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I have actually been reading a lot about short cycles and there benefits. The cycles I have researched have been 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on. The theory being gain what you can during the 4 weeks and keep all of it as it won't be as hard for the body to recover with PCT as compared to a longer cycle 12 weeks+. The benefits are that it being such a short period that your body recovers a lot quicker then with a long cycle. Short cycles from what I have read do not impact your HDL and LDL levels as bad. Also you are not "ON" long enough for a lot of sides to set in.
I have run three cycles of 12+ weeks and my gains plateau about week 7-8. I make almost all my gains in the first 4-6 weeks.
Current stats: 5'8" 190lbs 12%bf
As for the bloodwork, yes, it would be done at the end of that last week off to ensure that all is well before starting the next cycle.