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Thread: Anavar problem

  1. #1
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Anavar problem

    So if you didn't read my other thread, to sum it up I ordered Oxandrolone powder and messed up the dosages capping them. So I received more Oxandrolone powder the other day and made 30mg capsules of them.
    I've been on the new capsules for 3 days now and I'm getting the same very slight pump I was getting from the messed up capsules. I figured that by now I would be seeing a more intense pump, and some strength?
    I mean I've been on Anavar about 24-5 days now.
    I may be a bit paranoid but I was thinking my SHBG was too high. So my doc check it, and my free test is 1.82%. I heard this was in the normal range. Is it possible that all the Anavar I'm taking is binding to SHBG, and not affecting me?
    At this point I'm all ears. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    meh anavar just dosent do it for me... I hear good things about it but I dont see enough bang for the buck...

    I would stick with winnie or tbol

    I dont know if the var is sticking to your zorlocks or whatever, I just think var is a crapshoot...

  3. #3
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    My brother is having great results on the same stuff. He's got sick pumps too. I'm dumbfounded, and pissed.

  4. #4
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Try upping the dose and/or being more patient. How much are you taking a day now?

    Are you running some injectables with it?

    Whats yer diet like?

  5. #5
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea patience is plays a big role here I guess. Did you guys read the thread on the guy who did his Anavar cycle and it didn't kick in until week 6? Thats crazy, and so frustrating.
    I'm doing 70mg ED day. This stuff is super legit though.
    I weigh 210 lbs@14% bf. I have a really slow metabolism so here goes my diet.:
    2900 cals 45% pro/ 30% carb/ 25% fat
    326g pro
    220g carb
    80g fat

    Workout Days
    Post Workout Shake 40g carb/30g pro
    Before Bed Cottage Cheese 25g pro/5g fat
    High Cal Meals x2 (Breakfast, After W/O) 54 pro, 46 carb, 18 fat
    Low Cal Meals x2 54 pro, 26 carb, 12 fat
    Medium Meal 54 pro, 36 carb, 15 fat

    Non Workout Days

    2465 cals 45% pro/ 30% carb/ 25% fat
    278g pro
    185g carb
    68g fat

    5 meals consisting of 50g pro, 37g carb, 13g fat
    Before Bed cottage cheese 25g pro, 3g fat

    Anyways even if my diet weren't in check at least I'd still see the pumps throughout my workout. I mean right now I see a little bit slighter than normal pump. But my friend who started with me said that it starts with a slight pump and within 2 days for him the pumps got insane, back pumps included.
    I've been on for about 26 days now. Except for about 21 days I was taking the caps that I may have messed up.

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Yea patience is plays a big role here I guess. Did you guys read the thread on the guy who did his Anavar cycle and it didn't kick in until week 6? Thats crazy, and so frustrating.
    I'm doing 70mg ED day. This stuff is super legit though.
    I weigh 210 lbs@14% bf. I have a really slow metabolism so here goes my diet.:
    2900 cals 45% pro/ 30% carb/ 25% fat
    326g pro
    220g carb
    80g fat
    I would up my carbs to like 400 when trying to "bulk" but whatever you KNOW works, stick with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Workout Days
    Post Workout Shake 40g carb/30g pro
    Before Bed Cottage Cheese 25g pro/5g fat
    High Cal Meals x2 (Breakfast, After W/O) 54 pro, 46 carb, 18 fat
    Low Cal Meals x2 54 pro, 26 carb, 12 fat
    Medium Meal 54 pro, 36 carb, 15 fat.
    30g of protein aint shit really. I get in 60-80g protein PWO and 60+ carbs.
    25g of protein isnt really much before bed Either. Your other meaks are so-so I guess. I would eat more personally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Non Workout Days

    2465 cals 45% pro/ 30% carb/ 25% fat
    278g pro
    185g carb
    68g fat

    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    5 meals consisting of 50g pro, 37g carb, 13g fat
    Before Bed cottage cheese 25g pro, 3g fat

    Anyways even if my diet weren't in check at least I'd still see the pumps throughout my workout. I mean right now I see a little bit slighter than normal pump. But my friend who started with me said that it starts with a slight pump and within 2 days for him the pumps got insane, back pumps included.
    I've been on for about 26 days now. Except for about 21 days I was taking the caps that I may have messed up.
    I would:

    1. Be more patient
    2. Include injectables
    3. Up the dose
    4. Eat more

    Whats yer routine look like?

  7. #7
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm using Chad Waterburys High Frequency System. It's on ************* if you care to look at it.
    I can't eat anymore Cottage Cheese because I'm kind of lactose intolerant and cannot take more than 25 grams of protein from it.
    Like I said I have a slow metabolism, I'm very endomorphic. I'm pretty sensitive to carbs so I couldn't get away with eating more. I'm doing 20 min of interval cardio 5x days a week in an attempt to just stay lean. If I wanted to lose fat I'd have to do tons more.
    You know my buddy I told you about? Well it's my brother. I find it really frustrating that he started seeing such great effects when he was only 11 days in. I live with him, trust me my diet is way better.
    Most of the day he looks so-so but when he works out his vascularity and pumps are insane.

  8. #8
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Nothing else I could recomend then really. There is only 2 reasons why this is happeneing:

    1. Its bunk shit/underdosed
    2. YOU are doing something improperly.

    Figure out what one it is and go from there.

    Youre doin that much cardio on lifting/non lifting days with low carbs. Sounds liek yer trying to cut...??

    Are you going to add injectables?

  9. #9
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    No injectables this cycle. I just wanted to see how I respond to var only. If this stuff is really underdosed, how come my brother is responding so well? I'm not ruling it out, I'm just curious as to why he would do so much better than me when he's using 10mg less than me.

  10. #10
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Well then it must be something you are doing diet/training wise then, it has to be wouldnt you think?

  11. #11
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Training is fine. I respond well to high frequency better than anything else. Dosing is possible. When I was younger I fooled around with anabolics and never responded to anything though. This is my first real cycle. I'm afraid maybe I don't respond to gear?

    Thanks for all the input bro.

  12. #12
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    well as far as not responding to gear, I dont think that is possible but I know I dont respond extremely well to anything Ive tried. test does nothing for me.

    I honestly dont think you are eating enough. try increasing your cals incrimentally and if you get too fat back off and keep going.

  13. #13
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    So since you don't respond to well to anything, what do you use that gives you the best gains?

  14. #14
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    So since you don't respond to well to anything, what do you use that gives you the best gains?

    Well I have yet to experiment with DHTs but so far Deca has been a great strength increaser and huge stamina increase muscularly. Anavar at 100-120mg ED was a great strength increase too. Dbol made me very tired but got very hard and pumped on it. Test does a little but not much size from it. I cant wait to try masteron or winstrol and especially tren . I also think that I may be better off doing longer cycles (>12 weeks with long esters) becasue it tends to take me a while to get resutls from long estered aas.

  15. #15
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for all the input. Just so you know Anavar is based off of DHT. It's good to know that you know what works for your body. I guess what I have to do is run this for at least another month. That will be 8 weeks before I call this cycle a f*ck up. But damn bro another month while watching my brother gain like an animal is going to kill me.

    When I was younger I did the following and didn't seem to get anything;
    Dbol =nothing, just bad headaches
    Test=bad test flu, I may have quit too early (3 weeks in)
    Fina=3-4 weeks, saw nothing and dropped it
    Deca =I think this actually did put a few lbs on me.

    All in all though, I've ditched everything within a month. Writing it off as "it's not doing shit for me". Maybe I could be like Taurus, he's the guy who wrote the cycle log on Anavar and din't see anything for 6 weeks. Yet he stuck it out and ran it for about 11 weeks and saw decent gains when it kicked in. Maybe you wanna read that thread and then give me your opinion?

    Thanks SkullSmasher, this almost feels like we are PM'ing each other =-)

  16. #16
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    damn warrior - that's pretty nuts about you not gaining anything off anything. your gear legit?

    reminds me of this ****ing moron i used to know that did 3 grams of test/wk and complained that he was only gaining 10lbs per cycle - his training and diet was SHIT, but he swore that it was the gear hindering his gains.

  17. #17
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Thanks for all the input. Just so you know Anavar is based off of DHT. It's good to know that you know what works for your body. I guess what I have to do is run this for at least another month. That will be 8 weeks before I call this cycle a f*ck up. But damn bro another month while watching my brother gain like an animal is going to kill me.

    When I was younger I did the following and didn't seem to get anything;
    Dbol =nothing, just bad headaches
    Test=bad test flu, I may have quit too early (3 weeks in)
    Fina=3-4 weeks, saw nothing and dropped it
    Deca =I think this actually did put a few lbs on me.

    All in all though, I've ditched everything within a month. Writing it off as "it's not doing shit for me". Maybe I could be like Taurus, he's the guy who wrote the cycle log on Anavar and din't see anything for 6 weeks. Yet he stuck it out and ran it for about 11 weeks and saw decent gains when it kicked in. Maybe you wanna read that thread and then give me your opinion?

    Thanks SkullSmasher, this almost feels like we are PM'ing each other =-)

    Anavar is 17aa and does not convert to DHT or aromatize.

    Yea Im tryin to help ya but not much I can do besides suggest.

    I wouldnt give up after 1 month so easily. It takes me 5-6 weeks to feel long esters it seems.

  18. #18
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea 5-6 weeks for long esters isn't completely off the wall. But for an oral steroid with no ester that supposedly starts working right away 5-6 weeks sound kind of excessive dosent it.
    Skull 1 month from now will make it 2 months I have been taking var. I think after 8 weeks if I don't see anything it would suffice to say I'm not gonna respond to the shit.
    G child the gear was legit. I even made the fina myself from cartidges and an Animal kit. It really sucks that I can't gain off of this stuff. I never gain really well in general. I just figured if I used AS at least I could attempt to gain what my genetically superior friends gain naturally.

  19. #19
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I would really try to eat more or add injectables but at 2 months and nothing yea, I wouldnt run it alone again.

  20. #20
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea not alone. I think if it dosen't work alone for me then I will do it one more time with 600mg primo weekly. Hopefully that will produce some results.

    I had a chick who is a nurse and has plenty of juicer friends tell me that if I add an injectable it would make the Anavar kick in quicker. Didn't make any sense to me, but is there truth to that statement?

    Anyways yea my first real cycle is turning out to be a bummer

  21. #21
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    That doesnt make sense to me what the nurse said.

    Sounds like yer being too cautious with aas IMO. Fuk it, get some tren in there or deca with some masteron or winstrol . I mena if yer gonna do em, then fuk it, do it "right". NOt to say you are completely doing it wrong but injecting is the way to go. Mayeb Im being reckless though....

  22. #22
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think you're being overly wreckless. I'm just playing it real safe . I was just curious to see how much I would gain off of the milder stuff first. I wanted to save the realy heavy androgens for when I'm jacked like 250+. They would be my secret weapon to get me to the next level.
    How true do you think it is when people say that the guys with good genes make huge gains off of roids and the ones with lesser genes get less? I mean it's like steroids just widen the gap alot more huh. Kinda like the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer?

  23. #23
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    I don't think you're being overly wreckless. I'm just playing it real safe . I was just curious to see how much I would gain off of the milder stuff first. I wanted to save the realy heavy androgens for when I'm jacked like 250+. They would be my secret weapon to get me to the next level.
    How true do you think it is when people say that the guys with good genes make huge gains off of roids and the ones with lesser genes get less? I mean it's like steroids just widen the gap alot more huh. Kinda like the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer?

    I defeintely think everyone reacts differently to them.

    So you plan on being 250+ before things like tren etc ? Dont get cocky now lol.

  24. #24
    Tommy Boy's Avatar
    Tommy Boy is offline Junior Member
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    In a cage.

    Talking Why don't you two get a room !....LOL

    The var is not working. ****ing shoot some TEST, DECA , EQ or TREN my fren.

  25. #25
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea maybe 250 ain't happening before the big ones eh. Shit I heard var/primo was a good stack though. Maybe I could add in a therapuetic dose of 200mg test E weekly.
    What do ya think of this;
    Weeks 1-8 Var 60mg ED
    Weeks 1-10 Primo 800mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 Test E 200mg/week

    I'm not saying I'm gonna do this right away. Just a thought.

    Right now I think I have to wait a bit more. Maybe those other capsules I made were severely underdosed. So I've been on a legitimate dose of Var for about 4 days now.
    I'm going to be real objective, I AM seeing a slight increased pump. I'm sure this is from Var. But the way it happened with my bro is that he saw a slight increase pump one day, and then within another 2 days his pumps were getting real intense. Also when the intense pumps came so did some new strength. So I'm going to play the waiting game for another month. If this shit don't work, I'm gonna do my PCT anyways then wait for an extra month. After that I will probably hit up that cycle above.

  26. #26
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    bumpity bump

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