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  1. #1
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    Question >>DNP and chest pain?<<

    Possibly Angina? My girlfriend is taking her 2nd cycle of DNP . She is experiencing minor chest pains, I've assumed the lack of oxygen to the heart, along with her experiencing body temperature, keeping exercise to a low.

    Angina is chest pain related to an imbalance between the oxygen demand of the heart and the amount of oxygen delivered via the blood. It is caused by blockage or narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Angina is different from a heart attack in that the arteries are not completely blocked. Also, angina causes little or no permanent damage to the heart. Stable angina occurs while exercising and goes away with rest. Unstable angina is not relieved by rest or actually occurs at rest.

    This is a quote from the STEROID PROFILES : DNP : Subsection weightloss

    "Your blood will be moving a bit slower than usual, as DNP will increase the viscosity (thickness) of it. Basically, it will increase your body´s need for oxygen as well as your blood viscosity (3), and it nearly doubles the rate of oxygen consumption in muscles (11)"

    See now this all makes sense. chest pains/angina are unfortunately my girlfriends current side effect.

    Has anyone Experienced this?

  2. #2
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Haven't experienced it yet and don't know anyone who has, but my opinion is that she should stop the cycle. Did she get this on previous cycles?? Chest pain can be an indicator of major problems(yet it doesn't have to be) so just to be on the safe side stop use and if pain persist visit a doctor.

    Just my opinion though.

    Hope I helped or someone with more experience will.


  3. #3
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    Northern Califas
    Quote Originally Posted by SHAGGY
    Haven't experienced it yet and don't know anyone who has, but my opinion is that she should stop the cycle. Did she get this on previous cycles?? Chest pain can be an indicator of major problems(yet it doesn't have to be) so just to be on the safe side stop use and if pain persist visit a doctor.

    Just my opinion though.

    Hope I helped or someone with more experience will.

    Thank you

    ..Never experianced this before. On her first DNP cycle, she broke out in a rash, (double dosage) I did it, she wanted to try it. Hives , BAD RASH ! ! ! for about a week, itchy etc..... I took her to the doctor they gave her benedryl. didnt work. The ONLY thing that took her dnp rash away was by taking a Mineral Salt Bath, holy ***t did this make a differance.

  4. #4
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Good to know about the mineral bath, probably will help alot of people.

    I still suggest to take her off of it and observe if the pains subside or not.

    Hope I helped.


  5. #5
    goose is offline Banned
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    I`m an opened minded guy,I like to play with the devil myself,but Supporting your lady to even take DNP is wrong.It`s a different game for a female,the risks are very high. cataracts is a side effect which only females get,and it`s like 1%.The females that would have justification in using this amazing drug if they had a chance in Mrs Olympia.It`s good you got this early,I would advise to Terminate the cycle.The nasty half-life can kick your ass and there is nothing you can do about it,death could be around the corner.For a an extreme fat loos agent for a female T3=clen are the best.

  6. #6
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I`m an opened minded guy,I like to play with the devil myself,but Supporting your lady to even take DNP is wrong.It`s a different game for a female,the risks are very high. cataracts is a side effect which only females get,and it`s like 1%.The females that would have justification in using this amazing drug if they had a chance in Mrs Olympia.It`s good you got this early,I would advise to Terminate the cycle.The nasty half-life can kick your ass and there is nothing you can do about it,death could be around the corner.For a an extreme fat loos agent for a female T3=clen are the best.
    This is not one of the sides you want to have. I’ve known people to counteract it with aspirin, but I wouldn't recommend this (or DNP for that matter) to women. It's simply too dangerous.

    Lastly, and I know this first-hand, Benadryl is indeed the appropriate countermeasure the DNP rash (which is typically restricted to the torso). However, many people don't benefit because dosing and frequency are important. You need to administer 100mg doses every 4-6 hrs (obviously the Non-drowsy formula). Naturally, there are other solutions and even discontinuation alone will cause it to resolve, but this Benadryl protocol works fast.


  7. #7
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, her staying on this cycle of DNP is too risky man. Its bad enough that the half-life of DNP is super long, so it wont clear her system for a while get her off STAT, its not worth it

  8. #8
    goose is offline Banned
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    This is not one of the sides you want to have. I’ve known people to counteract it with aspirin, but I wouldn't recommend this (or DNP for that matter) to women. It's simply too dangerous.

    Lastly, and I know this first-hand, Benadryl is indeed the appropriate countermeasure the DNP rash (which is typically restricted to the torso). However, many people don't benefit because dosing and frequency are important. You need to administer 100mg doses every 4-6 hrs (obviously the Non-drowsy formula). Naturally, there are other solutions and even discontinuation alone will cause it to resolve, but this Benadryl protocol works fast.



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