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Thread: Suggestions please

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Suggestions please

    I have 20mL Bottle of Deca400 and a 20mL bottle of test400 Enathate. I have looked on the site to see if i could find a simular cycle but didnt find any. Can someone fill me in on some suggestions on how they would suggest doing this cycle???
    Last edited by BuTTers-20; 09-12-2006 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    you acquired nice gear but dont know how to run it? do u have pct in place??
    so far you're shootin a blank here...

    please give us your stats so we can help you better. age/cycle hist/weight/height etc......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Forget about it. Hang around and do some reading. Get pct. When your ready, you'll know that most people here will tell you to run test at higher dosage than deca. 500 test en and 200-400 deca. Good luck and keep yourself healthy.

  4. #4
    18/5'5/180....2nd cycle. first cycle sust 500mg/wk deca 400mg/wk.
    it all depends on the dose i wanna do for this cycle but i was thinking test.425mg/wk deca.400mg/wk just trying to get some ideas. have not got to pct yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    first of all. you are 18. 2nd of all you are 5' 5" 180?? whats the b/f % there?
    Either way you slice it.....YOU ARE WAYYYY TO YOUNG FOR AAS. No one on this board will condone you doing cycles at 18. u want ideas?? FORGET JUICE & HIT THE DIET FORUM. you can get massive growth at your age from proper eating AND not destroy your HPTA!!!

  6. #6
    i knew i should of left my age out, second my whole family are body builders. bf is at 13-15 maybe, biggest and strongest kid at my age, can hang around 21 year olds, but forget it ill figure it out thanks though

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    how did i know that would be your response. PLEASE LISTEN.

    #1--YOU ARE TOO YOUNG. why would you want to do juice when its not necesary at your age?? your natty levels are SKY HIGH man!! take full advantage of that & eat properly & also,you wont run the serious risk of damaging your body-permanently.
    #2 fi your WHOLE family is bodybuilders, you would know how to run your gear.

    IMO & many others also.... please think this thru first. you can go further than you think w-out juice---for now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Pharmacy
    Plus if your whole family is bodybuilders they would prob tell you, you dont need gear yet until you reach your genetic maximum for muscle growth, and you are most likely not there yet at 18...there is tons of great advice on this forum, and some of the best basic advice is what they are telling you here....

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