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Thread: Cycle #1 or Cycle #2 for Mass

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Cycle #1 or Cycle #2 for Mass

    Bros - Which cycle would yield more mass out of these two cycles:

    cycle #1
    wk 1-10 Test e @ 1500mg/wk
    wk 1-10 NPP @ 600mg/wk
    wk 1-10 EQ @ 600mg/wk
    wk 1-5 Dbol @ 50mg ed

    cycle #2
    wk 1-12 Test E @ 1000mg/wk
    wk 1-12 NPP @ 500mg/wk
    wk 1-12 EQ @ 500mg/wk
    wk 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ed
    wk 8-12 var @ 100mg ed

    would it be better to stretch is all out for 12 full weeks, or will most stop growing at about the 10 week marker? I originally planned for a 16 weeker, but I dont want to waste my time and gear if I will stop reacting to the cycle around week 10 or so.

    And I know some of you will say running NPP with EQ is useless, but I have been told that there is synergy between the two when used together.

    I need feedback please...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    stats, cycle history?

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    If you have a few cycles under your belt 2 looks real good. I'de run the var even longer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    34, 235lbs, 9%bf, 10 cycles under belt.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cycle 1....But why not raise the dbol dosage?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thats a lot of test .. im curious to see your stats and experience..

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Cycle 1....But why not raise the dbol dosage?

    what do you think, raise it to 75mg ed?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005
    what do you think, raise it to 75mg ed?

    yeah that would be better.

  9. #9
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    I wouldn't run Deca and EQ together but that's just me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Someplace Civilized
    I would run it like this...

    wk 1-12 Test E @ 1000mg/wk
    wk 1-12 EQ @ 6-800mg/wk
    wk 1-4 Dbol @ 75-100mg ed
    wk 8-12 var or winnie @ 100mg ed

    The reason I would run the EQ over the Deca is because EQ tends to increase appitite and that is obviously a good thing while on a clean bulk. BTW I never have libido problems so people might think this is a little unorthidox.
    Last edited by FranKieC; 09-11-2006 at 10:29 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    I would run it like this...

    wk 1-12 Test E @ 1000mg/wk
    wk 1-12 EQ @ 6-800mg/wk
    wk 1-4 Dbol @ 75-100mg ed
    wk 8-12 var or winnie @ 100mg ed

    The reason I would run the EQ over the Deca is because EQ tends to increase appitite and that is obviously a good thing while on a clean bulk. BTW I never have libido problems so people might think this is a little unorthidox.
    Ok, my NPP source got busted, so I want to just stick with what i have right now, which is the test, eq, dbol, and i have 8 amps of norma deca.....

    would it be a waste to use the deca at 200mg/wk for 8 weeks in this cycle by FrankieC???

  12. #12
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005
    Ok, my NPP source got busted, so I want to just stick with what i have right now, which is the test, eq, dbol, and i have 8 amps of norma deca.....

    would it be a waste to use the deca at 200mg/wk for 8 weeks in this cycle by FrankieC???
    I would say yes...

    How much equipoise do you have? Can you up it to 800+?

    I would run your eq no less than 800 and dbol no less than 70mgs...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i got 3 bottles, 200mg/ml.......

    how is var and eq together? I ran var at 100mg ed for 8 days to try out some of my sources and my pumps and tone were better in 8 days than any other shit i ever used.....just curious how it is with eq, because eq making me vascular, and the pumps from var seem like they would be unbeatable....

    thanks for all your help bro, i appreciate it

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005
    i got 3 bottles, 200mg/ml.......

    how is var and eq together? I ran var at 100mg ed for 8 days to try out some of my sources and my pumps and tone were better in 8 days than any other shit i ever used.....just curious how it is with eq, because eq making me vascular, and the pumps from var seem like they would be unbeatable....

    thanks for all your help bro, i appreciate it

    I personally don't like var. Few veins show up , better pumps and thats it.....
    Winstrol was much better and at a lower dose. Both var and win both dried my joints out and made them hurt. Winstrol was much better for strength aswell. Winstrol at 100mgs will put var at the same dose to shame IMO.

    But if you wana go with var, be sure to run it 100mgs+ to get anything out of it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by lifthard2005
    Ok, my NPP source got busted, so I want to just stick with what i have right now, which is the test, eq, dbol, and i have 8 amps of norma deca.....

    would it be a waste to use the deca at 200mg/wk for 8 weeks in this cycle by FrankieC???
    I would run deca and eq at the same time... have and was happy with results.

    Now you are asking about deca at 200mg per week. If one were to use 100-150mg per week this would be great for your joints at said dose so you could use winny 100mg ed for 6 weeks, like 8-14 into pct. Plus any joint issues with using eq and winny together will be nonexistant... so...

    wk 1-12 Test E @ 1000mg/wk
    wk 1-12 EQ @ 600mg/wk
    wk 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ed
    wk 8-14 winny @ 100mg ed
    wk 1-10(or 11) deca 150mg weekly

    The original dose for dbol is prolly good enough... 75-100 seemingly will be overkill... as a matter of fact if you want to control bloat then drop it to 30-35mg.

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