Can anyone please shed some light on teh effectiveness of Ephedrine as well as the potential side effects. Thanks
Can anyone please shed some light on teh effectiveness of Ephedrine as well as the potential side effects. Thanks
Ephedrine(25mg) works pretty well if combined with 300mg Aspirin and 200mg caffein. It is the cheapest and one of the most effective fat burner on the world. Dont buy expensive hydroxycut or xenadrine, just a vaste of money. I take 3 times daily 30 min prior meals on work-out days only.
There is no permanent side effects but you get shaky hands, rapid heart beats, sometimes heartburns, higher blood pressure and lack of appetite which is welcomed during diet.
I take 2 weeks ECA and 2 weeks Clen so my body cant get used to them.
yeah no side effects except droppping dead! just don't go over the dosage on ephidrene... and if you have any problems with your health.. don't take it.
Don't try to freak ppl out like that please, you sound like the media. If used CORRECTLY it's effective and safe. As outlined above. You may notice your postate swells a bit, harder to pee, but goes away when you stop taking it.diesel21 yeah no side effects except droppping dead! just don't go over the dosage on ephidrene... and if you have any problems with your health.. don't take it.
Just a note from my experience and what others have told me. Once you start taking this stuff many people make it a habbit and don't stop, or try to stop and can't. I have been taking it just before workouts for alomost a year so the doseage is just once a day at 200mg caffiene and 25 mg effedrine. Only 1/3 of what people take if they follow the directions for fat loss. Well I am having a hard time stopping, it has become a habbit that I have to take it before I workout. I just let my last bottle run out and have had a couple of workouts without it. I know a few people that can't seem to stop, I am hoping to not use it any more.
I have a friend who lost about 30 lbs on this stuff a few years ago, now she looks much better and guys are falling all over her. She can't stop using it, and takes it every where with her, she is afraid that if she stops the weight will go back on and it has become a habit for her.
I never expereinced any side effects while on it just that I got addicted to taking it. Please keep that in mind and also if you do use it, gradually increase dosages so you can see how it reacts with you so you can quit if you have some sort of negative reaction. Never go over the recommended amounts.
Plain and simple, if you are prone to high blood pressure or have heart problems stay away!
my fat friends take it and then sit on the couch
then they think about going to the gym
then they drink until they pass out
its sad...i need new friends haha
Why take it before meals? i usaully take it a half hour before i cardio, i sweat like a prostitute in a confessional when i take it that way!
I have been taking it only one before workouts. the only problem with it is, if you take it too long your body will not feel it. the result would be to take more. that is what happened to me, I left alone for about 3 months and i didn't gain any fat. you don't have to worry about it, just get off for a while. it will be difficult to work out with out having that boost but, try think out something, listening to music, anythig to get you excited. give it a break. when you begin taking it again your energy level will be unbeleivable. i promise
Soo if i understand, let say i weight 200 lbs.. i take 25mg of effedrea and ill be safe, and i should cycle it let say 2 week on... 1 week off so that my body will keep feeling it..
If i buy let say xenadrine efx (canada only has efx) and mix it with 25mg i wont drop dead huh?![]()
Well, this has certainly been a topic that I see a ton of threads about.
First of all I want to agree with SilverFox on how we approach discussing this drug. It sounds very "media" when you say things like it will make you drop dead. Yes, if used incorrectly and abused, it can lead to potential strokes, loss of conciousness, and even death. Hell, so can just about anything else in the world if you abuse it.
If taken according to the recommendations it can be a safe and very effective aid in cutting bodyfat levels and increasing energy levels for many reasons.
I would also like to point out the fact that it is "Highly Addictive" if you abuse it. Your body becomes dependent on the caffeine and ephedrine and when you stop using it after lengthy periods, you will feel very lethargic and unmotivated. It can even cause depression in some individuals who are prone. A good rule is to cycle its use for two weeks on and two weeks off when you are dieting. After your dieting phase it is always a good idea to stop using the product altogether for a few months. This will help decrease the physical and phsychological dependancy you may have started to develop.
Many people take it prior to meals because this combination acts as a strong appetite suppressant.
Some general rules to follow when taking ephedrine based products are:
1.) DO NOT exceed the recommended dosage. Generaly 100 mgs per 24 hour period is the absolute limit.
2.) If you are taking any other meds that contain pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine do not take these products. These are the common ingredients in cold and allergy medications.
3.) Keep your body hydrated. Ephedrine has diuretic effects and can lead to dehydration especially during intense workouts.
4.) Listen to your body!! If you are experiencing nausea, headaches, or nosebleeds, stop taking the product immediately. I recommend to people that they also keep a close eye on their bloodpressure while on as well. Some are prone to high bp and this can increase the resting bp to dangerous levels.
This drug is very effective, but it can also be dangerous if you do not use it sensibly. I hope this sheds some light and helps a little. There is so much that can be written about this drug it is difficult to summarize in a few short paragraphs.
Doc M
2 years ago, I went from 230lbs down to 196lbs. Strict diet, low carbs for 3 months....and with that 9 Hydroxycuts a day. I worked out hard and did approximately 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I was absolutely shredded with striations all over my upper body. It was the first time I had abs!
After three months, I maintained my workout and eating habits and stopped the Hydroxy's.....and my abs went away. It helps speed up the process, but by no means should you get addicted to this stuff and most importantly, don't go over the recommended dosage!
Good luck, and be smart about it!
Tanksta : and my abs went away...
this suck.. So in no way you can keep ur abs without xenadrine...
Did you start overeating or something?
Aguro - No, I did not over eat at all. I kept the same workout routine and the same diet. The abs lasted for about 3 weeks, post Hydroxycut cycle but then it looked like some water wait came back and covered my short lived abs. I could still feel them underneath, but they were no longer visible.
It sucked, especially after all that hard work. But I guess my genetics could not support it without the help of supplements.
I have a guys say 25 mg of say like thermal cuts from sci fit and old hydroxy cut and what not has 335mg of mahuang.... is it similiar? same? less? I am curious. do you need pure effedrine to stack? or can you use mahaung/ guarana extract/white willow supps to stack with also?
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