ran
1) 10 weeks of Test E w/ clomid PCT
2) 12 weeks of Test E and Prop w/ clomid PCT

The prop didnt agree with me, my body didnt seem to respond to it like it did the E, and i had much more negative side effects with the prop and E combination.

I realize that most would agree that Test is needed as the backbone of any cycle however i am intrigued by the possibility of an Anavar based cycle.

If you had to recomend a Test to back up the Var, would it have to be Prop?...i assume that the shorter ester wouldnt cancel out a lot of the var benefits like E or Cyp might.

Any help would be great...

i am 6ft 4, 210 pounds...low BF% havent had it measured in a while...
