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Thread: New guy needs some advice on cycle

  1. #1

    New guy needs some advice on cycle

    I have been taking Andropen 275 for the past 7 weeks. 1 cc a week. I was wondering how long I should take it for before I should cycle off and when I do how long should I stay off before I start back again. Am I taking the correct amount? Sure would appreciate any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sixfeet
    I have been taking Andropen 275 for the past 7 weeks. 1 cc a week. I was wondering how long I should take it for before I should cycle off and when I do how long should I stay off before I start back again. Am I taking the correct amount? Sure would appreciate any advice.
    not to be a dick but dont u think u shoulda known what u were taking first and how to take it before u started.
    with that said go check the steroid profiles and do some research,BTW i would stop at around 10 or twelve weeks.and then start pct.research research use this sit to ur advantage

  3. #3
    I agree. I should have checked better man. Had a bud helping me but he had to leave on a emergency and I was left with some unanwsered questions. Therefore, I was looking for some help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!

    Please answer the green questions below and we can help you better. ALL the questions please.

    PCT is the most important part of any cycle

  5. #5
    31, 5'10, 175, high protein, 7 meals a day, eat a lot of chicken and protein shakes, lift 5 days a week, did sustenon for 6 weeks and then off for 4 weeks before starting that andro. Goals are to put on another 10-15 lbs of muscle and tone up. pct knowledge- I guess not enough

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sixfeet
    I have been taking Andropen 275 for the past 7 weeks. 1 cc a week. I was wondering how long I should take it for before I should cycle off and when I do how long should I stay off before I start back again. Am I taking the correct amount? Sure would appreciate any advice.

    ..are you sure what you are doing ?. is your pct...Why you choose Andropen 275 ?...why not a test only cycle ?

  7. #7
    He did, but had a family member get ill out of country and will be gone for a while. So i prob dont know enough. Not sure what Pct is? He chose andro. He has had great success with it and is experienced. He is not available and that is why I have been trying to do some research. Found this site and thought in addition to reading up I would ask some guys who have experience.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Andropen is pretty much the same as Sustanon. You are on a fairly low dose cycle at 275mg EW. Have you made any gains so far ? Run it for tweleve weeks. Then 18 days after the last shot you need to do Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) This will help restart your natural Test prodcution as it will have been stopped by the Andropen. PCT should look like this

    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex ED + 100mg Clomid ED + 20mg Nolva ED

    You can get all of these products from here

  9. #9
    Thanks man

  10. #10
    And yes, I have made what I would consider some decent gains.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    kale i <3 u man u really out did urself with the avi this time woot woot

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