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Thread: Short Cycle + Long Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Short Cycle + Long Cycle

    I have been doing some research on short four weeks cycles and I like what I have been reading as far as get in make the gains and get out before too many sides show up. Then take four weeks off and then go back on. In my past cycles my gains have usually leveled off around week 8 anyway as well as sides showing up about week 10. So I was looking as doing a four week blast followed by four weeks off and that back on for 12 weeks. I am looking at running the following:

    Phase I Short Cycle
    Dbol 35mg ed wks 1-4
    Test Suspension 50mg ed wks 1-4
    Tren A 75mg ed wks 1-4
    Nolvadex 20mg ed wks 1-4

    Phase I PCT

    Nolvadex 20mgs ed wks 5-8
    HCG 500ie ed wks 5-8
    Aromasin 20 mgs ed wks 5-7
    Vit E 1000iu ed wks 5-6

    Phase II Cycle

    Dbol 35mg ed wks 9-13
    Test eth 375mg 2xwk - wks 9-20
    Deca 400mg a wk - wks 9-18

    Phase II PCT

    Nolvadex 20mgs ed wks 23-28
    HCG 500ie ed wks 23-27
    Aromasin 20 mgs ed wks 23-25
    Vit E 1000iu ed wks 23-25

    Looking to tighten the screws on this plan so any input/criticism is welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    This is just my option but i think you would screw your body up more doing what you said. Jumping on then off then back on etc is going to screw your body up big time (again my option). My advise, do the 10-12 weeks on then PCT and let your body fully recover.

    I never do "short" cycles so i cannot comment on the results compaired to a "normal" cycle.

    When you take your four weeks off to recover how are you going to be sure you are 100 percent? You going to get blood work done everytime ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I have actually been reading a lot about short cycles and there benefits. The cycles I have researched have been 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on. The theory being gain what you can during the 4 weeks and keep all of it as it won't be as hard for the body to recover with PCT as compared to a longer cycle 12 weeks+. The benefits are that it being such a short period that your body recovers a lot quicker then with a long cycle. Short cycles from what I have read do not impact your HDL and LDL levels as bad. Also you are not "ON" long enough for a lot of sides to set in.

    I have run three cycles of 12+ weeks and my gains plateau about week 7-8. I make almost all my gains in the first 4-6 weeks.

    Current stats: 5'8" 190lbs 12%bf

    As for the bloodwork, yes, it would be done at the end of that last week off to ensure that all is well before starting the next cycle.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by VAgym
    I have actually been reading a lot about short cycles and there benefits. The cycles I have researched have been 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks on. The theory being gain what you can during the 4 weeks and keep all of it as it won't be as hard for the body to recover with PCT as compared to a longer cycle 12 weeks+. The benefits are that it being such a short period that your body recovers a lot quicker then with a long cycle. Short cycles from what I have read do not impact your HDL and LDL levels as bad. Also you are not "ON" long enough for a lot of sides to set in.

    I have run three cycles of 12+ weeks and my gains plateau about week 7-8. I make almost all my gains in the first 4-6 weeks.

    Current stats: 5'8" 190lbs 12%bf

    As for the bloodwork, yes, it would be done at the end of that last week off to ensure that all is well before starting the next cycle.
    Your comments are correct and i am sure you will benefit from short cycles reading what history you have posted, but one thing i wouldn't run 4on and 4off then back on again, the time off is needed for pct and time scale is laid down do pct until fully recovered then prime the body again don't just jump back on, create the environment for the body to grow don't just jump back on, Also and a big also make sure you prime before any short cycle.

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