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Thread: shrunken balls

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Your hot moms bedroom

    shrunken balls

    I'm doing a cycle of sust 250 @ 500 a week. I did d-bol @ 30 mgs ed for the first 4 weeks. I'm in week 6 of the cycle now.
    While playing with my balls earlier today, wich i regularly do, I noticed my boys are definately smaller than pre cycle. Especially the right one. I knew to expect this side as my test is shut down, but once it actually happens, holy shit....that's scary. I plan on doing clomid and nolva for p.c.t. Will that be enought to get some bigger change in the ole' coin purse? How long does it normally take to get the size back during p.c.t.?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    It varys from person to person and as well as the amount and potency of the gear you use... just using sustanon ( 4 esters) along with dbol i would say any where from 20 to 30 days your boys will be back to normal functioning and size... but make sure you use proper dosages of Clomid and nolva... dont do the pyramid crap like a lot of people do

  3. #3
    score yourself some hcg that brings the boys back

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Your hot moms bedroom
    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    score yourself some hcg that brings the boys back
    Is H.C.G. nescesery, or can i just use clomid and nolva. Is h.c.g. used just to bring them back quicker than using clomid and nolva, or is h.c.g. more effective? I prefer to not use hcg if possible. I'm sick of feeling like a pin cushion.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cuse140
    Is H.C.G. nescesery, or can i just use clomid and nolva. Is h.c.g. used just to bring them back quicker than using clomid and nolva, or is h.c.g. more effective? I prefer to not use hcg if possible. I'm sick of feeling like a pin cushion.
    no hcg isnt nec..
    and a pyramid pct is better i beleive it slowly lets ur natrual test take over.ur pct should look somethiing like this which has worked great for me last time around no lose of labido at all

    starting day #1
    1. 300 mg clomid 20mg nolva
    2. 200 mg clomid 20 nolva
    3. 150 mg clomid 20 nolva
    4. 100mg clomid 20 nolva
    continue clomid nolva same dosage till 14th day of pct
    then drop clomid, continue nolva for the remainder of 30 day pct starting 1000ui vitamin E ed after drop clomid
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 09-11-2006 at 08:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    hcg should not be used if it isnt nececery u can do seruis damage to the natrual praduction of ur own test if not used properly.u can desensitise the gland that stimulates the production of natrual test.research research ............
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 09-11-2006 at 08:11 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    erasing double post : /

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    pumpe4lir im glad you advise against it.. i dont know much about i t.. but have heard basically the same thing you said.. just didnt want to sound like a idiot if i was wrong

  9. #9
    i thought thats when you are injecting hcg at high levels for instance shooting 5000 ius ED... using 500 ius should be much safer, right?

  10. #10
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    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by cuse140
    I'm doing a cycle of sust 250 @ 500 a week. I did d-bol @ 30 mgs ed for the first 4 weeks. I'm in week 6 of the cycle now.
    While playing with my balls earlier today, wich i regularly do, I noticed my boys are definately smaller than pre cycle. Especially the right one. I knew to expect this side as my test is shut down, but once it actually happens, holy shit....that's scary. I plan on doing clomid and nolva for p.c.t. Will that be enought to get some bigger change in the ole' coin purse? How long does it normally take to get the size back during p.c.t.?
    Don't worry. They will be back bigger than ever. Hanging way down low.
    Keep an eye on your estrogen levels. I've found that AI's help me out
    big time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Canada me2,eh..
    [QUOTE=cuse140]While playing with my balls earlier today, wich i regularly do, QUOTE]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    score yourself some hcg that brings the boys back
    HCG is not needed here as he isn't doing a long/Heavy cycle. With this cycle Nolva/Clomid would be just fine.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    HCG is not needed here as he isn't doing a long/Heavy cycle. With this cycle Nolva/Clomid would be just fine.

    would you recommend hcg in a 10 week prop cycle shot ED?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cuse140
    Is H.C.G. nescesery, or can i just use clomid and nolva. Is h.c.g. used just to bring them back quicker than using clomid and nolva, or is h.c.g. more effective? I prefer to not use hcg if possible. I'm sick of feeling like a pin cushion.

    I can tell you that HCG most definitely works to bring back testicular size and libido! Don't just wait 2 months with nolva and clomid hoping to regain your size-- if you use HCG throughout your cycle (get a bottle and take 500IU every 3-4 days) you will recover your natural testosterone levels much quicker also. Trust me-- HCG is relatively cheap also... so its worth every penny.

  15. #15

    im on a 10 week prop cycle and have 10000 ius that im gonna mix with bactrostatic water so ill have 500 ius per cc shot... would it be better to run it throughout cycle or wait 3days after my last test shot and run it at 500 ius ED for about 2 weeks?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    If your prone to testicular shrinkage and shutdown, use HCG. I use it to maintain testicular size/function whilst "on" and during PCT.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    i thought thats when you are injecting hcg at high levels for instance shooting 5000 ius ED... using 500 ius should be much safer, right?
    yes IMO it is the safist and most effective way without desensitising the gland that produces ur natraul test

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by orton4

    im on a 10 week prop cycle and have 10000 ius that im gonna mix with bactrostatic water so ill have 500 ius per cc shot... would it be better to run it throughout cycle or wait 3days after my last test shot and run it at 500 ius ED for about 2 weeks?
    still not a long cycle if u do choose to take hcg i would take it for 7 days starting 1 day after last inject.take it ed for 6 days at 250 ui 7th day take last hcg shot at 500ui then next day start clomid nolva pct .

  19. #19
    alright thats what my plan was for pct but iw as thinking of running the hcg a lil longer but ill ask around a lil more to see whats up but after that i am starting up the pct protocol you described

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    still not a long cycle if u do choose to take hcg i would take it for 7 days starting 1 day after last inject.take it ed for 6 days at 250 ui 7th day take last hcg shot at 500ui then next day start clomid nolva pct .

    I find it works better for me if I take it throughout the cycle (so my balls never shrink to begin with) than to try and recover their lost size in 1 week, shortly before PCT. I have to figure (although I have no proof) that taking it in low doses over a 10wk period is much easier on the leydig cells than taking it in larger doses ED for 1-2 weeks before PCT

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by cuse140
    How long does it normally take to get the size back during p.c.t.?
    Sad fact is that some peoples testicles never return to normal size even after a hcg regiment... it is a chance we take as we all should be aware of potential sides/repercussions of AAS usage.

  22. #22
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Sad fact is that some peoples testicles never return to normal size even after a hcg regiment... it is a chance we take as we all should be aware of potential sides/repercussions of AAS usage.
    i must concur

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    yup. I thought that was my case also but after some 4 months off I noticesd that they were on the move to get bigger.... I used to have freakishly big balls (definelty the sack at least if not the actual balls cause kinda hard to compare actually )... not kool... never noticed it myself really cause didnt pay attention until one of my friend noticed it in the sauna.. y this relevant? cause after starting gear my sack now hangs pretty high, even after PCT.. does this mean anything? dont know..

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Sad fact is that some peoples testicles never return to normal size even after a hcg regiment... it is a chance we take as we all should be aware of potential sides/repercussions of AAS usage.
    I have the same problem. 1st cycle was with HCG, but I had started it at 5-th week. Testicles were shrunken. PCT was with Clomid and Nolva for 1 month. Nothing helped. After 3 month I had started 2-nd cycle, but had using HCG at 3-10 weeks. It was much beter for me. Testicle's shrinkage had no any progress absolutely. After PCT (clomid, nolva 1 month). It past 3 month, but testikles are shrunken anyway and they are very small

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