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  1. #1
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    Newby To This Forum / On My First Cycle!!

    Hey wuzup everyone, well i'm kinda of new to all this, so bear with me. I just started taking my first cycle of steriods and so far so good, but i just wanted some ideas or suggestions from you guys to see what you think. Well let start off with my stats: I'm 27, 5'8" and before i started i weighed 125 lbs. Before this i have never really picked up weights before and through my high schools up until now i have weighed about the same or maybe a couple of pounds lighter. Well i have been on my cycle for 8 weeks and have ben hitting the gym 4 times a week. I have seen major improvements in my strengh and physical size. I also weighed myself this morning and weigh 150 lbs. which i think is great. I'm looking to get to about 165 or so. As far as what i'm taking is:
    2ml of Deca 300
    1ml of Polysteron 250 (Test)

    I have been reading these forums for a little while now and have seen all the opions on Deca and stuff, but this was really the only thing plus the Test that was avail. to me from my supplier. This is also what he takes but he's alot older and been on it longer then myself. So really thats about it and i was hoping to see what you guys think and to get some feedback.

    P.s.= I hope this is normal but thee only side affect i have gotten is this Damn Acne on my back. Please help if you can on that!!!

  2. #2
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    I forgot to mention but the Test. I take Every MONDAY & the Deca I take Every Wednesday!!!!

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    What do you have for PCT??
    If you dont' know what that is, then you really shoudlnt' be using AAS

    Let us know the rest of your stats from the green questons below. how long you planning on running this cycle?

  4. #4
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
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    Always keep Deca below Test. If you have not touched weights in 10 years and you weigh 125, then I suggest that you should check out the diet forum. You probably could have put those 25 LBS on just as easily if you adjust your diet. GL Bro, keep us posted.

  5. #5
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    As far as PCT, yes i know what it is and it's funny u bring that up, because actually i will be seeing my guy this weekend and he is sopposed to be giving me something. as far as answer your questions in the Green area. Well lets see.... I've answered just about everything but i will say it again:

    Age:27 / Weight: now 150 lbs / height: 5'8" / Bf: 9% / Diet: Not a very good 1 / Training: Workout 4 days a week / Previous Cycle: Never used, First time user / Goals: To get bigger(165 or 170 in weight) / PCT knowledge: Enough to get by, but still am in the learning stages about everything.

    Hope that helps.

  6. #6
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    As far as my cycle, i believe once i'm finished probably within the next couple of weeks. then no more until 6 months or so from now. Hope thats correct. but please let me know. Thanx!!

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is this a joke? A whopping 125lbs? You even admit that you never picked up a weight before your cycle.

    If this isn't a joke, then... WTF are you thinking?

  8. #8
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    125 pounds. Dude, I hope you are 3'6''. Lift weights for 5 - 10 years and then sauce up...please.

  9. #9
    judostar's Avatar
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    you need to consider your genetics to some people can grow some cant your gear is not going to take care of everything when your body is done growing its done. Just the facts man good luck.

  10. #10
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Nothing wrong with being a BUCK TWO FIVE, I am just saying, you have never grabbed a weight and you are going this route. MEMO to Tiny Tim, go pick up some weight gainer, get a gift certificate to Subway and slam a party platter PER day, and get your ASS in the gym. Buy some creatine, glutamine, a good multi, and a good luck. Then visit this board in '2016 and I guarentee, we can help. Late Bish

  11. #11
    judostar's Avatar
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    thats awsome nice post bishop

  12. #12
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    I'm not 125 lbs. before i started this program i was 125 lbs but as i said before , within the last 8 weeks, i have been bulking up and i just finished weighing myself a day ago and i am already at 150 lbs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and damn do all of u live under buses, have u never seen a skinny person. Damn if i put pictures up when i was 125 lbs u would think i way more!!

  13. #13
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    As far as the working out go's, ya i haven't worked out in about 10 years, but the reason for that has always been is because i'm a Roofer. and if anyone know's the labor involved in that, it's just like working out just without weights. My Strengh is there, just my physical size has always been thin.

  14. #14
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    Do more research dude, and start taking weight gainer.

  15. #15
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PROTOTYPE305
    As far as the working out go's, ya i haven't worked out in about 10 years, but the reason for that has always been is because i'm a Roofer. and if anyone know's the labor involved in that, it's just like working out just without weights. My Strengh is there, just my physical size has always been thin.

    That's fine,25lbs...awesome,!!! Your key is D.I.E.T,you say is not to good,so i recomend to search in diet forum and see how you can iprove it.Trust me,if you do better diet you are going to get better gains.Roids are not don't even have pct @ are not ready for roids.

    LPR ...dermatology.

  16. #16
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    Nothing wrong with being a BUCK TWO FIVE, I am just saying, you have never grabbed a weight and you are going this route. MEMO to Tiny Tim, go pick up some weight gainer, get a gift certificate to Subway and slam a party platter PER day, and get your ASS in the gym. Buy some creatine, glutamine, a good multi, and a good luck. Then visit this board in '2016 and I guarentee, we can help. Late Bish

    Hey great advice dude...The above is the exact reason some people leave this forum and never come back. Everything you said is SPOT ON, however the way in which you said it makes you sound like a condescending DICKHEAD. We all seem to take for granted that we discovered this site and have all of this information available to us. What some of you need to realise is that a lot of guys in the gym have ZERO knowledge of AAS and use whats available to them in a completely ****ed up manner. So, when someone with no knowledge fortunately does come across this forum and asks for guidance, why not give it out without being such a complete asshole? The guy is 6 weeks deep into a cycle, that sucks, he probably shouldn't have done it at all, but whats done is done...

    So bro, when you come off this cycle, you need to come off properly and STAY OFF for many years to come. Visit the PCT forum on the main page, I recommend PCT by Anthony Roberts if your connect has HCG available to you. Also, visit the diet forum as you already admitted you have no idea how to eat properly, and finally visit the Training forum and get a routine that will work for you, as you also probably dont know what you're doing in the gym. One thing you need to learn now about bodybuilding, the kitchen is almost if not more important than the gym.

  17. #17
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    Thanx, Godfather for the advice. Finally atleast someone has helped me out a little. Thanx.

    As far as my cycle is concern, ya i'm almost done and i am actually going to see me supplier tomorrow anyways and ya i'm supposed to be getting something from him so like you said when i get off of the stuff i will be doing it right.

    Really my goal is to bulk up to about 165lbs or so. which doesn't seem to bad since i've already gained 25lbs in 8 weeks!!!

  18. #18
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Why is everyone so up-tight?

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Hey great advice dude...The above is the exact reason some people leave this forum and never come back. Everything you said is SPOT ON, however the way in which you said it makes you sound like a condescending DICKHEAD. We all seem to take for granted that we discovered this site and have all of this information available to us. What some of you need to realise is that a lot of guys in the gym have ZERO knowledge of AAS and use whats available to them in a completely ****ed up manner. So, when someone with no knowledge fortunately does come across this forum and asks for guidance, why not give it out without being such a complete asshole? The guy is 6 weeks deep into a cycle, that sucks, he probably shouldn't have done it at all, but whats done is done...

    So bro, when you come off this cycle, you need to come off properly and STAY OFF for many years to come. Visit the PCT forum on the main page, I recommend PCT by Anthony Roberts if your connect has HCG available to you. Also, visit the diet forum as you already admitted you have no idea how to eat properly, and finally visit the Training forum and get a routine that will work for you, as you also probably dont know what you're doing in the gym. One thing you need to learn now about bodybuilding, the kitchen is almost if not more important than the gym.

    Hey Don Corleone...can noone have sarcasm? I am going to check someone who states that they have no knowledge or wherewithall about fitness, has never lifted (or that is what I thought he meant - sorry for the mistake in my translation), and then states that they are as juiced up as an IFBB Pro. I just want people to be careful (see my other posts) and I get upset because the misinformation and the gym rats out there pushing their sauce can mislead impressionable people and the next thing you know, a kid has jaundice, cannot product natural test forever and has to be on drugs, and his LFT's are in the thousands. Sometimes, people need to reflect on their choices and the only way unfortunately is with a backhand. I didn't hit him with a sledgehammer and if he is so sensitive that maybe my statements offended him, he would never be responsible to look at the pro's and con's of this lifestyle. Anyways, I hope you are not taking this the wrong Godfather, I just think sometimes there is a humorous way without crossing the line by making him think about what his decision tree was:




    Sorry if I misunderstood you Prototype. We all good?

  19. #19
    NO LIMITS's Avatar
    NO LIMITS is offline Junior Member
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    Hey bro. For future post make sure that you read alot, and that can't be stressed enough, in the educational section. The old vets and pros get really uptight when they know that you haven't re-searched anything for yourself. Do the homework. It will make visiting AR alot more enjoyable.

  20. #20
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    Bishop i understand were your coming from and i do understand what yuor trying to say. as far as posting this halfway through my cycle is because i didn't even reliaze there was a forum for this until a week ago, so i posted it just to get some advice or feedback. not because i'm nervous about anything. as far as research, should i have done more research before i started, maybe!! but when i started this cycle, i was turned on to it honestly by a friend of my has taken the same cycle that i am on and who now is built like a brick. so i decided to do the same thing as him. yes i know everybody's body is different, but i went ahead and did it anyways. like i said i'm already almost done with my cycle so no turning back anyways. the reason i posted this was to get more ideas and opions than just 1 person which is the friend of mine. Have i ever lifted before, Yes 10 years ago when i took weight training in highschool. As far as the working out went from then on, working on Roofs all day everyday caring supplies up and down a ladder form a 2-3 story house, maybe considered working out. maybe not to your standards because it's not in a gym. but that has changed now. i do go to the gym 4 days a week and with the same friend who was also on it. so i do have someone to workout with and show me the ropes for the last 8 weeks that i have been doing this.

  21. #21
    tank2005's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PROTOTYPE305
    Hey wuzup everyone, well i'm kinda of new to all this, so bear with me. I just started taking my first cycle of steriods and so far so good, but i just wanted some ideas or suggestions from you guys to see what you think. Well let start off with my stats: I'm 27, 5'8" and before i started i weighed 125 lbs. Before this i have never really picked up weights before and through my high schools up until now i have weighed about the same or maybe a couple of pounds lighter. Well i have been on my cycle for 8 weeks and have ben hitting the gym 4 times a week. I have seen major improvements in my strengh and physical size. I also weighed myself this morning and weigh 150 lbs. which i think is great. I'm looking to get to about 165 or so. As far as what i'm taking is:
    2ml of Deca 300
    1ml of Polysteron 250 (Test)

    I have been reading these forums for a little while now and have seen all the opions on Deca and stuff, but this was really the only thing plus the Test that was avail. to me from my supplier. This is also what he takes but he's alot older and been on it longer then myself. So really thats about it and i was hoping to see what you guys think and to get some feedback.

    P.s.= I hope this is normal but thee only side affect i have gotten is this Damn Acne on my back. Please help if you can on that!!!
    i did the same thing,started lifting around 11 monthes ago,after 3 monthes of lifting i started a dbol and suss cycle [@ 127lbs]

    weeks 1-6 250 mgs ew

    weeks 7-12 1ml e3d

    gained 38lbs of that cycle and kept around 29lbs of it after pct.

    i do regret doing that cycle as i was far to light and dident have any sort of base on me at all.

    bro listen to the guys on here they are here to help you,if you will only start relieing in gear to make decent gains,trust me i know cos it feel like i cant make any gains now without juice.

    here is are 2 pics for ya 1st was around 12 months ago @ 127lbs and the second is now @ around 180.

    get off your cycle and run pct.

    get your diet and training in hand and you will see some nice gains.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Newby To This Forum / On My First Cycle!!-picture.jpg   Newby To This Forum / On My First Cycle!!-picture-007.jpg  

  22. #22
    Snrf's Avatar
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    holy shit tank,thats a big difference. what cycle did you run? u said dbol and sust but how much of each and for how long?

  23. #23
    PROTOTYPE305 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tank2005
    i did the same thing,started lifting around 11 monthes ago,after 3 monthes of lifting i started a dbol and suss cycle [@ 127lbs]

    weeks 1-6 250 mgs ew

    weeks 7-12 1ml e3d

    gained 38lbs of that cycle and kept around 29lbs of it after pct.

    i do regret doing that cycle as i was far to light and dident have any sort of base on me at all.

    bro listen to the guys on here they are here to help you,if you will only start relieing in gear to make decent gains,trust me i know cos it feel like i cant make any gains now without juice.

    here is are 2 pics for ya 1st was around 12 months ago @ 127lbs and the second is now @ around 180.

    get off your cycle and run pct.

    get your diet and training in hand and you will see some nice gains.

    Thanx Tank for the advice!!!

    So u think if i get off the cycle now and run the pct, i should be alright?

    really to reach my goal i only have about 15 more lbs to go!!

  24. #24
    tank2005's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PROTOTYPE305
    Thanx Tank for the advice!!!

    So u think if i get off the cycle now and run the pct, i should be alright?

    really to reach my goal i only have about 15 more lbs to go!!
    yes come of cycle now and try to get a good clean diet going and lift hard you should be able to gain some nice clean muscle at your size,imo you should be able to gain 20/30 in around 5/6 months natty.

    what you got for pct bro?

  25. #25
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    Hey Don Corleone...can noone have sarcasm? I am going to check someone who states that they have no knowledge or wherewithall about fitness, has never lifted (or that is what I thought he meant - sorry for the mistake in my translation), and then states that they are as juiced up as an IFBB Pro. I just want people to be careful (see my other posts) and I get upset because the misinformation and the gym rats out there pushing their sauce can mislead impressionable people and the next thing you know, a kid has jaundice, cannot product natural test forever and has to be on drugs, and his LFT's are in the thousands. Sometimes, people need to reflect on their choices and the only way unfortunately is with a backhand. I didn't hit him with a sledgehammer and if he is so sensitive that maybe my statements offended him, he would never be responsible to look at the pro's and con's of this lifestyle. Anyways, I hope you are not taking this the wrong Godfather, I just think sometimes there is a humorous way without crossing the line by making him think about what his decision tree was:




    Sorry if I misunderstood you Prototype. We all good?
    I understand your reasoning, but I've seen far too many people turned away from this forum who really needed proper advice so they could get off cycle and learn how to diet and train properly but left because people tore them a new asshole, and I'm just as guilty of doing it as anyone...I just think we need to make sure people get the proper advice for their health and dont scare them away be being total dicks to them, thats all...And easy with the Don Corleone stuff lol...

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