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  1. #1
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Feb 2006

    battling my test flu

    alrigh ttonight iis the first night im really feeling the test flu come on.. today was my sixth injection of test prop at 75mgs my workouts are going fine and im gettin through the pain but now the test fllu is settin in... time to drink the liquids and tough it out... any other advice

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Nope, just do what your doing. Stay hydrated. Try to work through it and rest as much as you can. It should pass in a few days.

  3. #3
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Zinc..Vitamins..Get some Airbourne to as it has alot of vitamins in each effervecent tab

  4. #4
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Feb 2006
    how come it only lasts a few days or a week then it usually passes... is it becaues your body just gets use to the elevated hormone levels

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    how come it only lasts a few days or a week then it usually passes... is it becaues your body just gets use to the elevated hormone levels

    B I N G O !!!!

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    i once again had bad luck.. I though I had test flue so I went to hte gym and worked my ass off... what happened? It was actually "real" flue I was getting and ended up getting really sick. Now its 4 days I havent been able to go to gym and im on my 4th week of cycle... it sux man... but good luck with u, usually just toughening out does the job..

  7. #7
    orton4 is offline Member
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    yeah today i felt a lot better last night and the night before was bad but this morning i woke up and wasnt feeling well then i took a few advil and i felt fine did my injection and i still feel fine maybe im gettin over it... but i know its the test flu cause i dont have the feeling like you get when your really sick,,, i dunno i can just tell, haaa... but sorry to hear bout your experience bro feel better

  8. #8
    elite2kr is offline Member
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    What exactly causes Test flu?

  9. #9
    orton4 is offline Member
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    from what ive learned, well the basic jist is this... the elevated hormone levels in the blood are what cause it.. the body likes to run on a level of homeostasis, basically everything normal and what it is use too... so when the levels of hormones in the blood are elevated at a staggering amount.. the body sees this and fights it like it would a virus... which is to elevate body temp (fever) in order to get rid of the "invaders"... but after the body gets use to it... it goes away

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