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  1. #1
    Gunns420 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    New York

    2nd cycle advice- what gear?

    I finished up a 10 week cycle of test E @ 500mg a week about 5 weeks ago. I also ran Winny at 50mg a day for the final 4 weeks. I know it was stupid because I was trying to bulk, but I firmly believe it did do alot of good. I gained 22 lbs, but I have lost 7 lbs since. I am currently 5'9 211 lbs. I am currently 13% b.f. I am 25, and I have only done 1 cycle. I never felt better in my life than when I was on the Test- no B.S. A friend of mine suggested I try Deca with Test but I dont want to run the risk of "Deca Dick". I am still undecided on whether I should try to bulk again or cut. I was thinking about running the enth again and upping to 750mg a week and just sticking with that- and see how big I get and worry about cutting later. Any advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Surrender's Avatar
    Surrender is offline Banned
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    Somewhere in San Diego
    Run the test again at the same dose. Never and I mean never up the dose unless you have to. This is how lads get up to 2-5 grams a week. Now if after 2-3 weeks you haven't notice any strength gains or size, up it to 600 mgs a week. You don't need another compound right now. save that for when you do.

    See how anxious you are to do another cycle. Well this one your thinking about doing, I doubt very serious that it is going to be your last.

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