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  1. #1
    getpumped24's Avatar
    getpumped24 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2006

    cycle too short!

    is it unusual to not start gaining weight until wk 9? i did a test c (testex) at 500mg a wk cycle for 10 1/2 wks(1st cycle). it sucks it was just getting good, just started PCT. got horny at wk 2 & strength was great from wk 4 on. last 2 wks gained 8 lbs. sitting at 218 lbs hoping not to lose it, 18 days from last inj. nolva, clomad, trib, for PCT. yes, diet is good.

  2. #2
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    May 2005
    ehhhh that is alittle late to be seeing gains. are you sure it was 500mgs?

  3. #3
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Apr 2006
    I agree a little late on the gains.. but many people do report gains that late in the cycle.... key is to make sure your diet is on check, then routine, but my advice is eat eat .... i also suggest a kickstarter such as dbol , or anadrol , or test prop ...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by getpumped24
    is it unusual to not start gaining weight until wk 9? i did a test c (testex) at 500mg a wk cycle for 10 1/2 wks(1st cycle). it sucks it was just getting good, just started PCT. got horny at wk 2 & strength was great from wk 4 on. last 2 wks gained 8 lbs. sitting at 218 lbs hoping not to lose it, 18 days from last inj. nolva, clomad, trib, for PCT. yes, diet is good.
    well everyone is gonna tell you everyone different. but the gear ive been using, (pharmecutical cyp) kicked in full force id say week 5 @ 500mg a wk. Run 20 week cycle if it just kicks in at week 9. but then again your probably wasting ur money and time.

    my opinion is u got ripped off :<
    try a pharm company and see if ur results differ, cuz just about 70% of the ug's ive seen on this board in the last year are cutting corners selling under dosed gear.. which makes SENSE WHY YOU FELT HORNY AT WEEK 2!!!!!!! bottom line is companies like silverback etc you should watch out 4, (just an example cuz my bud ran their gear, and didnt get any results, no water, no sex drive, no nothing, not even nuts shut down. Find someone who you can REALLY TRUST.. And shoot what they got man..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    I agree a little late on the gains.. but many people do report gains that late in the cycle.... key is to make sure your diet is on check, then routine, but my advice is eat eat .... i also suggest a kickstarter such as dbol, or anadrol, or test prop ...
    no point in kickstarting if his gear sucks. dont give him advice he doenst need, he already said his diet in check, its the quality of his gear that is effecting him, not having enuf elevated test in his blood to get the gains/mental feeling he wants.

    Try a diff LAB

  6. #6
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Apr 2006
    my advice for kickstarter was for next cycle.. as far as his gear i cant really talk on that.... everyone is going to react differently like you said.... but ive heard many people state stuff doesnt kick in fully until then... later to find out there diet wasnt in check ... but you are probably right about the gear.. im guessing well underdosed]

    Check ur PM gethugedietrying

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