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  1. #1
    ajmuni's Avatar
    ajmuni is offline New Member
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    I'm starting a T-3/Clen cycle..tell me what ya think..

    I'm 5'5 and 210lbs. Yea I kno...210lbs. I've worked out most of my life, and for the past year I stopped and have gained about 25-30lbs of fat (eaiting HORRIBLY, I mean HORRIBLY WRONG/LOTS OF BEER) When I was around 170, I looked good, short and kinda stalky. I've taken clen in the past and I have loved the results, and I'm about to start it again along with T-3. My girlfriends mom is a personal trainer and has written a diet for me eating about 6-8 meals a day, low carbs and high protein. Her diets are very, very efficient and I trust them seeing pics from before and after from her clients. I plan on doing cardio 5x times per week, @ around 30-40 minute sessions.

    - I know all about water intake (1 gallon a day), taking about 2 grams of taurine, and I'm also taking some spironolactolone 25MG ED.

    -I'm thinking about posting some before pictures, but I'm completely embarrased...


    Clen: 1 week on/1 week off.
    T-3: All thru the 6 weeks.

    Date Clen (mcgs) T3 (mg's)
    9/11 Day 1 20 12.5
    9/12 Day 2 20 12.5
    9/13 Day 3 40 25
    9/14 Day 4 60 25
    9/15 Day 5 60 25
    9/16 Day 6 80 50
    9/17 Day 7 80 50
    9/18 Day 8 Off 50
    9/19 Day 9 Off 50
    9/20 Day 10 Off 50
    9/21 Day 11 Off 50
    9/22 Day 12 Off 50
    9/23 Day 13 Off 50
    9/24 Day 14 Off 50
    9/25 Day 15 80 50
    9/26 Day 16 80 50
    9/27 Day 17 80 50
    9/28 Day 18 80 50
    9/29 Day 19 80 50
    9/30 Day 20 80 50
    10/1 Day 21 80 50
    10/2 Day 22 Off 50
    10/3 Day 23 Off 50
    10/4 Day 24 Off 50
    10/5 Day 25 Off 50
    10/6 Day 26 Off 50
    10/7 Day 27 Off 50
    10/8 Day 28 Off 25
    10/9 Day 29 80 25
    10/10 Day 30 80 25
    10/11 Day 31 80 12.5
    10/12 Day 32 80 12.5
    10/13 Day 33 80 12.5
    10/14 Day 34 80 12.5
    10/15 Day 35 80 12.5
    10/16 Day 36 Off 12.5
    10/17 Day 37 Off 12.5
    10/18 Day 38 Off 12.5
    10/19 Day 39 Off 12.5
    10/20 Day 40 Off 12.5
    10/21 Day 41 Off 12.5
    10/22 Day 42 Off 12.5

    - I kno that the dosing seems low, But from previous cycles I've seen that 80 mcgs of clen was enough, and I wanted to keep the cytomel proportional to the clen. I just purchased some liquid clen from ar-r , and I'll raise the dose if I find it necessary
    Last edited by ajmuni; 09-11-2006 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    You need to very careful running these two together. They will have a catabolic effect on muscle mass and caloric intake needs to be high.

    IMO a better option would be a rigorous cardio routine couple with the clean diet the PT has outline for ya.

  3. #3
    ajmuni's Avatar
    ajmuni is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    If I were to run this stack I would run some Test alongside it to stave off Catabolism. If you decide to run this as is be prepared for muscle loss due to catabolism. You will actually look on the scale and will see results but there is a strong possibility it will be muscle and we dont want that.

    If you trainers diets are so efficient why not try it natty. You are jumping right back into something when the complete shock your body will take on from dieting will yield great results.

  5. #5
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    [QUOTE=FranKieC]If I were to run this stack I would run some Test alongside it to stave off Catabolism. If you decide to run this as is be prepared for muscle loss due to catabolism. You will actually look on the scale and will see results but there is a strong possibility it will be muscle and we dont want that.

    You'd get far better results running the Clen straight, may I inquire as to why you're splitting? I hope it's not to protect against receptor downgrade.

    And as illustrated by Dragon and Frank, you'll lose some of everything (weight, fat & muscle) running these two off cycle, though this may SEEM ideal, the requisite muscle loss will be detrimental to your overall goal. It’ll especially affect you upon discontinuation of the compounds, as it'll make your body a less efficient fat burning machine.


  6. #6
    ajmuni's Avatar
    ajmuni is offline New Member
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    Well I thought it would be cool to tell you guys how I'm doing. Well in the first week I dropped 10 lbs, and the 2nd week i only dropped 2 lbs(I had a bad weekend) and i'm on Day 16. I ate right, and did about 50 mintues of cardio 12 of the 14 days (20min in the AM, and 30 min the PM). I'll keep updating every 2 weeks to let you guys know. I'm well aware of the muscle loss I can be afflicted with, But i'll take the bad with the good. Again Lion's clen rocks, and it keeps me sweating like a dog.

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