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  1. #1
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    To clen or not to clen

    be 22 soon here 6'0 190 bf ??? was around 7 percent when i was 183. cut from 236 to 183 working out 4 or 5 years serious about 7 or 8 all together.

    ok so im making last preperations for my first cycle. A little over a month ago i finished cutting using clen and it worked amazing. I was really strong a lean.

    question 1. However this last month has been pretty rough and just in the past week ive really been back to trying to hit the weights hard and stick to my diet. However, even though slowy bumped my cals up from 2000 (while cutting) to 4000 im actually weaker! I think some of it may be due to the part of the wanting to get all the partying out before my first cycle because i wont be doing any for at least 4 months. And going without any clen Anyways
    i have about 4 weeks before i begin and i want to be in my best shape before i do. Ive put back on somebody fat again not feeling toned at all and was wondering you it would be ok to run clen again up until my first shot. To bring the bf down and the strength back up.

    here is my first cycle i know i know i know d-bol isn't needed but i have it and don't want have to stash it and wait until next winter to bulk with it. not the greastest reason but i wanna put on some serious strength

    Test E 1-12 500mg Week 250/250
    D-bol 1-4 30mg ED
    letro 1-14 .5mg ED?????? <--- Question 2 <-----what if anything to run here if not letro and How much will it hinder my gains???

    Tamo 15-18 40mg ED
    Clomid 15-17 100mg ED
    Clomid 18 50 mg ED
    clen 14-16 19-20
    3 does PCT look alright?

    thanks for your time
    Last edited by brjrj0000; 09-11-2006 at 03:59 PM.

  2. #2
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    It wouldn't affect your AS cycle in a negative way i don't think. However wouldn't it be better to not party rather than make up for over indulgence with a drug? If your preparing for a cycle you need to get serious and concentrate on strict diet and training now.

  4. #4
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    It wouldn't affect your AS cycle in a negative way i don't think. However wouldn't it be better to not party rather than make up for over indulgence with a drug? If your preparing for a cycle you need to get serious and concentrate on strict diet and training now.
    yeah i agree with that. I i mean i didnt party or drink that hard it was just a combination of getting sick with a bad cold and the drinking that did it. Just wanted to get it out my system now i will be training like an animal from here on out. Thanks for the input. Any comments on the cycle? or what AI if any that i should be running during?

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Thats a high dose of letro there. It might affect libido badly. I wouldn't run letro unless I had horrendous sides that needed it. I would run arimidex (liqiudex from Lion). I would also look at the PCT forum stickies for some ideas as IMO there are much better PCT protocols out there.

  6. #6
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    yeah for the last few weeks ive been looking around at other pct and what to run during a cycle. Theres just so many different opinions im confused. Any opinions on what and how much exactly i should run during the cycle and pct?

  7. #7
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    YOur cycle looks good man at 500mg a wk , also with the dbol a good kickstart, as for the letro i agree save it if bad sides come... and run arimidex which is what i have decided now... at .5 ed or eod depending on you.... YOur PCT is alright.. im going to run Clomid at 100mg / Nolva at 20mg a day for about 30 days or until i feel everything is back on track... i also will be adding Clen into my PCT...

  8. #8
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    hey thanks for the help man

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