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  1. #1
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Var or Winstrol for final six weeks?

    Let me start off by saying that I am still in the planning phase of my next cycle which I would like to start in October or November. I'm looking at doing something like Sust and EQ for 12 weeks and I want to add an oral for the final six weeks or so to harden up a little. Would Winny or Var be a better choice? Also, should I start the oral at weeks 7 and run it through week 12 or would it be better to run it from say week 9 through week 14? Thanks.

    Here is what my cycle is looking like:
    Sust 500mg weekly - weeks 1-12
    Equipose 400mg weekly - weeks 1-12

    26 years old
    Lifting 6 years, serious for the past two
    6'1 213lbs and 10-12% bf
    Approximate lifts, Deadlift 425, Squat 450, Bench 310.

    Cycle Experience:
    I have done two cycles, one when I was 22 (poor diet and compund is suspect). Last cycle finished mid july (300mgs deca weekly). (I know this isn't a recommend cycle by most but I experienced great gains and maintained about 18lbs of lean muscle)

    I am debating entering my first comp next summer and my next cycle will be used to add some mass without putting on too much fat. I would also like to see how my body responds to the compounds so that it will help in determining my pre-comp cycle. This will not be used as my pre-competition cycle but again I will probably use either var or winny at some point prior to my comp.

  2. #2
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Well....imo,you should go with deca in stead of Eq,cuz Eq needs 600mg/week for no less than 12 week, and ill go with Winny 50 mg/day.

    LPR ...dermatology.

  3. #3
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Agreed. i would rather use deca over eq in your cycle. winny will pull the water out of you at the end...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    winstrol . 9-14.

  5. #5
    BUDGIE is offline Associate Member
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    i did this last year-
    test e 1-13wk @500mg
    eq 1-12 @400
    d/bol 1-4 @30mg
    var 9-15 @60mg
    its similar to what you first proposed exc the d/bol. It was my 4th course and the best ive done.

  6. #6
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    I had good success last with deca on my last cycle but I wanted to try out a couple of new compounds this time which is why I was planning on using EQ over Deca. I realize Deca is arguably better for gaining mass but I experience a good deal of bloating with deca on my last cycle and I want to avoid this in the future.

    Anyone have positive results with var at the end of a cycle? Most folks seem to be suggesting Winstrol . I experienced some joint pain during my last cycle and am kind of afraid to run the win becuase I dont want it to dry me out too bad.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    I had good success last with deca on my last cycle but I wanted to try out a couple of new compounds this time which is why I was planning on using EQ over Deca. I realize Deca is arguably better for gaining mass but I experience a good deal of bloating with deca on my last cycle and I want to avoid this in the future.

    Anyone have positive results with var at the end of a cycle? Most folks seem to be suggesting Winstrol. I experienced some joint pain during my last cycle and am kind of afraid to run the win becuase I dont want it to dry me out too bad.

    Bro. Test/Deca/Winstrol in my opinion is golden. I wish I could run it but I can't. Deca bloats somewhat yes...but with winstrol = No bloat. Test bloats worse than deca. So if you experience bloat its mostly would be from the test. YOU WANT SOME WATER RET....Why you ask? If your concerned about joints you do. Anavar also drys out your joints, just as bad as win IMO. Winstrol will gain you alot more strength and lean mass. EQ or deca? Equipoise drys you out just like var & win...deca helps lube your joints...Deca will not give you bloat during the course with winstrol. Deca will be all lean gains because of it.

    Hope that helps

  8. #8
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Feb 2006
    i have had GREAT results w var @ the end of cycle..if you will be preparing for contest it can be a great hardener & give you vascualrity. captaindominate ran var b4 his contest if I recall...

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