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Thread: dbol question

  1. #1
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    Question dbol question

    hey first cycle, decided to go with dbol , even though i know people tend to lose most of there gains if they dont stack with somthing exp:test , but ive decided to try it out n e way, with dbol do i need or should i run an anti-estro (exp:nolvo)...and alsowhat should i use for pct? any suggestions? thanks in advance for the advice

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    If you know its a bad ida why still do it?

  3. #3
    lil herc's Avatar
    lil herc is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by andler
    hey first cycle, decided to go with dbol , even though i know people tend to lose most of there gains if they dont stack with somthing exp:test , but ive decided to try it out n e way, with dbol do i need or should i run an anti-estro (exp:nolvo)...and alsowhat should i use for pct? any suggestions? thanks in advance for the advice

    i agree with jixxer,and know from experience its not worth, but if you must,id order the clomid/nolva combo fr AR

  4. #4
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    i think mainly because i wanna see sides of just the dbol then after that hit a test and see the differnces, ive read the differences before but i want to experiance them first hand , sounds stupid but its like the only way i can learn
    my lession is through trial and error

  5. #5
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    but original the answer is yes i should run a anti est ?

  6. #6
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by andler
    i think mainly because i wanna see sides of just the dbol then after that hit a test and see the differnces, ive read the differences before but i want to experiance them first hand , sounds stupid but its like the only way i can learn
    my lession is through trial and error

    The thing here is others have tried this, its not something novel. It works well for just about nobody. You will deflate like letting the air out of a balloon when you go off. If you do decide to run it though, at least run something like arimidex to fight the water weight gain dbol brings. You could also get gyno from dbol too if you dont run the anti a drug. What dose are you considering running?

  7. #7
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    the person i got it from told me to run 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon (each is 10 mg) but others have told me to space them out as much as possible for better gains

  8. #8
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    please definition of "gyno"?

  9. #9
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by andler
    the person i got it from told me to run 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon (each is 10 mg) but others have told me to space them out as much as possible for better gains
    Yeah, 40mg/day would be a decent dose I suppose. I once ran it by itself a long long time ago at a dose of 25mg/day and still got a great effect. That was back in the 80s though when we had the original "dianabol " brand. It came in the original bottle and was very potent. Much better than what we have now. If I were you I might even start out at 20mg/day and pyramid up and then pyramid back down when you are ready to end your cycle. Thats how we did it back in the 80s. We didnt do pct back then though, and I lost much of what I gained. You should consider doing clomid at least. Dont forget the arimidex too to fight estrogen conversion.

  10. #10
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    hey when you say fast do u suggest moving up on dosses? ...also can u please explain why i need clomid and arimidex

  11. #11
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Arimedex to fight the conversion of the dbol into estrogen. This is similar to what happens to testosterone . The clomid is there to help stimulate your natural test production after the cycle. Research up on clomid here, lots of info. The dbol will shut down your natural test production and when you go off your size and strength will drop so fast you wont believe it. Think ive read that dosages as low as 10mg/day will shut you down.

  12. #12
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    when do i run the clomid? after the cycle? and how olften do i run the airmedex?
    helps appreated

  13. #13
    humungus88's Avatar
    humungus88 is offline Associate Member
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    ...also can u please explain why i need clomid and arimidex
    please definition of "gyno"?
    when do i run the clomid? after the cycle?
    Oh no he didn't!

    "search button"

  14. #14
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Run the arimidex ED at about .5mg/day, it can be increased if need be. Run the clomid after you finish the cycle. As far as how long to run it and what dose, look that up youll find a lot.

    As far as pyramid, I would start out at maybe 20mg/day and run that for maybe 5 days and then increase the dose to 30mg/day for the next 5 days etc etc. Do the same when you are ready to end the cycle. Many times I only increase the dosage if I feel like I am not getting much out of it, so you might even find that 30mg/day is all you need. I like to split my doses evenly thoughout the day, but do take a bit more right before I hit the gym. I take it when I get up in the morning, at lunch, at dinner, and before bed. It has a short half life so you need to split up the doses throughout the day.

  15. #15
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    haha you wouldent belive how much i reasearch bro its crazy. interesting to read but somtimes i need it summed up lol

  16. #16
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    so basicly if i ran test e with my dbol cycle it will be more efficent? what happens after the 10 week test e is done and i start with my pct cycle do i still lose gains?

  17. #17
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I dont get it.

    Other have done it before and can provide you with all the info on gains and sides.

    Why would you wont to use your self as a test rat?

    Bro whst dose did you have in mind?

    Nlo dont pyramid take will give even more sides. have you read about how inportnt it is to keep blood levels even?

  18. #18
    handler is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I dont get it.

    Other have done it before and can provide you with all the info on gains and sides.

    Why would you wont to use your self as a test rat?

    Bro whst dose did you have in mind?

    Nlo dont pyramid take will give even more sides. have you read about how inportnt it is to keep blood levels even?
    ya man forsure , i got all the blood work done and talked to my doc , but still havent made the move, im thinkiing of doing just 40 mgs a day of dbol only cycle, or might hit a test e cycle stacked still unsure

  19. #19
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Pyramiding has never hurt my gains or caused sideeffects, if its done right. Now keeping blood levels even is important, thats why you would dose 3 or 4 times a day. Oh, and you will always lose some gains no matter how good your PCT is.
    Last edited by Maldorf; 09-13-2006 at 10:17 PM.

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